Blogs from Tokyo, Japan, Asia - page 223


Asia » Japan » Tokyo September 9th 2006

---ooo--- English below ---ooo--- Ohayo gozaimass! Nous voila plein en forme pour une nuovelle journée... Shibuya-Asakusa est notre premiere destination de la journée! Apres avoir mangé un petit dejeuner dans un espece de Macdo... nous sommes allés nous promener dans le parc de Miji Jingu Shrine. Ce parc est reputé pour le bapteme des enfants et les photos de mariage... Tres prisé, il faut reserver des mois a l'avance et les rituels commencent a 7h du matin. L'entrée est signifiée par un arc en Cyprés de plus de 1,700 ans en provenance de Taiwan... Apres les rues tres mouvementées de Akhiabara, c'est dans un endroit plein de traditions qu'on va faire notre entrée ... Apres quelques pas, une enorme structure avec pleins de "tambourins" les uns a coté des autres attire notre attention. Nous n'avons ... read more
Arc en Cypres de 1700 ans
Des prieres buddhistes?

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Shinjuku September 9th 2006

La primera vez que fui a Shinjuku, me volví un poco loca sacando fotos, porque? no se, no esta lejos, no se va a mover, sigo yendo regularmente (y me sigue impresionando cada vez); lo que pasa es que esto es "imagen mental de Tokio", inmediatamente se te aparecen los edificios, las luces, las masa de gente, etc. Bueno, vean mejor a lo que me refiero. Es así, pero mas. Debo confesar que por accidente parece que borre todas mis fotos de Shinjuku, estas fueron sacadas hace unas tres semanas. ... read more
aqui la farsa es revelada, es invierno
y mas luces

Asia » Japan » Tokyo September 8th 2006

Hey Everyone, Well, as you all know I'll be home in a week. I'm getting really excited but the past few days have been soooo hard. I had to say "Good Bye" to all the other Ariels on Thursday and working with a bunch of strangers has been tough too. I was really excited to extend my contract but it hasn't been as much fun as I imagined. Watching everyone else leave made me wish I was leaving with them. But as I said before extending is a great oppertunity and an extra week to do the small things I need to do before I go home is nice. On Sunday, my stage manager Mori San is taking me to Fuji-Q Highland. I'm not sure if you remember but during my theaters rehabilitation week I was ... read more
Sayonara Party!
Sayonara Party!
Sayonara Party!

Asia » Japan » Tokyo September 8th 2006

Trajet Dublin-Tokyo VoyagesVoyages ---ooo--- English below ---ooo--- Ohayo gozaimass! Apres 11h de vols sur Airfrance, avec un menu tres nippon, nous voila' a Narita, l'aeroport de Tokyo!!!! Dans le folklore japonais d’aujourd’hui, les anciennes courtisanes, les geisha, et les maîtres de guerre, les samouraï, côtoient les héros des mangas et les derniers prototypes de robots de chez Sony. On espere vous retransmettre ceci par nos photos....... On est arrivés a 6:30 du matin....un peu tot c'est vrai! Mais ainsi on pourra profiter de la journee et ne pas rater une seul rue qui est prete a nous delivrer ces secrets... Il fait plus ou moins 25D, eh oui, une chaleur ecrasante de bon matin... L'humidité doit a etre plus ou moins a 90%...Le lunette de Mehdi se couvrent de buée et pas facil... read more
Metro de Tokyo. Je disais tres clair...
De plus pres
Un petit nippon quifait dodo

Asia » Japan » Tokyo September 7th 2006

It has been some time since my previous post. So what has captured me? What have I been so thoroughly engrossed with that I cannot even try to entertain my friends with stories of tomfoolery? Well, the embarrassing truth is that nothing has been happening. I've said it before, but it has been especially true of the last month - whatever has occupied my time, there are few stand-out events. I watch a lot of TV, and have accordingly improved at listening in Japanese while maintaining a pretty shoddy level of speaking - but, hey the shows are worth it. I've become better at my job: we've since switched animals a couple of times in search of better brains, and I've become surprisingly adept at discerning anatomy in a short time frame. My sensei hands me ... read more
View From Max's Balcony
Harajuku Girls
Imperial Palace

