Last week in Bangalore! 4:56 PM

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February 10th 2009
Published: December 27th 2012
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Its the final count down and as i reflect on my time in Bangalore i start to dream of the rest of India...

In my first week everything was very, exciting, overwhelming and a little scary!

During my time spent at the schools i have seen a kind of revolution. Although the children in the schools have hardly anything conpeared to England, they are so egar to learn and better themsleves. With one pencil and one pen these children are striving to do there best, at every obsical there finding new ways to defeat it!

Although i feel India is a long way from the abolishment of class, or the social hyirque, i can see these village children dreaming of becoming Doctors and Lawyers. Their drive and determination inspires me.

Such simple lessons on hygiene and health have brought joy to a very chalk and talk classroom. Learning though games, drawing and song. Also such sweet children, so well spoken and behaved.

The boys home is a complete contrast of everything i have ever known... Unlike the schools these children do not even have underwear never mind a pen and pencil each... At the beginning of the project it was clear that all most wanted was some attention and some freedom.

Last Thursday was a court day (monday and thursday the boy aren't allowed out because they mite disturb.)

We managed to agree with one house father that we could take 15 in the morning and 15 after lunch into our room to do some drawing, i'd brought pencils and paper especially. In the morning i choose my three favorite boys, Depak, Lokish and Javid. After many fights over the colour pencil or pen they had (We only had enough for two each) we had a rather peaceful lesson with Javid drawing something for me to take home and Lokish beckoning me over to help him with his ABC. After lunch we were taking another 15 boys out. (With 70 in there itis difficult to get around to everyone 😞! ) Lokish didn't understand why he couldn't come out again... He felt it was because he had been naughty and since the only thing they are shown is beating and punishment he began to cry. As he is 13 he turned away from the other boys not wanting to look weak. I slowly rubbed his back and tried to pass on some positive energy. Then another 5 boys began to cry not understanding why they were being 'punished' and just feeling generally upset.

I've been strong, broken up fights and even held back from frightening guards, but this was impossible, how could i, a women, someone who has grown to love these boys not be affected by their tears... I was, i quickly walked out of the locked area and into the courtyard where i let out a very quick, silent sob.

That afternoon i didn't attend drawing class i took the few books we had a sat with the boys in the boys room, reading with them and trying to cheer them up.

Just before i left i heard a very loud scream and ran to see Javid curled out on the floor in floods of tears... The final break, i went to hug him and was pushed away i asked other boys what had happened but no-one seemed to know, I found Lokish and kindly asked him if this weekend while i was away he would watch out for Javid.

My time at the children's home and especially that day made me feel insignificant, though-out my life i have had moments where i have felt like everything was against me and that my life was crap, i'm sure you can all think of some times like this. Seeing the pain and suffering these boys go though made me want to grab the world and shake it into action, one day at that place and most of us would decteareate... Its strange to imagine that, that is their life.

Injecting colour and creativity into the home was the plan today, we got though 50 boys and luckily had a translator to explain why the morning boys wern't allowed back in the afternoon. We made masks... With coloured paper, glue, stickers, pencils and glitter! All the boys had a fab time and everyone was very smiley!

On Thursday we're going to try and get a radio in there and have mini disco!!

Talking of disco's... I miss music soo much!

Silly Saskia should have invested in an Ipod.

For those for you i've heard from, keep writing and those of whom i have not... Take some time out for me please :P

Lots of love and kisses

Saskia xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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