Blogs from Phnom Penh, South, Cambodia, Asia - page 211


Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 20th 2006

After our first few days in Cambodia at Siem Reap we were eager to move on and see some more of the country, so it was off to Phnom Penh by bus. We are on a tight schedule because I have to be in Nha Trang, Vietnam at the end of the month to meet with some folks at a school there. The ride from Siem Reap to the capital took about 6 hours with our bus leaving around 7:30am. The bus company sent a smaller bus to pick us up at our guesthouse. We then had to transfer to a larger bus already full of people. It was a mix of foreign tourists and Cambodians, but not particularly cramped. After a couple of hours we arrived in Kampong Thom and had a chance to get ... read more
Crunch all you want...!
Our roadside dining facility
Central Cambodian houses

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 20th 2006

Until 1975, located in a quiet street away from the cacophonous centre of Phnom Penh, was the Tuol Svay Prey High School. After their capture of Phnom Penh in 1975, the Khmer Rouge, having cleared the city of virtually all its habitants (sending them away to work in the rice fields), turned this otherwise ordinary-looking school into a prison. The rebaptised the place S-21 - "Security Prison-21". Here, over four horrific years, the Khmer Rouge imprisoned thousands of perceived enemies of the Revolution. The prison gates saw between 16,000 and 20,000 inmates on their way in. Only seven people came out. The classrooms of Tuol Svay Prey were turned into torture chambers. When the Vietnamese Army entered Phnom Penh in 1979 having toppled the Khmer Rouge "government", a team of Army photographers stumbled upon the buildings ... read more
Tuol Svay Prey High School

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 20th 2006

The road to Phnom Penh was so much smoother although still plenty of really curious obsticles to avoid - crazily overloaded carts, water buffalo - motor bikes don't really count - they move. We almost avoided all of them - just hit one guy and he limped off after we'd stopped a while. Arriving at the town market felt like mayhem - I initailly found it hard to orientate to this city. The guesthouse I stayed at initially was pretty grubby. Next morning met a french woman who showed me a really ritzy place for only $1 more (i.e. $5) - even had a tv - struggled with that! The killing fields visit that morning was pretty sobering - absolute horrific inhumanty. Its still very raw in Cambodia and hard to imagine such things can happen ... read more
Killing fields
afternoon monsoon rain

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 19th 2006

We bought a couple of bus tickets for our trip from Battambang to Phnom Penh at the hotel. When we asked how long the trip would take (we should have seen this coming, really), the staff replied "six hours - actually it takes five but we tell you six so that you get a nice surprise". Or words to that effect. It was a remarkably candid reply we weren't expecting ! Obviously too many farangs are worried about the length of bus trips - to locals the issue is more or less irrelevant ! The passengers on the bus comprised about 20% foreigner and 80% Cambodian - have loaded up our luggage into the hold (along with countless sacs of rice and noodles - do they not sell rice and noodles in Phnom Penh ? I ... read more
Is the pot of gold in the back of that tuk-tuk ?

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 19th 2006

Cambodia is bleedin Savage! Massive thunderstorm with lighning and loud thunder and rain! ooh scary! 2nite is our last of 5 here, 3 in siem reap visiting temples, and 2 in Phnomh penh the capital. the people here are class, hav met tonnes of class people. wer just the last ever customers of a vietnamese family run restauraunt and.....they were nice, that kind of thing! 2mor its on to ho chi minh city (saigon for all u war historians out there) in vietnam. hav had a range of interesting journeys involving, among other things, being taken directly to a derilict guesthouse with rats running out of the kitchen at 11 o clock at night, afetr a deliberately slow journey from the thai border to siem reap. 3 days looking at ancient temples, including watching the ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 18th 2006

In the morning I woke up early and headed out to some ruins north of Angkor Thom: Preah Khan a monastic complex from the late 12th century. It wasn’t so crowded in the morning and I had a chance to have a good look around. A funny thing happened while I was on my way into the structure, I met a young police officer who works in and around the temple complex. The funny part was that as we started talking, his English was quite good, he started giving me a guided tour and pointing out key features of the ruins. It seems that even the police are not beyond getting a little extra take home pay. One group of tour guides in training came past and the leader made a joke to the young officer ... read more
Some revisionist carving
Just say no to guns!
Outside the old market of Siem Reap

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 18th 2006

Alright, where to start... After sitting in the Singapore airport for a few extra hours, our plane finally left for Bangkok. We all tried to pass out on the flight but it was pretty rough so we kept waking up :P We landed at Bangkok airport at 1am and had to pay another stupid 500 baht departure fee even though we only stayed there for 7 hours :P WTF We "tried" to sleep in the Bangkok airport but the plastic chairs weren't the greatest. Raj and Will went for a 2km walk through the terminal to find a 7-11 and buy some noodles haha, I went to sleep... Our plane left at 7am the next morning and we were all delerious and feeling pretty rough. The budget airline we were flying on even charged for water ... read more
Raj and his Cambodian Beer
Bryan and his Angkor Beer
Will and his Beer Laos

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 14th 2006

well look who's got addicted to her blog...! today was another wonderfully mad day..arising early and being in the office by 8am to meet Socheata (my favourite gal here...'bubbly and squeaky' would describe her perfectly..not in the tattie and spinach sense ofcourse). Everyone at CDPO has been amazing with arranging interviews and meetings for me, and today she'd got four women from all over phnom penh to agree to share their thoughts with after a breakfast of beef noodle soup in a packed local restaurant (believe me, 100 pairs of eyes turned to see the sleepy-eyed white girl traipse in), we got a moto (both riding sidesaddle, ofcourse) over to TV Apsara to talk with a girl who's legs just hadn't developed properly after being given a faulty dose of medicine when she was a ... read more
Who says these girls aren't b.e.a.uootiful??
'Dis-abled' girls taking the world for a ride...

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 13th 2006

Phnom Penh While in Phnom Penh we visited the Toul Sleng Genocide Museum, made infamous by the killing fields and the S21 prison where 20,000 of the most educated civilians were killed by the Khmer Rouge regime between 1975 and 1979. In remembrance of those killed there is a huge monument filled with thousands of the victims skulls, many of which belonged to small children. Inside the prison, which was previously a school, most of the prisons cells and torture equipment is still in tact. The walls are covered in graphic and horrific photos of many of the victims in various states. Without actually seeing this for yourself it's difficult to comprehend just how bad things were here and even more depressing to think similar things are happening right now in other countries...This is easily the ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 13th 2006

Cambodia is a revelation. Pretty much all I previously knew about the place could be personified in two rather unsavoury men - Pol Pot and Gary Glitter (for the non-UK-celeb-focused, Glitter was a 70s glam popstar turned paedophile who relocated to Cambodia following his release from prison in the UK - old, bald, failed, evil). Yet this poor embattled country has a strongly beating heart and a warm character all of its own, and I can’t wait to get to know it better. We only had four days scheduled for our trip - essentially an extended run across the border and back to renew our Thai visas. We planned to spend a day in Phnom Penh, which was meant to be vile, and visit the Killing Fields - an unpleasant but important dose of history in ... read more
The Phnom Penh left bank
A nice snazzy roof
Cool old guy carving by hand

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