Blogs from Phnom Penh, South, Cambodia, Asia - page 210


Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 31st 2006

Cambodian Greetings, From Phnom Penh We left you in Koh Tao where in the end we spent a total of 8 nights and proceeded to head North. So with a combination of Trains (12 hours), Boats (2 hours), Automobile (15 mins+ 20 mins), Bus (7 hours) (just needed the plane for the set) and "Waiting around Thai style" - i.e. not having a clue what's going on (a long time); eventually after 31 hours travelling we reached Chiang Mai. Not much to report, expect the possiblilty of breaking the land speed record for somebody asleep on the bus, yours truly getting in a strop on the train about losing Monopoly - the game's definately fixed - and a fantastic sunset as the train meandered (and I mean meandered) through the Northern hills. The plan was to ... read more
Hope you've packed your trunks
5* - Lahu hill-tribe style
Hell's Angels recruitment drive

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 30th 2006

Leaving Saigon you buy a ticket directly directly to the capital of Camboida which is Phnom Penh. The funny thing is when you arrive at the boarder the bus just stops and you get off. The driver doesn't say anything to you, and I am pretty sure he doesn't speak any english. You have to walk from one country to the next. It was also quite odd that when you leave Vietnam the put all your luggage through the X-ray scanner. I guess they are making sure you aren't smuggling anything out of the country. I have never seen that at a boarder before, well besides at the airport. Anyways I made it across the boarder with no problems. I got on a different bus on the other side and was on my way to Phnom ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 28th 2006

I think that Cambodia is the muddiest place I have ever been. Since it is the rainy season now it tends to rain at least once a day for a short period. The mud never drys. The streets are always muddy pools of sludge. It can definitely make tuk tuk rides more entertaining though. Who doesn't love off road tuk tuking? We are now exploring the capital of Cambodia. Our first day here was completely useless. We are staying in a backpacker area near a big lake. Our guesthouse is right on the water on the restaurant/lobby/patio is built over the water. It has a beautiful view and a great breeze. Our first day was spent relaxing in a gazebo over the lake with new friends. Unfortunately for us ,since we are not paying for AC, ... read more
The Beauty of Cambodia
"Hello one dollar?

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 27th 2006

Phnom Penh is a city of many smells Unfortunately, most of them are awful. The Cambodian capital is a place of stark contrasts - every so often you catch glimpses of real material wealth, but most of the time you see object poverty. You walk past an opulently decorated flashy bar which plays Western music and sells cocktails and aromatic cuisine, all priced in dollars. On the same street, just metres away, there is litter strewn everywhere; rotting vegetables and rubbish pile up in the heat; naked, malnourished children play outside until the early hours. There are many amputees and small children begging. In spite of this contrast, the Cambodians we’ve met have largely come across as upbeat, jovial and warm. The day we arrived we went to get some typical local food at a place ... read more
sunrise at Angkor Wat #2
sunrise at Angkor Wat #3
sunrise at Angkor Wat #4

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 27th 2006

Yep..i've had it all this last week. So much for chilled out times in this city that i'm almost calling home! here's a quick rundown... just an hour ago...thought i'd been in a motocycle crash when the moto Socheata and I were on (having just had a great interview with Jan Nye at the Cambodia Trust, an org that does lots of good work in Cambodia re disability and rehab) came to a bonewrenching stop on Pasteur right near the main market 'Psar Thmei'. Once i'd recovered and reverted back to my atheist self (why is when you have a death defying moment you always pray to something?), I was angered, if not LIVID to see that it had just been an arrogant policeman stepping out infront of us (at 30kmh) and hitting the moto with ... read more
Drinks at The Factory
Domi shopping
it was worth standing in the road to get this pic of THE film poster!

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 23rd 2006

Arduous travel We are in Cambodia. After 2 weeks in Vietnam, we took a boat trip along the Mekong, arriving in Phnom Penh yesterday. The last time I wrote we were in Hoi An in central Vietnam. 2 overnight journeys later, we arrived at Saigon, or Ho Chi Minh Cityas it’s been known since reunification of the North & South of the country. The 1st journey took us to a hectic coastal city called Nha Trang - the bus trip was organized by An Phu tourist ‘company’. I use the term ‘tourist company’ loosely, because this is an organisation that overlooks conventional notions of customer service. In Vietnam many organisations offer ‘open bus tickets’ from Hanoi in the North to Saigon in the South - a distance of 1,800 km. From what we’ve experienced first-hand and ... read more
sunrise at Jungle Beach #1
sunrise at Jungle Beach #2
sunrise at Jungle Beach #3

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 22nd 2006

Yes, you are correct we have been here before. This morning we caught our bus from Sihanoukville at 7.30am and arrived back in the crazy capital at 12ish, so a good ride. Hounded by tuk tuk and moto drivers we gave them the slip, they did not look happy, and we walked back to the guest house we stayed in last time. Straight out for a long long walk to the other end of the city, as we were on a mission. We are back here to find work in an orphanage. We have heard of a cafe that has information about doing this so that's where we went, The Lazy Gecko. When we eventually got there you could tell this was the 'backpacking' part of the city. Guest houses, tuk tuks and bars lined the ... read more
Wat Penh
Flooded Phnom Penh
How cute are they?

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 22nd 2006

After we arrived in PP and settled in for the night, there was a hard rain for most of the night. In the morning, I hired a motorbike taxi to take me out the Cheuong Ek “Killing Fields” memorial about 9 miles to the southwest of the city. It may be overprotective of me, but I didn’t want the kids to have to face the darker side of Cambodia’s history. I did tell them the story of what happened, but hearing it and seeing it close up are two different things. The trip out to the site where hundreds of bodies were found after the Khmer Rouge years had ended was quite an event. We turned off of the paved roads and drove out into the country roads which were giant mud holes after the torrential ... read more
Outside the royal palace
road to Cheuong Ek
Washing off the tuktuk

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 21st 2006

Today is our second full day in Phnom Penh. After having spent yesterday faced with the horrors of S-21, today we intended to see slightly more up-beat sights in the city. Phnom Penh being the noisy, grimy, steamy place it is, Alex decided to spend the morning enjoying the hotel swimming pool. Not our hotel, of course. Across the road from our little guesthouse is the Hotel Cambodiana (loving the name) which allows non-guests to splash about in its pool for a few dollars. While Alex swam, there were a few tasks that needed taking care of - posting cards, getting some cash and the like. We met up again at about 2pm and headed off for lunch at a small restaurant going by the name of "Friends". The restaurant is part of a larger project ... read more
Robes under the rain...
Throne Hall
A crumbling relic...

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