Camping in November?!

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November 30th 2007
Published: December 2nd 2007
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Weather in Hong Kong can get a bit unpredictable around this time of year, I am starting to realise!
Last weekend I went on a camping trip to Lantau Island. It was beautiful Sunshine when I woke up in my tent and I spent the morning laying on the I find myself needing more of a winter wardrobe for school because it is cold?!

About 40 of us went to Pui O campsite on Lantau Island last Saturday afternoon, about an hour away by ferry/bus. We had beers and a barbecue for hours and lots of laughs. Laying on the beach looking up at the full moon, listening to the waves, it was so nice and chilled out. We stayed up late sitting on the beach chatting and having a laugh, then eventually climbed into little 2/3 man tents that were set up on the sand, with just a rail between us and the open beach. Waking up from the sunshine, and peeking out of the tent onto the sunny beach was brilliant. Then I spent the day walking along the beach, and laying on the sand chatting away before heading back to the big city and the crowds. That was another great thing about the beach, there was hardly anyone on it!
Definitely something I would recommend on a nice weekend, camping on the beach.

Since then I've had a busy week at school. Getting ready for Christmas things, and holding an English afternoon for the whole of P2 in the hall. I played the part of Princess Elizabeth which was fun! This weekend I did some Christmas shopping in the sunshine, which felt a little odd! It's always been cold when I Christmas shop until now!

The thing I find funny/sometimes annoying when I shop (depends what mood I'm in!)... is when shop assistants randomly point at something and tell you what it is...despite it being pretty obvious! They a) just want you to buy it, and b) just want to say something in English because they can! .... Today I was standing in a shop, and the lady said 'passport holder' whilst pointing to a passport holder that said "passport holder" quite clearly on the packet! Then she looked at me for some kind of reaction... What do you say?! I just smiled and said yes! Does that mean I want to buy it now? no!

I've been keeping busy with a pub quiz, a voluntary social welfare programme, going to the gym, and catching up with friends out and about! Last night we had friends round to our flat because not many people had seen it yet...we called it 'drinking at the flat with no chairs'! We have just the sofa and two little stools, so when the doorman left we went and borrowed the chairs from the lobby for the night!

Monday Morning tomorrow so I had better go!
Hope everyone's well at home, love to all,
Jen x

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Pui O BeachPui O Beach
Pui O Beach

Lantau Island

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