Blogs from Peru, South America - page 1135


South America » Peru » Loreto » Iquitos » Amazon Rainforest February 19th 2006

Interesting title hey. I just looked at my blog stats and it appears that you are getting board with my stuff. less readers for the last couple of stories. Do I need to get more advertuous for you guys or what. I am now in Iquitos my first stop in the jungle as I am heading down the Amazon tomorow by boat. I stop for a day in Lecticia Columbia should be interesting. then in to Brazil. There were a few places here that I wanted to photograph. yesturday I ventured off the beaten path a bit to far but nothing magor went astray. I wandered down the coast of the amazon in Iquitos to where the local slums began. you enter the slums through a market selling all kinds on strange fish Piraunas and manythings ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco February 19th 2006

Well, we have come a long way since our last journal entry that’s for sure. 10,000 feet upward to be exact! We are now in the wonderful Cusco, dodging forked lightening. Generally the days are scorching, but around tea-time every day, the rain comes down like there is no tomorrow! Last night there was a huge dramatic over the mountains, but there is rumbling now as I write!!! Thank god for Peter Storm waterproofs huh! So we left Huacachina last week, after going on a winery tour, around 3 local wineries, producing sweet dessert wine, and the local drink, Pisco. After many tastings, and several hilarious chats with the very drunk owners in the last place, we headed out of Huacachina south to Nasca. Nasca is a tiny town in the middle of barren desert ... read more
Machu Picchu

South America » Peru » Puno February 17th 2006

Three hours from Copacabana, on the other side of Lake Titicaca is Puno. Everybody who comes here makes a visit to the floating islands of Uros on Lake Titicaca. The islands are made of totora reeds, which grows abundandly in the shallow parts of the Lake Titicaca. The reed seems to be quite a versatile plant. The people living on the islands use it for pretty much everything: they use it for the islands, they eat it, they burn it, and they build houses and boats and all sorts of things of it. We took a one day boat cruise on Lake Titicaca visiting the floating islands and Isla Taquile. Visiting the floating islands was an interesting experience but Isla Taquile was less impressive. After seeing Isla del Sol, Isla Taquile was just another island on ... read more
Fish for breakfast
Standing on spongy reeds
View from a tower

South America » Peru » Ayacucho February 17th 2006

Feb 14 After pulling my back out and riding all those miserable hours on the plane, I feel much better today. We finally left the Lima airport about 1 AM and pushed our way through hordes of taxi drivers, and crowds of people to the taxi area, where my companion negotiated at length with several drivers to get a fare he thought was reasonable-about $7…which I didn’t think was so cheap!! This is how you drive in Lima- ignore all traffic lights and signs, and go as fast as you can, laying on the horn the whole time, hoping the other person stops. Luis, the fellow that met me, said, “Don’t worry, that’s how everybody drives here.” I am glad I don’t intend to drive! I was left at a sort of bare bones hotel-the sheets ... read more

South America » Peru February 16th 2006

Peru Truck tour - 2nd half of 3 weeks+3days in Lima, 8-17th Feb.2006) Politics Continuing our journey to the coast away from Colca Canyon, one of our most knowledgeable guides filled our head with more info on Peru. I knew that one of the president candidate was a woman, which could be a softer alternative to the past military government and guerillos of the Shining Path, both accounting for 70,000 civilian deaths!. Her opponent is an extreme left wing ex-army (?!), supported by the Venezuelan Chavez in returning the land to the people (with massive nationalization first no doubt). Unfortunately, the land itself is now not as fertile as it was 600 years ago when the Inca expertly cultivated every single parcel. Both candidates are about to face charges on corruption or assault, so may the ... read more
snow/hail... to be expected at 4900m high
women selling craft at the Cruz del Condor - Colca Canyon
piles of stones at the pass to Colca Canyon

South America » Peru » Ica » Huacachina February 15th 2006

I just spent a couple of days In Huacachina, a small desert oasis where you can chile out, sand board surf the dunes and ride with the craziest dunebuggy drivers on the planet. I did it all twice. the oasis is about 5 minute out of Ica and well worth a visit. I got there just in time to sign up for the afternoon dune buggy and sandboarding trip . the dune buggy holds about 7 peopleand a bunch of boards. we drove off and straight up into the dunes . we would drive into a valley and there would be no apperent way out except the way we came in. the driver would start to go faster and faster with ut turning. I was thinking what is he going to do then we would shoot ... read more

South America » Peru » Puno February 15th 2006

Cuzco had been great, and we'd really enjoyed visiting the ancient sites of the Incas, but after over a week in the most touristy part of Peru we were happy to get out. We'd decided to take the train to Puno on the basis that... erm..... well, it wasn't a bus. The view was supposed to be quite spectacular, but I must confess that the main reason I wanted to go on the train was that I was bored of busses. The format of the train was such that we were sat opposite a nice American couple, Jeff and Darcy, who we spent hours chatting to on our way there. The train took no less than 4 hours more than the bus (!!) but fortunately the views were as stunning as we'd been promised, justifying the ... read more
Boats in the algae on Lake Titicaca
Reed huts on one of the Uros floating islands
Mama cooks some tasty grub

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu February 13th 2006

I spent a couple of days in Cuzco. I did the tourist circuit... saw some museums, ruins, movies, clubs, etcetera. I hung out with more Canadians. This Chilean girl said I looked like Michael Moore, it hurt my feelings. On Saturday morning I left for Macchu Picchu. The country of Peru has perhaps one of the best schemes going on. They make it impossible to travel to one of the world´s most visited historical sites by road. It is only accessible by train, at which they can charge any price. We took a cab as close as we could to the site, then trained it to Aguas Calientes aka Macchu Picchu Pueblo. It´s a town that isn´t more than seventy years old because it was invented for tourism. ($1.33 internet, 3 drinks for $5, one night ... read more
¿Llama or Alpaca?

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco February 13th 2006

Hi everyone... sorry we've been quiet for so long... busy settling in and just generally lazy about writing on the travel blog! I guess last notice was that we were looking for a place and that mike was a bit sick... since then, we've found a place, mike has got better and now has a brand new cold, I've been sick and become well, and we've adopted a kitty cat. We've made awesome friends (ie, Vaila, Cormac, Diane) and those friends have left us for rainy countries called 'home.'. I feel like a little kid in a kid's book I used to like about "little-while friends." Luckily, mike's my long-while friend and he tells me he won't leave until I do. Excellent! So here's a couple of photos of our new life. Teaching is suiting me ... read more
llamas in a clever disguise!
taxi! a la peru
christy and vaila in the courtyard

South America » Peru » Arequipa February 12th 2006

So the flight is booked. I am leaving the 29th of March for Madrid, where I will spent one night and have some nice wines and tapas. The next day I am flying to Lima only to fly the next day to Arequipa, Peru. Here I will spent one month to learn Spanish, which is well needed for my volentary work, which I will do in Cuzco. Here's my route more or less: Map ... read more

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