Blogs from Jiangsu, China, Asia - page 112


Asia » China » Jiangsu » Taizhou June 7th 2006

During the morning, my friend Arthur called me at my apartment and suggested a visit to one of the elite schools of Taizhou, not far from the college. Students were about to take a nation-wide battery of demanding college-entrance-examinations, spanning the next 4 days. The results are to decide each student's future. I was not prepared for what was waiting for me: The school is situated next to a wide and important street, and consists of a large complex of impressive buildings, with a grand entrance and iron gate, gold and red banners flapping in the morning wind. I have passed the school several times with little fanfare, but this morning there was great commotion. The street was no longer accessable to any motored vehicle, blocked at both ends by police cars. Hundreds of mothers and ... read more
fresh produce in season
the bicycle
the local supermarket

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Taizhou June 6th 2006

My visit to "Number One Middle School of Taizhou Municipality" was the highlight of the day; an eye-opening experience, reminiscent of my childhood of the 50's, i (n Germany. Taizhou College offered me to observe the instruction in several of that school's English classes, and to collect thoughts and ideas for some in-service training for Chinese teachers of English during the month of July at the college. This Middle School is very proud of honoring Chinese President Hu Jintao as one of its former students and alumni. I was impressed by the beautiful and inviting landscaping of the school's campus. The students are young teenagers, never shy to yell a friendly hello, and eager to great even an older yet "handsome" Western face. :-) The teachers looked young, perhaps in their twenties and thirties, and both ... read more

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Taizhou June 4th 2006

The 1st weekend in the city Taizhou, Jiangsu Province and on the campus of Taizhou College was a kind of Star Treck moment with: " Beam me up to another planet, Scotty". The culture shock this time was less momentous, thanks to last summer's first visit to the city. Never-the- less, it is a serious awakening. There is a bombardment of sounds, sights, smells, tastes, that make quickly clear: " Life will not quite be the same again". The butterflies of anticipation are now the butterflies of reality, and the eagerness to embrace all that is offered to the senses, is THE cure for the butterflies. What was only an after-thought one year ago is now dimensional fact. I am sad, that I have not been able to link the photos of these first days, but ... read more

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Taizhou June 3rd 2006

Though the plane arrived two hours late in Shanghai, Arthur (the Foreign Affairs Director of Taizhou Teachers College and my good friend) waited patiently to meet me at the massive Shanghai Pudong Airport, and help me with my luggage, for which I had to pay an additional $25 for the over-weight. They told me, that there was no charge for my body's overweight :-) ... lucky me. From Miami to Chicago, the flight took almost 4hrs, and from Chicago to Shanghai another 15 hrs. But as luck would have it, in my row, I had 5 seats to myself, and it became a comfortable bed. Though the meals activated a volcanic heart-burn, airline-food seems to get more plastic with every trip, the direct flight seemed easier, though more expensive. Arrival at Shanghai-Pudong Airport was harmless, and ... read more

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Taizhou May 21st 2006

All work and no play makes for a boring life, so it is good to know that there are extra curricular activities available on campus for the students to enjoy. Even better, most of the activities are organized and coordinated by the Student Union. In this populous nation of over 1.4 billion, it is easy to forget the importance of these opportunities for students to develop physical, cultural and social skills as well as their mental capacities in order to become well rounded citizens. The great emphasis on diligence in study and doing well in exams is partly in response to the incredible pressure to succeed, to rise up and keep apace of the amazing changes occurring at this time in China. To be "part of the action". The competition for desirable jobs is fierce and ... read more
Winning Team & Fans
Masked Party
Masked Beauties

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Taizhou May 19th 2006

The time has arrived and the suitcases are near the door, packed solid, and hopefully not over-weight. I'm experiencing bouts of nervousness, more sustained stomach-butterflies, and the sense of anticipation: Falling asleep in "my world" and being re-born to a another. The "Auf Wiedersehn" and "Good-bye's" of the past week have taken their toll, and the realization, that the coming days will never be the same again, offers a kind repose for reflection. The final days have arrived so quickly, and the one year departure for China is on Thursday morning at 5a.m. I hope I have offered my gratitude and affection to everyone, and there are many: To my wonderful and beautiful students, I need to express my deepest affection for the many kind and generous words you have expressed in your deeds, your conversations ... read more
Faces of the future
strike a pose
double the pleasure ...

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Suzhou May 15th 2006

Suzhou is one of China's ancient water towns, and is probably Jiangsu's major tourist attraction. It is famous for its classical gardens, silk, freshwater pearls and beautiful women! In recent times, Suzhou is a popular alternative to Shanghai for international companies investing in hi-tech and light industrial manufacturing. It is about 21/2 hrs from Taizhou by bus, and only an hour by train from Shanghai. I had been looking forward to travelling to Suzhou for some weeks, but time and other commitments had prevented me from doing so. My friend and neighbour in Oz, Jacque, is teaching in nearby Taicang, so it was a good excuse to get away and make contact before she returns to Oz in July. Jacque and I decided to keep things simple (and cheap!) and booked into the Suzhou International Youth ... read more
Master of the Nets Garden
Roof Feature

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Taizhou May 10th 2006

The American Postal Office has a service called "the M-Bag". A strong and frosted plastic sack provides the opportunity to send books to China cheaper, in larger and heavier quantities. The use of this service helps to keep the weight of my travel-luggage to clothing, personal items, and gifts. I am carrying a 4 cup coffee-maker with me, along with a few pounds of coffee as well as the lap-top. Men have become very loyal to their personal toiletries, and I will be packing a several month supply. Visiting a number of stores around the College on the last visit to Taizhou, I noticed few empty shelves and ample wares around the city. The consumer-selections do have limitations, and if one might look for "fresher" markets, plan on not being dissappointed. For a Western first-time visitor, ... read more
Alpine slide
my student aides
two of the best

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Taizhou May 2nd 2006

To say good- bye to my friends and students at Coral Gables High School is one of the more difficult things I have to do. Though I'm very exited about the prospects of teaching in China, part of my heart will always be with the very special people, who brought challenge, joy, and satisfaction to my job as the German Teacher and Foreign Language Dept. Chair of our High School. There is no vocation I can think of, that provides such a sense of accomplishment with few regrets. Preferring the accumulation of good will, rather than the gathering of great wealth, a teacher's commitment has always been under-appreciated and under-valued by society, yet their dedication will become the catalyst for the success of future leaders, needed by all cultures, who seek progress and advancement and enlightenment ... read more
2nd Period
Period 4
great company

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Taizhou April 29th 2006

Since the last entry, I have been receiving some extra-ordinary commentary from an Australian teacher of 30 years, who is presently teaching at the same college, Taizhou Teachers College in Jiangsu Province of China, where, so it seems, I will become her colleague in only a few weeks. If there have been any lingering doubts or concerns about my time teaching in China, her encouraging and kind words have settled these apprehensions. She shared with me, that she had been a teacher in Australia for 30 years and semi-retired, and upon contracting with the College this past semester, made these observations about her experiences: "...I have been a teacher in many "guises" for over 30 years in Australia, and I can honestly say this (teaching "communicative" English at Taizhou College) is probably the most satisfying teaching ... read more
"Holy Schinken", what a climb!
honoring Dr. Sun Yat Sen
Summer time in Nanjing

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