Blogs from Boracay, Philippines, Asia - page 13


Asia » Philippines » Boracay February 28th 2008

Arriving at Manila airport, a quick intro from the hotel and then a short transfer through the city. So nice to have everything arranged (thanks Marrem!), just sit back and watch the madness! The others were due to arrive from the UK that evening so we just enjoyed the cloudy but hot weather for the afternoon. The following evening we were all invited to the Claveria welcome party all treated like local celebrities. Given the free barrel of San Miguel beer on offer, the night went pretty much downhill from there. Balut delicacy followed for those with tough stomachs (much to the family entertainment) and then to a club where the band played all the english tunes they knew. Found a new beer, Red Horse, really nice and light only to find out a couple of ... read more
When we all still made sense!
Bulabog Beach
White Beach

Asia » Philippines » Boracay February 9th 2008

This February, Larry and I were very lucky to get a week off from work due to the big Korean holiday: "Seol-nal," otherwise known as the Solar New Year (or Chinese New Year). Excited to get away for a little rest and relaxation, especially after the extremely busy month we had at the academy where we work, we decided to check out an island in the Philippines just south of Manila - Boracay. Well, needless to say, this very Westernized island had all the ingredients necessary for a perfect vacation...including great weather, delicious food, massages on the beach, and a perfect beach resort where we stayed for our 6 day holiday. In case you have not yet had the experience of traveling to an island outside of the N. American region, let me just start off ... read more
Flying from Manila to Kalibo
Ready for our 2 hour bus ride
Great photo op!

Asia » Philippines » Boracay January 8th 2008

Boracay - the most amazing water I have ever seen. The sand powder fine and the water aqua blue and you can see every detail below even with the water at neck length. Just amazing. Everyone gets around in these makeshift motor bikes things - not sure the name. Will post the pictures tomorrow (out of camera battery at the moment). There are tons of these so when on the road the exhaust is terrible - worst than Bangkok!!! Apparently the language spoken here is taglish? But we went to "d'mall" and "don't park in d'driveway" on your way to "d'market". Ha ha. We did a lot of lounging around the beach here during the day, some massages in a tree house, and found a great Italian place on the beach with a good wine list ... read more
White Beach

Asia » Philippines » Boracay January 7th 2008

Asia » Philippines » Boracay December 30th 2007

Scorching hot days, wet monsoon days entertained us upon paradise. People here to holiday in unique tranquility. Bars, restaurants, shops, massages, water sports, something for everyone, if only it was closer to home, we’d be here all the time! However maybe that’s a good thing. Christmas time meant accommodation prices were almost doubled, so backpacker’s budget meant cold showers and a fan room (i.e. no hot water or air-con). Unfortunately we reserved our room and paid a deposit, so we couldn’t move to a swimming pool hotel for less money. We discovered that there were more hotel rooms than flight seats! Days were spent on the soft white sandy beaches, swimming, kayaking, sailing, snorkeling, shopping, cycling and drinking freshly squeezed fruit juices and freshly BBQ fish. Generally we were turning browner and browner, slowly toasting both ... read more
Fresh fish and seafood
Fresh mango, ready sliced as you buy!
View of the beach from a kayak.

Asia » Philippines » Boracay December 26th 2007

Mine and Justine's next destination was an island in the far north of Palawan. But getting there wasn't straighforward. There were two cargo ships a week, but the timings weren't suitable. Hiring a fishing boat was also out of the question because it was an 8-hour journey over open seas. We eventually found a private company that sailed a 40-person boat every Friday. Once again, this boat left at the magical time of 7am. The boat looked fairly seaworthy, which is always a good sign when venturing into rough seas. But when they fired up the engine, thick black smoke started pouring out of the engine room. Their initial solution was closing the door to stop the smoke from escaping. Then another more capable crew member came to the resuce with a kettle of water, which ... read more
Lifeboat Recovery
White Beach
Boracay Sunset

Asia » Philippines » Boracay December 15th 2007

Day 12 Roger, Maryann & me went for a walk along the beach to Station 1. We reached the end of the beach, then we found a path that led around the hill. At one part the path is narrow, so there is a guide rope. Around the hill, there was another small beach & we reached the end. There was also an unusual rock formation, shaped a bit like a tree. We had a big buffet style breakfast (again) & went for a swim at the beach. While at the beach, there was much negotiation with a local ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Boracay December 14th 2007

Day 11 Woke up & went straight away to the Beach for a walk-was amazed how beautiful it was, the sand is basically pure white. I walked up to a Rocky outcrop towards Station 1, then returned to the Hotel for breakfast. Breakfast was buffet style, with so many choices-no chance of starving ! After breakfast we had a wander around the beach front shops & D'Mall where we met Eleanor & Pat having breakfast. After they finished their breakfast, we went to have... read more

Asia » Philippines » Boracay December 13th 2007

Day 10 Had a swim before breakfast, then we did some group picture taking in the Somerset Salcedo. Then with Ronald & family we rode a Jeepney to Landmark (more shops !). Around 12:30 we left to go to the Domestic Airport. At the airport, the traffic was chaotic, inside the terminal not much better. The Domestic is actually quite small-just the size of a big hall. The departure lounge is a common area for all flights. When you go through security, you also need to pay a departure Tax. Our flight was supposed to leave at 3:00 pm, however, it did not leave until after... read more

Asia » Philippines » Boracay December 2nd 2007

Apres de longs mois de labeur, et avant que Flo ne se lance dans son nouveau taf, nous nous sommes octroyes une petite semaine de plaisir fin Novembre: destination Boracay aux Philippines ! L'idee est simple, c'est une petite ile d'une dizaine de kms sur 1 ou 2, d'un cote c'est superbe plage de sable blanc et de cocotiers nommee "White Beach", et de l'autre un magnifique lagon protege des vagues, mais bien expose au vent nommee "Bolabog beach", donc... genial pour la planche et le kite surf !!! On vous epargne les photos des 3 premies jours un peu galere a tourner en rond... la faute au typhon pas tres loin qui a tout deregle !!! Resultat, la belle plage paradisiaque est ultra ventee, attaquee par de bonnes vagues, et les restos de bord de ... read more
le Tricycle
Bungalow dans la roche
Chambre du Baling'hai

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