Oh. crap.

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September 21st 2009
Published: September 21st 2009
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Okay so it's been like 3 weeks since my last entry.. that's because I'm sorta reluctant to spend my money and I have to buy 2 hrs internet to write here as the webpage is insanely slow.

Anyway a lot has happened in the last 3 weeks.. mainly crap but also good stuff.
Main crapness is that my camera was stolen. I have been seriously unlucky with all this picture/electronics stuff. I bought a new USB before coming here so i could copy the pictures i took from my camera to my usb and from that upload it online so that i would have the pics at least 2 places in case i lost them or something. Well I lent my USB to Gifty, a boy who comes round to the house a lot, as he wanted the picture i took of him and Brielle. I got it back fine but when i wanted to upload pictures online a week or two ago the USB was full of virus.. the computer i was on then automatically deleted everything on it. Shit.. but at least I still had the pics on my camera.
Last monday i was going to re-copy all the pics from my camera to the usb but before i could do it the camera's battery ran out. Wednesday when I tried to find the camera so i could charge it, i couldn't. Even more shit. So anyway i've been around to all the places i can think of where i might have dropped it but nothing.. So yea, i lost all my pics.
I'm going to buy a load of disposable cameras instead..

Every thursday we've been going to Via Via, the "club" of Arusha, it's really nice tho. It's outside which is great as the weather is good enough. I've also been to the cinema haha never thought I'd do that here in Arusha. There's a cinema complex (which I call "Mzungu Paradise" as it's full of white people) towards Njiro which is about 10 mins from town. It also has the best supermarket in town and western style shops, good restaurants and a coffee/cafe with really good (non-instant crappy Africafe) coffee. So yea, it's paradise. The cinema is small but good tho the sound was a bit dodgy sometimes.
They show 2 films per week, each film 2 times a day or so. This weekend I think it's G.I. Joe which i really want to watch.

Last Tuesday, Laura and I took the day off to go to Masai Market and Mzungu Paradise. I was on a mission to find new shoes.. ever since my host mum washed my sandals they've been giving my loads of blisters. I have to practically cover my feet in plasters before i can walk properly in them. My other black shoes are falling apart and are also crap for this weather as the soles are so thin that my feet get burned from 12-17 when it's really hot. I did buy some shoes at masai market but only realised 30 mins later that they fall off my feet all the time when walking just a bit fast. SO I finally found some decent shoes thursday, from a proper shoe shop and everything. They're closed shoes so they're warm and i have to wear socks with them BUT i don't get blisters! and they were only 6500 tsh which is approx 26 kr/2pounds.
I have to buy more socks tho as they were the last thing i thought i'd be needing in tanzania during summer!

This weekend was brilliant as I went on a 2 day safari with 3 other volunteers. IT was so amazing! we left at 8am saturday in a safari jeep with our guide Emmanuel and our cook Mike. Took us about 3 hrs to get to Terengeri national park but we hadn't even been there for 5 mins before we saw wilderbeest, gazelles, an ostrich and elephants! Loved the elephants, they're so amazingly huge .. and slow so you can get a good look at them before they dissappear off.
We also saw lions, warthogs, giraffes, monkeys, baboons and tonnes of zebras.
We spent the night outside the national park at Twiga campsite - full of Mzungus and naked germans. Felt just like home 😊
Had to get up insanely early to have breakfast and get going .. We were going to Ngorongoro Crater which took a while to drive up.
It was foggy all the way up to the crater rim (approx 2700 m up) which was freakishly eerie and scary as we were driving pretty close to the edge. The view from the top was brilliant tho.. the crater is a collapsed mountain and is 20 km diameter and totally flat.
The roads really cant be defined as roads and i think my inner organs have probably permanently rearranged themselves after being thrown around for 12 hrs straight.
The crater is so different from Terengeri but also really amazing. We saw more animals this time round - elephants, zebras, buffalo, warthogs, hyeenas, lions (twice - and we managed to see a lion with an afro which we thought we'd never see), 2 cheetas (which are really rare and difficult to spot), hippos, flamingos, ostriches and two rhinos (tho just the head as the stupid things were hiding in the high grass). and probably more i just can't remember. Our jeep was surrounded my huge baboons at one point which was cool.. they're ugly as hell tho. Oh and we also saw a monkey with blue balls. And no, not just slightly blue but screaming at you, "neon"/baby blue. so weird!

Oh and I'm going to Zanzibar in a week! woop woop! Alice, the english girl, and I decided to go .. No one else is done same time as me so i either take two weeks off now or dont go travelling at all. So guess what i chose..
We're going to leave on tuesday next week and then go for 10 days or so, go to Kili - not to climb it tho, way too expensive, but to walk around it and explore the caves and passages that run through it. Is supposed to be really amazing.

Oh and this wednesday Antoine, Alex and I are going to Mt . Meru falls.. waterfalls are supposed to be pretty cool and you can go "into" it.. like in Robin Hood :D haha should be a laugh

So yea.. lots of stuff. My internet time is running out .. i really miss unlimited "free" internet!!!


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