Blogs from Nazca, Ica, Peru, South America - page 25


South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca September 13th 2006

Huacachina, l'oasis de paix ! Nous venons de passer 2 jours à Huacachina pas trop loin d'Ica ( pour ceux qui suivent le trajet sur la feuille photocopiée). En gros, Huacachina c'est un petit village autour d'une lagune et cette lagune est entourée de très grosses dunes de sable. Petit village veut dire, une petite rue qui fait le tour, 5-6 hôtels, 2-3 restos, des petits dépanneurs, des petits vendeurs de cossins et des gens qui louent des sandboards. C'est à peu près tout. On peut théoriquement se baigner dans la lagune mais bof, c'est brun et c'est pas super invitant ! De toute façon, nous sommes là pour faire du dunebuggy et du sandboard !!! C'est aussi là que j'ai essayé mon premier pisco sour, le drink du coin ; du pisco (fait avec un ... read more
Inca cola et pisco sour.
Vue sur Huacachina d'une dune !
Dune buggy !

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca September 5th 2006

“Lines, lines, lines” is how my friend described Nazca while trying to convince me to stay in Arequipa. I decided to treat myself and catch a first class bus from Arequipa to Nazca. It was a lot more expensive, and a bit boring (I missed the old ladies from the mountains) but finally I had a lot of leg room, and there was a meal served on the bus! Leaving Arequipa in the evening I arrived in Nazca at around 2am. I was hoping to stay in the bus station waiting room until the morning, but unfortunately it was closed and tiredness got the better of me so I decided to look for a hotel. The first 3 or 4 hotels where full, so it was looking like I might have to give up on the ... read more
The Hummingbird
I love Lucy
Gold mining works

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines August 25th 2006

Frequently Asked Questions People often ask me, ¨Where are you from?¨ ¨Inglaterra? England? David Beckham, Aaah your prime minister, Mister Tony Blair...¨ Perhaps somewhat prematurely, The political conversation usually ends there. People often ask me, ¨Isn´t your journey really tough?¨ But the slow, sweaty, squeeze With my fellow commuter ants Was harder than cycling the Americas With just two pairs of pants. People often ask me, ¨How much does your bike cost?¨ As their bike probably cost less than my spokes, Evasively I answer that it was a present from my folks. People often ask me, ¨Why are you still single?¨ Well I guess at cocktail parties I find it hard to mingle. People often ask me, ¨Isn´t your bottom incredibley sore?¨ To which I politely reply This is saddle number four. People often ask me, ... read more
Peruvian Altiplano
Peruvian Altiplano
Peruvian Altiplano

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines August 21st 2006

ok so again the photos will follow but at the moment we haven´t had them written to cd and as we can no longer plug in our battery charger we thought we had better try and save batteries!! we had a couple of hours in the hotel before it was time to go and take our flight over the lines. they can never predict how long you will be waiting to go up and when we got there at 10 we were told that we should come back later as the first flight had only just managed to go up and so there were lots of people waiting. this wasn´t a problem as we first went and did the tour of a cemetery we would normally have done after. the cemetery invloved walking rounds lots of ... read more
Shelters over the tombs
another of the graves

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca July 31st 2006

Matka jatkuu ja kun olimme kuluttaneet pari paivaa Limassa, paatimme lahtea matkaamaan kohti Machu Picchua, mutta tormasimme Perun itsenaisyyspaivan vapaiden vuoksi sen verran korkeisiin bussilippujen hintoihin, etta teimme paatoksen pysahtya Nascassa ja odottaa siella halvempia lippuja. Joten ei muuta kuin jalleen kerran rinkat selkaan ja etsimaan oikeaa paikkaa mista linja-auto nappaa ihmiset kyytiinsa. Perussa ei nimittain bussit valttamatta lahde linja-autoasemalta vaan vaikka kahden kadun risteyksesta, joka sinun vain taytyy tietaa. Seikkailua siis... :) Matka Nazcaan kesti kahdeksisen tuntia ja saavuimme sinne pimean aikaan. Bussit taalla ovat onneksi oikein siedettavia niin kuin muuallakin Etela-Amerikan maissa, joten takapuoli ei ole liian hellana tuollaisenkaan matkan jalkeen. Hostellille saavuttuamme paasimme heti tekemaan tuttavuutta paikallisen matkatoimistoihmisen kanssa... read more
Vatsa kaantyy nurin
Nazca piirrosten kartta
Astronautti vai alien?

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca July 24th 2006

So we´re in Peru. We flew from Guyaquil in Ecuador to Lima on the 21st July. Arrived in Peru in the evening and other than Heather being allowed to stay in Peru for 90 days and me for 60 days...not to eventful. Clearly I look dodgy...but then most of you knew that. We had a little eventful start when we arrived at the start hotel for our GAP trip and discovered that they had changed the start hotel. The taxi we took from the airport had of course left by the time we realized this, but we got to the new hotel..if not a little pissed off. The next morning was a free morning to explore Lima. Lima is huge with over 8 million people living here. The centre of the city looks like anywhere in ... read more
Lima main square.
Dem bones...
Sand sand everywhere...

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines July 16th 2006

On route to Nazca we camped on the beach for one night and enjoyed fajitas by the camp fire. We are pro tent erectors! The Nazca Lines are gigantic geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert. It is believed they were created by the Nazca culture between 200 BC and 600 AD. The designs carved into the ground, range from simple lines to figures such as hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys, a space man, lizards and many more. The Nazca lines can only be viewed by air, because of this there is much speculation as to how the designs were made and for what purpose. Some say they were explanations from ancient gods, a landing strip for returning aliens or a celestial calendar created by the Nazca civilisation. We boarded a 5 seater aeroplane, Sarah to be co-pilot! The ... read more
More mummies

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines July 13th 2006

Flying over the lines was fantastic although a little short as only got about 5 secs to look at each shape. Its difficult to make out how big there were from the sky and impossible to make out the shapes from the ground. We flew over the lines in a tiny 5 seater areoplane ( pete says its a cesna) the whole journey lasted about half an hour. I was happy as larry as the plane dived and dipped from left to right, so into it that it took me half the journey before looking at Pete to see if he was ok to realise that he wasnt. Sweat was dripping off him as he clung to a sick bag! On the ground there wasnt that much info available to tourists unless your prepared to pay ... read more
pete on the plane
Nazca lines

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines June 30th 2006

30th june Life seems to be half-lived aboard buses! saving money and saving time by taking overnight buses results in sleep deprivation and memories of those strange creatures of the night! boarding another bus heading to Nazca for the day, i get placed next to a man that begins snoring before even getting to sleep. sitting up in a chair that reclins only so far, and having your legs choked by the seat in front of you so that the need to go to the bathroom is left till the last possible moment as you fear further damage by attempting to escape...and this was on their premier service- Cruz Del Sur! Their saving grace was their attempt at entertainment- so came the imaginative rise of bus bingo! a guy finally calls out ¨BINGO¨when i still had ... read more
our flight crew
Nazca lines

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