Blogs from Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia - page 22


Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Sumatera Utara January 16th 2011

What is more exciting than addition to re-visit the coastal cities in Indonesia, right? I will never get bored to visit the beach which is always flirting with the quiet sound of waves, wind that makes sleepy all day long and the sunshine. Yes! As a boy who was born in Jayapura, Papua. I was infatuated with a beach. I was lucky, when I was coming home from Sumbawa Besar, I was assigning by the office to go again to Sibolga, Central Tapanuli district in North Sumatra. This time I went with Sukma Kartini and Doni mincuk Fabrianus. Obviously an offer of a lifetime is 100% I received. We flew with the early morning flight, March, 9 2009 to the Polonia airport in Medan, North Sumatra. Why we should use early morning flight? Because we must ... read more
Sukma, Doni and I
Lake Toba
Iwan (left)

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Jambi January 14th 2011

Actually, this trip was unthinkable before. You know, what's in Kerinci in addition to the sleeping volcano and cough all day long? But I did not expect, this journey becomes an exciting adventure. my friend (Elias Widhi) and I was assigned the office to make a documentary about the Kerinci. tell the life of society and how they are friends with nature. to be honest, initially I was not interested. because at that time I was concentrating on making documentary films that are more challenging than just visiting a cinnamon garden which usually grow along the Bukit Barisan. We flew to Padang, West Sumatra on March, 19 2009. We must to use early morning flight, because we will take eight hours of travel from to Sungai Penuh, Kerinci. Having met the driver who picked us up ... read more
Sungai Penuh
Cassiavera Trees

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Berastagi January 13th 2011

When i was 8 there was the school trip to ontario place at the end of the semester... pretty lame in retrospect. What i will never forget is viewing my first IMAX movie in the Cinesphere, The Pacific Ring of Fire. Mountainous volcanoes spewing lava all around tropical islands and filmed from a helicopter; it blew my young sense away and made me want to see these vast wild landscapes. Now we're here and its not quite as titillating as i thought it would be when i was a child but we did climb our first active volcano yesterday and it was beautiful and surreal. A relatively smaller mountain at 2095m above sea level, gunung (mountain) Sibayak was once taller but long ago blew its peak off and is now a wide Caldera with several peaks ... read more
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Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra January 9th 2011

While sitting in a hammock you hear goats under the deck, a gentle lapping of the sea and the shrill screams of an insane local as she beats her dogs and it dawns on you how truly strange a place you are in. The sultry allure of weh warps your perception of time and space as all that you could want or do is within view of your front door. The only difficult things to come by are beer and a reason to ever leave. Unlike the nearly all of asia there are no motor bikes, no "tour guides" trying to sign you up for a jungle trek, and no hassles in general. Usually you have to put up with a big pile of annoyance to be surrounded by such beauty but not here. From the ... read more
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Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Lampung January 4th 2011

A quick trip to South Sumatra for the weekend before we departed to Ambon and the Maluku Islands.... read more
Towards Sumatra
Cow Cart
Cute Girls

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Pulau Weh January 1st 2011

so where to begin? We are no longer sick and in sumatra. our second trip to malaysia was short and very sweet. The goats at permaculture perak were stubborn but we once again made them our friends and had them eating out of our hands. Christmas was a small but merry time celebrated with fun folks from around the world. we feasted on a far from traditional dinner of stir fry, prawns and water buffalo bbq. After the buzzing streets of bangkok the highland jungle was the perfect place for respite and rejuvenation. we parted from our farm friends grudgingly but recharged and ready for the sumatran gauntlet. that lies ahead. leading up to the flight from kuala lumpur to banda aceh it felt as though a dark expanse of unknown lay before us. it was ... read more
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Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Medan December 23rd 2010

Leaving Burma proved to be more of a headache than I had hoped for. It was as if the government themselves were clawing at the straps of my backpack at every step of the way. I had checked-in online to save time at the airport. On arrival, I sailed, rather smugly it must be said, past the long line of people waiting to check-in. The long queue appeared to be going nowhere as every person seemed to want to negotiate the size, shape and weight of each bag they owned with meticulous detail. With my little rucksack, a little heavier from the odd souvenir, I glided past and upstairs to immigration. I handed over my passport, departure form and printed boarding pass for inspection. After a brief flick through my passport the immigration official barked for ... read more
Orang-utan Male
Happy Chap
Bukit Lawang Bridge

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Medan November 20th 2010

Horas, horas, horas is a greetings from local dialect ( Batak ) in North Sumatra province. I have been invite by Narasindo Travel and Tours for familiarization trip to know about tourism product and destination that they can offer for tourist in Medan, Brastagi and Lake Toba. I never been there before, so I take this opportunity to visit this places. Temporarily I need to forget about guesthouse, where all lodging and transportion is arrange by this agency. Medan is the 3rd largest city of Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya. Located north side of Sumatra, and 45min by flight from Kuala Lumpur, also can be reach by ferry from Penang. The lead majority population is Java Sumatra followed by Batak, and Chinesse people. Old building architecture blend with Dutch design, also can be found in ... read more
Istana Maimoon
me in the King palace
old style or new style?

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Lampung November 8th 2010

Ahhh, Krakatau . How I love thee. Famous for its blast some hundred years ago, its charm surely has tantalized many to come and visit thee. It was said that Krakatau ashes reached Europe and changed the course of history. I am not sure if it’s a little bit exaggerating, but when I was being told that a friend of a friend is planning to go there, I immediately said “can I join?” Days before the trip, the child of Krakatau started to show signs of eruption. With Merapi’s explosion just days before - it doesn’t sound like a good idea to visit at such time. Too many bad news of Krakatau ’s present condition: poisonous gas, ashes that reach as far as Cilegon, earthquakes and many more. But the event organizer decided to give it ... read more
Sebesi Island
Umang Umang

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra September 29th 2010

Arriving in Sumatra After the home comforts of big town, developing Malaysia (Starbucks, flushing toilets and efficient public transport) we arrived in Sumatra and quickly realized we were back in country where just day to day survival is the main concern for most people. The roads are full of mopeds and potholes, cattle happily wonder alongside the traffic and buildings are mostly constructed in an abstract fusion of concrete and tin. Sumatra is one of the poorest countries in the region and this hasn’t been helped by the natural disasters they’ve had to cope with in the last few years. The 2004 Boxing Day earthquake (magnitude 9.3) and tsunami that followed left approx 167,000 dead and over 500,000 displaced. Following this they’ve also had devastating earthquakes in both 2005 (magnitude 8.6) and 2007 (magnitude 8.5). This ... read more
River crossing to get to the feedling platform
The spot we stopped for lunch (so good we revisited it later!)
View from our balcony

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