Blogs from Annapurna, Nepal, Asia - page 38


Asia » Nepal » Annapurna October 31st 2007 (todo en nuestra pagina web) TREKKING: CIRCUITO DE LOS ANNAPURNAS - TILICHO LAKE - ANNAPURNA SANCTUARY (del 31/10 al 19/11, a.i.) TOTAL: 300 km en 20 dias, con un desnivel acumulado aproximado de 13.000m de subida y 13.000m de bajada. Recomendamos el mapa cartografico de bolsillo "Trek Around Annapurna", escala 1:16000 (100R) y el libro "Trekking in the Annapurna Region by Bryn Thomas" (1.200R), con planning y mapas de 38 rutas e informacion sobre Nepal, Kathmandu y Pokhara. Por la mañana cogimos un taxi a la estacion de autobuses (100R) y a las 6:30h salimos. A las 11:15h llegamos a Besisahar y nos registramos en el Police check post del ACAP (Annapurna Conservation Area Project). Allí cogimos otro bus hasta Bhulebhule (50R/p, 9km, 1h) en el que fuimos montados en el techo. El bus va ... read more
Terrazas de arroz
Hay numerosas cascadas a lo largo del trekking
Pequena poza de agua termal

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna October 31st 2007

It didn't take long to bump into the Maoists. Minutes after starting out on the first morning, there they were, waving their big, red flag and trying to collect money. I say trying, because they didn't always succeed. On the earlier trek, I had walked right through a similar Maoist "check-point," refusing to stop and give them my money. I heard they were collecting 100 rupees (though I have since read in the newspaper that they were trying to get as much as 2,500 rupees from American trekkers), which is only a buck or two in U.S. dollars. So it wasn't the money -- it was the point. I had already paid the "real" officials for a trekking permit, and I wasn't about to pay another fee just for the right to walk on those trails. ... read more
Marigolds everywhere

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna October 30th 2007

It started before I even left Pokhara. Walking into the Internet cafe for one last check of the e-mail, wearing my trekking clothes and lugging by backpack and hiking poles, I was asked: "You are going trekking today? No porter? No guide?" It would be the first of maybe a hundred times I was asked that question. In the first five minutes of the hike, climbing up the very first hill: "No porter? No guide? I am guide..." Coming into the first village, I was again offered the services of a porter/guide. I heard the same thing, over and over, every day, several times a day, right up until the very end, the taxi ride back to Pokhara. Some offered their porter services (on day six, a porter who had just dropped off a load of ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna October 26th 2007

We returned from our trek yesterday. It was a great experience defnitively the hardest physical thing I have ever done and more challenging for Gus this time around. We went from Pokhara to Jomson and flew back to Poke. It took us 7 days which was a pretty intense pace but worth it as we now have some time to go to Chitwan National Park. We will be there for 3 days and then are flying into Varanasi, India. Thinking of you all! xox Gus and Nadj ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna October 26th 2007

I just spent the whole day hiking down hill. Down and down and down and down and down...I thought it would never end. But before we set off down hill, we had one last hill to climb up -- the famous Poon Hill. Not only is it part of the Annapurna Circuit trek we were just finishing up, and part of the Annapurna Sanctuary trek I was thinking about doing next, but Poon Hill is also a destination in its own right. Many hikers make the climb up here just for this one view, then hike back down again. So we couldn't pass by here without going the last 1,000 feet up to the top. Everyone else headed up to see the sunrise, but not us. We're not early risers. Nor was I in any rush ... read more
Hanging prayer flags
Will it ever end?
Yea! We did it!

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna October 25th 2007

I read somewhere not sure where now that many Westerners turn to Buddhism after trekking in the Himalayas because the vastness of the mountain ranges gives the trekkers some sense of vastness of there own minds. As I had already done the Buddhist Meditation retreat I maybe had an idea of the expanse that is our mind but nothing really prepared me for the landscape that encountered whilst doing the Jomson Trek. Doing a trek like this really challenges you on both a physical and mental level but let me first start by giving you a better idea of the kind of person I am when it comes to walking. Yes I love the countryside and in England I will go for the odd short walk in the flat landscape around where I live. And I ... read more
Mountain Ranges
Goats off to the Market for Dasain
Going Up!

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna October 25th 2007

I just spent the whole day hiking up hill. Up and up and up and up and up...I thought it would never end! It was a 5,000-foot climb. 5,000 feet is a lot, which is why most other people took two days to do it. We pushed to do it in one. I'm pretty sure it's the largest one-day climb I've ever done. It was hard, and unrelenting, just up and up all day. But it was also one of the nicer hikes we'd had in a while. The trail made its way through real villages, not just way stations filled with nothing but lodges and restaurants. As I climbed, I watched women at work in the fields, harvesting their rice, and children at play in the villages. Some had a makeshift basketball net set up, ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna October 24th 2007

Ah, finally, a day off! And it was well spent, first by doing laundry by hand for two or three hours, then by hitting the hot springs. Sim and Claire weren't that into it, so I trotted down there alone, a new book from the village's bookstore (actually the book Sim bought, Tuesdays with Morrie) in hand. I ordered a cold beer and got ready to dive in. Though it was actually more like creep in, not dive. The water was hot enough to make trekker soup! Half a beer later, and I was all the way in, relaxing and chatting with some of the other trekkers. By the time I was done, two hours and two beers later, I felt pretty good. The blisters on my feet from all the downhills a few days ago ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna October 23rd 2007

Yes, there is a four letter word that starts with R: road. By now, we had learned about the road. They are building it pretty much all the way around the Annapurna circuit trek, with the exception of the Thorung La pass. It is not without controversy. Now, I don't begrudge them wanting to build a road. It will bring better goods and services to the villages. But it will also bring pollution. The worst part is how they're doing it: they're putting the trek right on the road. In some cases the trek has been re-routed onto the road, in others, the road has been built right over the old footpath. And the road is ugly. Even without traffic, the road just bites. It can also be dangerous. The scariest spot on the entire 17-day ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna October 22nd 2007

...DER Trek in Nepal... Der Annapurna Trek soll der schoenste Trek in Nepal sein, da er durch verschiedene Vegetations- und Klimazonen fuehrt. Er startet bei 880 m und es geht hinauf auf den Thorung La Pass bis auf 5416m. Dabei kommt man durch typisch nepalesische Doerfer, ist umgeben von ca 10 Bergen ueber 7500m und landet schliesslich im tibetanischen Hochland. Der ganze Trek dauert 16-21 Tage und waehrend 10 Tagen gibt es weder nervende Autos noch Motorraeder. Das ist echt unvorstellbar - ueber 15 Tage Wandern... wir sind bisher wohl nie mehr als 2-3 Tage am Stueck gewandert... Um das ganze nicht zu sehr zu uebertreiben, hatten wir uns entschlossen zumindest einen Porter anzuheuern, der einen Rucksack nimmt (den groessten natuerlich!!!). Mohann, unser treuer Begleiter ueber die naechsten Tage, sprach sorgar Englisch und hatte hoffentlich auch ... read more
kitsch pur
Zusammen mit den Mulis
Eine Stupa auf dem Weg

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