Blogs from Colombia, South America - page 272


South America » Colombia » Taganga June 25th 2008

There should be a Kids book.My first Border Crossing.Lord knows I needed a guide.Well fellow folk, I have left Venezuela and made it to Colombia, though not without incident. I can see why the European Union was a good idea if for no other reason than to curb the rampant corruption and frustration at the border. Not to mention the currency. I am confused about that too...I am happy to say that I was not picked on for anything because (as explained by the locals) ¨Soy Negro...¨ Gotta love reverse racism.Bas wasn´t so lucky. He got put into a small room/cell twice and was forced to pay a small ¨entrance fee¨ of about $5 dollars. That sucked. And I (as a true friend) sat there and looked like I didn´t know him.Because, Y´know, I´m Colombian and ... read more
Fisher Kids
Open Air Butchery
Kiddy Colombiana

South America » Colombia » Santa Marta » Taganga June 25th 2008

meine lieben, somit auch eigentlich schon ne weile in columbien.. (visum, visum) und auch schon einiges erlebt... hat einfach keinen bock mehr zu schreiben.. aber heut ist alles anders.. denn heut regnet es :-) also was ist passiert.. war da so in nem ollen naturpark.. war schoen.. gar fetzig.. da ich mich uberschnurren liess an einer sightseeing beach tour teilzunehmen... (idioten) auf jedenfall kam es dazu das ich in so eine nussschale eingestiegen bin, und mit der das offene meer ueberquert habe um zu diesem naturpark zu gelangen.. sagen wir mal so.. nach 5 min. hab ich realisiert das meine lebensretttungsveste sich nicht schliessen laesst, nach 10 minuten war meine kamera kaputt, da die wellen ins boot schwappten.. (man koennte auch sagen das boot wurde geflutet, weil wellen so hoch und boot so laecherlich) nach 15 ... read more
sunset 2

South America » Colombia » Quindío » Salento June 24th 2008

Greetings! This past weekend I traveled into the coffee region about 3 hours outside of Cali with my friend Aleja and her mother Martha. The terrain was unlike anything I have ever seen. The mountains are very different from ours in Colorado as they are covered in tall deep green grass rather than pine trees and rock, though they do house the same pumas and bears as we do in the Rockies. The two trees that do cover these mountains are palms and eucalyptus. We stayed the night in a small mountain town, Salento, where the trims of the houses are painted in traditionally very bright colors that would have Home Owner Associations in the U.S. passing out (orange and green combos, or blue and pink, red and yellow was my favorite). This may not shock ... read more
Country Club

South America » Colombia » Bogota June 18th 2008

Greetings! Thank you so much to those of you who have written messages in response to my last entry, they were very funny, and it was great to hear from some of you! Keeping with the style of the first entry, there is a story to go along with each word/phrase in the title of this entry. Thus, we commence. El Embrujo means something along the lines of The Enchantment in English and was the name of a property that my friend and I visited. This story will be quite long, but I think is absolutely wonderful, I hope you enjoy. El Embrujo belongs to a friend of the family I am staying with, Jose, and he is a man probably in his 70s, who lives there with his wife and the live-in staff that help ... read more
The Cloud

South America » Colombia » Cartagena June 18th 2008

Hmmmm sitting down to enjoy a long awaited lunch after a killer bus ride one can imagine my delight as a large hot ceramic bowl arrives before me... Mondongo plunge the spoon deep and out comes a large alien looking piece of white substance with tiny ticklers all over it...after a long chew i realize pigs tripe is the local delicacy i was reccomended...hmmm the sweet smell of jellied dog food with an aroma to match.... something new something foreign... the Taxidermy museum....yes by now everyone knows i cant spewl vewy well....hmph with all those glass eyes facing in odd directions...and skin joined at random seams... a moose in the middle of colombia...some graphic creativity between a huge eagle and a monkey in the process of becoming breakfast... oh and the bear that came alive ... read more
cool church vegas style
gothic church
truffula trees

South America » Colombia » San Gil June 17th 2008

We moved on from Bogotá reluctantly, knowing that we had not seen everything, but feeling that it was a good idea to keep up the travelling pace. We headed north to the city of Tunja and quickly caught an onward collectivo connection to the small town of Villa de Leyva. Known as being one of the best examples of a colonial town in Colombia, Villa de Leyva did not disappoint. It was declared a National Monument in 1954 and has apparently not changed much since then. The town has a lovely laid-back feel, and we enjoyed wandering around, snooping around old colonial houses and courtyards, wowed by the architecture, white-washed walls and red tile roofs. We also visited a small museum, Casa Museo de Antonio Nariño, where Nariño lived in the early 19th century. He was ... read more
Singing at local fiesta, Villa de Leyva
Start of the Spanish Trail between Barichara and Guane
Me and my pilot, mid-air! (Is that fear in my eyes?)

