Blogs from Hiroshima, Japan, Asia - page 16


Asia » Japan » Hiroshima » Hiroshima June 16th 2010

After getting off of the Cargo ship ferry adventure, Brad and I headed for some history in Hiroshima. We walked around Peace park to see the A bomb dome, Peace Bell and the memorial for all of the children who died. We took a moment to ring the bell for peace and then went to the Hiroshima museum and walked around reading the story of Hiroshima and looking at paintings people made depicting some of the horrible things that happened. Overall a very sad thing to have happened, it was pretty surreal to be standing on the very spot that was once in ruins. The positive thing is that the city is now thriving and there are many new generations of kids coming to the park with donations of paper cranes to leave behind. Tomorrow our ... read more
Peace park
Ringing Peace Bell
Peace Bell

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima » Hiroshima April 28th 2010

You all know the history of this city. We arrived at night and went to see the memorial park before going to our hotels. We saw the ruined building called the ‘dome’ which is the point directly below the nuclear explosion. Since the blast was directly above this building it somehow survived and is still standing today, although all the people inside died immediately during the explosion. It was an eerie feeling standing at the exact spot where the nuclear bomb was dropped. Very sad. The current Hiroshima is a booming modern city. It has come a long way since the world war. On our second day, with the encouraging of Tim, our photographer friend, we woke up early and headed out to a nearby island to watch the sun rise and light the temple gate ... read more
Photo 6
Hiroshima's Famous Temple Gate lite by the sun's first rays
View from the Temple on the Island

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima » Hiroshima April 11th 2010

Today I visited Hiroshima, a city that manufactures Mazda cars, has one of the world's best symphony orchestras and some of the best sports teams in Japan. But Hiroshima is also a city which is only known in the west for being the first place in the world to suffer an atomic bomb when one was detonated 600m above the city at 8:15am on the 6 August 1945. During World War II Hiroshima was the main base for Japanese troops and as a result there was a huge need for military housing and buildings. There were no men in the area available to demolish buildings and use the materials to build new ones, so instead, by 1945, the city was full of children at 'work camps' - doing heavy work on building sites from around 6 ... read more
Shin-chan's tricycle
Shin-chan with his older sister
Children's memorial

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima March 26th 2010

On the first part of our trip we went to Hiroshima, Miyajima and later Kuyshu. We had both bought a Japan Railway Pass which is certainly well worth considering if you are planning to travel independently in Japan. Furthermore, train travel in Japan is a fantastic experience - the trains are always on time and you can sit there comfortably while travelling 2-300 km per hour. First stop, Hiroshima is a lovely and dynamic city but as most people know it has not always been so. Hiroshima was the target of the first atomic bomb world ever saw with total destruction as a result. Exactly how many people died will never be known. The decision to keep the ruins of the old exhibition building standing after the war was over was probably a controversial one but ... read more
Hiroshima tranes
The Miyajima Torii
Itsukushima Shrine

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima » Hiroshima December 30th 2009

my new work はっきりいって、見た目よりかなり時間と疲労を伴いますが、転院にあたりここでお世話になった人に、感謝の気持ちを、描いてみました。 ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima December 24th 2009

Marry X'mas! this is my works. I paint by my left hand. it is new things for me. but I tired very quick. 理学の代理でよくしてくれる先生が、結婚すると聞き、作業の先生がステンシルに挑戦してみませんか?っということで、やってみたら以外に上手くできちゃいました。中の写真はその新婚さんです。でも、私の左手、事故当初からは、だいぶ動くようになったとわいえ、握力7キロ、肘や肩、腕の筋肉はまだまだ。これ描くのに、息切れしながら、ヘトヘト。。。でも、実は下書きや、道具の準備かたずけは、手伝ってもらいました。 ... read more
my works #2

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima » Hiroshima December 23rd 2009

walking. look the video. 装具をつけ4点杖で病棟を歩いてます。ちょっと右半身が遅れ気味?左の青いVideoをクリックしたら見れます! ちなみにこの足に付ける装具ですが、長嶋監督と同じらしい、色はもちろんジャイアンツカラーの黒にオレンジとか。。。... read more

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima » Hiroshima December 18th 2009

Today, we had the first snow here in this season. I am a little bit exciting. I had not seen the snow in Japan for long time. I never walked outside of this hospital. I took a walk once a week with whole chair. I am start practicing with single point cane. ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima » Hiroshima December 12th 2009

again by shinkansen we travelled from kyoto station to Hiroshima, about two hours. we walked to the Peace Memorial Park and visited the impressive museums in silence in the early afternoon we took a local train to the island of Miyajima and saw the famous red floating Tori and the island temples. we were lucky since we saw a shintoist religious cerimony with monks playing traditional instruments and dancing on the platform in front of the tori.... read more

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima » Hiroshima December 5th 2009

In this Hospital 広島市総合リハビリテーションセンター!出来てから1-2年のかなり新しい病院です。回復期病棟っといって、リハビリに一日最大3時間みっちりリハの先生が一対一でついてくれ、二連休以上はなく 贅沢でした。 そして、同室の人と仲良くなり、彼女をきっかけに同じ様な年代で夕食後、話したり、ゲームをしたり、テレビを見たり、お菓子を食べたりと入院生活が徐々に楽しくなっていきました。でも、またその中から少しずつ退院して行き、各自の家族と生活に戻っていくので。。。喜ばしい事なのに、残る側としてわ、寂しく、又いつ会えるかと思うと、別れ際には、涙が止まらなくなってました。 ただ、頚椎損傷は少なく、高齢や脳に障害をもっつた人などが多く、脊椎損傷に対する情報に飢えてました。同じ怪我の人はどうなのか、その将来や経過について 色々聞きたい事が聞けなくて、モヤモヤ。親や、その知り合いの話、先生や看護、インターネットや本じゃだめだったんです。そこにくる、車椅子の業者さん(脊椎損傷歴10年以上の先輩)と話していくうちに、なんだか、しんどいのは自分だけじゃない!いろいろな事を納得し、励まされ、まだまだ気長に焦らず自分のペースで諦めずにリハビリに自主トレする事を悟りました。そこからその内自分のやりたい事ややれる事が見えてくるハズ! でもやっぱり、北米でしてたアウトドアな生活(キャンプしながらのロッククライミング)は、恋しくて恋しくて。。。。 ... read more

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