Asia » Japan » Tokyo September 5th 2006

Hi all, this is officially our LAST blog from Japan!! This blog is about our last, very special couple of days in Japan...our "Sayonara Parties!" Larry's party took place at a restaurant called DOMO DOMO after his last day of work. Here, it was all-you-could-drink for 2 hours for only 1,000 yen (about $10)!! However, the service was so sloooow, we started ordering like 3 drinks at a time just to get our money's worth! Regardless though, Larry's entire staff was there and we all had a great time together. My party took place at the local Planet Hollywood the night before my cast began to all go their separate ways. Here, we had rented out our own room in the back - complete with a DJ, food & drinks, and even a cast slideshow ... read more
My boss (Barnaby) hard at work
Yoko A  &  Yoko B
Saying goodye to my friends at Nova

Asia » Japan » Tokyo September 5th 2006

E' giunto il momento di raccontarvi l'avventura ospedaliera. La settimana scorsa, come ho già accennato, Diana ha avuto un attacco di orticaria. A pranzo avevamo mangiato "gyoza" e lei anche calamari, e probabilmente sono stati i calamari, ma chissà... Comunque è iniziata subito dopo pranzo e alla sera si era diffusa su quasi tutto il corpo. Visto che non le era mai successo, era comprensibilmente un po' spaventata; a un certo punto della serata mi ha detto via messenger (sì, comunichiamo via messenger da una stanza all'altra, visto che lei è al 9° piano e io al 5° :)) che contava di andare alla reception per chiedere dov'è la farmacia di turno più vicina e andare a chiedere aiuto, e naturalmente mi sono offerta di accompagnarla. Purtroppo, come ho già accennato, pare che non ci siano ... read more
la vostra affezionatissima
la vostra affezionatissima 2

Asia » Japan » Tokyo September 5th 2006

After a sad send send off from our entourage of Winn, Moz, Chris, Lynne, Trev and late 90s rap sensation Coolio - i kid you not - we left Heathrow and the UK for the next 10months and touched down at destination number one Tokyo. What a place!! we had read many opinions so were keen just to take it all in so after a short nap we headed out to Yoyogi Park, the sunday hang out for all the Harajuku Girls and costume gangs. Basically this is where all the youths from the boring suburbs head for every weekend all dressed up as Punks, Goths or Little Bo Beep - cute but also disturbing - Our highlight was the gang of Rockabillies going mental to their music all looking like bad Japanese Elvis impersinators. This ... read more
Yoyogi Park Rock a Billies
Namja Town, Ikebukuru
Tokyo fish market

Asia » Japan » Tokyo September 5th 2006

Hooray we arrived! We arrived in Tokyo on Saturday after a long but very nice flight, haven't been able to sleep for more than four hours a night since but neither can anyone else in the hostel so at least there is someone to talk to at 4am! The hostel rocks, is on the 18th floor of an office block with great views and has a communal bath - not sure us Brits are brave enough for that, but its cool nonetheless. We started our first day in Shinjuku, the hub of central Tokyo, getting lost in crowds of people and realised it actually quite difficult to get a Japanese meal in Japan. There seem to be an awful lot of coffee shops with a French theme ('Beret Cafe' for example!). God knows why!? And God ... read more
James on Bridge
Joanna on Bridge
Temple Gate

Asia » Japan » Tokyo September 4th 2006

Hi Andrew and Kimberley!! As you requested, here are pics of our room. The Guesthouse is actually super awesome and clean. There is a little kitchen where you can cook food if you buy stuff, a fridge, a big tv (which as I mentioned earlier was playing Laguna Beach when we arrived), lots of Lonely Planet guides from different countries, and free wifi internet! The beds are very comfy, me and Dev are actually sharing the bottom bunk and we used the top bunk to pile all our stuff on. The shower has the best water pressure we've ever experienced, very hard and strong but it doesn't hurt your body at all! If you are ever in Tokyo please give the Khaosan Tokyo Smile a try. Very affordable too! Cheers!! We miss you guys. And no, ... read more
Not much space!
Best Guesthouse Ever!

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