You usually realize the "why" when it's the "after"

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January 12th 2007
Published: January 12th 2007
Edit Blog Post's time for a serious blog...a little more about reflection and being a traveler.

I met a great person down in the Dirty, a type of foreigner, besides the ones that I already have, that I didn't think exisited, but she became one of my closest friends over the last few months, but sadly, she is departing to Thailand to lay on the beach, eat banana pancakes, swing in hammocks, and enjoy life...(which Rach and I will be joining her to do so in a couple of weeks)....anyways....I think of this quote:

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.-- Anonymous

Jodi was one of those people who came into my life so quickly. I think it is the fastest/quickest time I have met/said good-bye to someone before. (And I can only imagine what its going to be like to say bye to my crew in July) We had quite an exiciting two months...a lot of "Is this really our lives" and "Are you kidding me?" Let me just give you a few of my favorites:

1. the guy at Starbucks who pretty much said we were fat because we bought the cheesecake instead of the lemon tart.
2. my almost explosion of the green goblin while on route to the night markets
3. our many trips to get food...most of the time failing...because they were closed or outta our favorites such as shrimp cakes

A lot of good laughs, a lot of good talks...especially one that still sticks out in my mind....."You never really discover why and what exactly you are doing and the purpose of that you are doing, until it is after and you think back and say...ahh i get it now." For example...I think back to Germany to one of the best months of my life. I met some incredible people, some incredible kids...but I also was like "What am I doing"....wellfor one---hello duhh I was supposed to go to the Olympics--haha but no really, I was there to some what make an impact, meet new faces....I can still remember after leaving receiving a card in the mail from one of my kids' families that said "Mary when knew you were pretty special when Abby (who was in pre-k) would come home singing "M is for Mary""...well back then I didn't think they were learning anything from me--too many blank stares--too many screams haha. As I also look back to past relationships I have always learn from the "after" the mistakes you made before that you swear to yourself you won't do again (tho that doesnt always work)--But as I go on and travel, I am starting to realize that you meet a lot of people who make such an impression on your life- they come and go, you learn a lot of things about yourself and the areas around you, but a lot of times not until the "after." I have realized, though I am not gone yet, that being in Taiwan ..I can stop and think-enjoy myself-reflect--which I have had a lot of time to do, helping to better myself. The lifestyle is so simple, where as back home it seemed like "go go go go go." In every "after" every person I meet makes an impact in my life, whether it was their laugh that is unforgettable, something they said, or they did.....they leave with a special place in my heart.

ON A GET CRAZY NOTE...Mike and Rach headed down last wekeend to the Dirty for a little going away party...and you better believe we rocked it.............................
PSS. Only two more weeks and I am off to Thailand, Cambodia, Maylasia, and Kuhla Lampur!!!!!!!

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12th January 2007

Teacher from your past
Hey Mary, Mr. B. sent me your mail. I think you will better recognize my name as "Smellgood Schlueter" from fourth grade. It sounds like your having a blast in life. Enjoy!!
13th January 2007

Nice way of looking at things. Deep!

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