Photos from Lijiang, Yunnan, China, Asia - page 85

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In the band
Baisha girlfriend
swapping ipods
Pics from Lijiang
Pics from Lijiang
Pics from Lijiang
Pics from Lijiang
Pics from Lijiang
Pics from Lijiang
Pics from Lijiang
Pics from Lijiang
Pics from Lijiang
Pics from Lijiang
Pics from Lijiang
Old women carrying stuff
Side street
Lijiang in the morning
Lijiang main square
Cruising the street
Shopping Strip
Look Canal of Lijiang
Wandering back streets
More Wandering
Wandering the Street
Xinhua Street
Naxi Women
Spot Woody
Follow me
New meets old
Weaving Machine
Very old skool tractor
You see all sorts down in the Gorge!
Negotiating Tiger Leaping Gorge
That's some porch!
River rapids through Kangding
The Litang gang!
2am drinking session, school boy error!
Shower time on Tiger Leaping
Tiger Leaping,Holy Sh*t, look where we
Follow the red arrows, DOH!
Naxi Middle Kingdom
Naxi mum
We've joined the NAXI's
Elaine does Lijiang
Partying in Lijiang
Children posing
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