South America » Colombia » Quindío » Salento June 17th 2008

Hello again! Von Medellin aus haben wir einen Ausflug zu einem 200 m hohen Monolithen gemacht der an einem wunderschoenen Stausee liegt (siehe Fotos). Wir fuhren in ca. 1,5 h mit dem Bus dorthin. Den Stein bezwingt man mit ueber 640 Stufen und von oben hat man eine tolle Aussicht auf den See. Wenn man sich die exotischen Pflanzen wegdenkt und das warme Wetter koennte man meinen in Finnland zu sein... Am Abend gingen wir dann nochmals in die Zona Rosa und genossen das bunte Nachtleben und die Happyhour! Am naechsten Tag hiess es Abschied nehmen von Medellin und wir fuhren mit einem Expressbus in 5 h nach Pereira - einer Stadt die seit ihrer Gruendung 1885 schon mehrere Male von einem Erdbeben heimgesucht wurden. Von dort aus ging es dann in nur einer Stunde nach ... read more
Heida geniesst die exotische Frucht...

South America » Colombia » Quindío » Salento June 17th 2008

Heute sind wir um 06.30 h aufgestanden da wir ins benachbarte Valle de Cocora fahren wollten. Leider regnete es in Stroemen doch wir liessen uns nicht entmutigen und nahmen die beschwerliche Fahrt auf uns. Mit einem uralten Willy's Jeep fuhren wir mit 8 Personen (!) los. Auf holpriger Strasse erreichten wir nach 40 Minuten den Weiler Cocora. Dort sahen wir bereits die ersten hohen Wachspalmen die aus dem Nebelwald herausragten. Leider hatten wir nicht wie die Einheimischen Gummistiefel und reiten wollten wir auch nicht. So machten uns mit unseren Sandalen auf einen der Schlammpfade bis wir nicht mehr weiterkonnten. Wir nahmen dann spaeter noch einen anderen Weg bis wir auch hier aufgeben mussten. Trotzdem hat uns die bergige Umgebung mit den tropischen Palmen gut gefallen. Am Nachmittag haben wir uns dann noch den Fussballmatch Italien-Frankreich angesehen. ... read more
Wachspalmen im Nebelwald
Valle de Cocora
Beschwerlicher Weg

South America » Colombia » Bogota June 17th 2008

After a washout in Miami, I left the States Thursday morning and arrived in Bogota at around 10AM. Since my flight to Quito wasn´t scheduled to leave until 4:30, after some research and some courage-building, I hailed a taxi outside the airport, which was arguably the most dangerous part of the excursion. Eduardo was happy to help me despite my minimal Spanish, and I asked him to drop me off in la Candelaria, the main historical/cultural district in town. Before stepping out of the cab, I was already happy that I had made the trip. The city is beautifully situated, and the edges reach into the steep mountains surrounding it. There is a significant skyline, which I didn´t expect, and the roads were wide and well-organized. Once we dodged our way through the typical chaos in ... read more
Street in La Candeleria
Catedral Primada de Bogotá
Lunch break

South America » Colombia » Bogota June 16th 2008

To stay an extra day in Bogata was a last minute add-on. I usually have no interest in capital cities, but, I'm glad we did check it out. We spent our day visiting various museums, including their well stocked gold museum and strolling through La Candelaria, a section of the city with cobbled streets, shops, crafts, and galleries. We ended the day with a cable car trip to the top of Cerro de Montserrat (10,000 ft). At the top is a church and spectacular views of the city. There are also local vendors, one of which made one of my favorite drinks - Canelazo - a hot, alcoholic cinnamon and cloves. I discovered this drink in Ecuador and it was a treat to find it here! We were going to check out the salsa scene, but, ... read more
Museo de Arte del Banco de la Republica
Military Museum
Justice Palace

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