Blogs from Colombia, South America - page 275


South America » Colombia » Taganga June 4th 2008

So - endlich wieder einmal ein Internet das nicht so langsam ist, dass einem gleich die Lust vergeht. In San Andres haben wir ebenfalls mit einer Vespa die etwas groessere und dichter besiedelte Insel erkundet und den tollen Stadtstrand genossen. Am naechsten Tag sind wir dann wieder nach Cartagena geflogen und haben dort uebernachtet. Nachher sind wir von dort aus mit einem Bus in ca. 5 1/2 h nach Santa Marta gefahren welches ca. 250 km entfern ist und sind von dort aus, zusammen mit zwei anderen Reisenden gleich mit einem Taxi weiter nach Taganga, einem kleinen Fischerdorf gefahren. Wir haben ein kleines Hostel gefunden das uns sehr gefaellt. Gestern haben wir dann zwei Tauchgaenge gebucht und sind mit einem tollen Boot zu zwei Tauchspots gefahren. Natuerlich gab es wieder viel zu sehen und wir genossen ... read more
Einer der unzaehligen Fische
Verschnaufpause im Park Tayrona
Einer der Straende im Park

South America » Colombia » Cartagena June 3rd 2008

also viele haben es schon mitgekriegt.. aber hier mal so halb offiziel.. ich hab mir ein segelboottoern von sanblas nach cartechena (kolumbien) gechartert (wie auch immer man das schreibt) und he.. ich freu mich schon riesig auf diesen trip.. eine woche lang segeln.. kleine inseln sehen (scheinbar gibt es inseln mit nur einer palme und sonst nix drauf) und dann in der wahnsinns kolonialstadt cartechena ankommen.. und he wenn wir wirklich von kolumbianischen seeraeubern gekappert werden.. ihr wisst wo ihr mich suchen muesst.. zwischen san blas und cartechena.. ok? nein nein.. kommt schon alles gut.. bald mehr.. also allen sorgen zu trotz, ich bin angekommen.. nach einem wunderschoenen tripp ueber die inseln von sanblas, sind wir gestern in cartagena angekommen.. ... read more

South America » Colombia » Cartagena June 2nd 2008

We got off our overnight bus from Medillin to Cartagena and got a taxi to the main plaza, Plaza Santo Domingo, in the old town of Cartagena. The old town is easy to recognise as it´s the first part that doesn´t look like a shanty town. Niamh sat down for a coffee and minded the bags while I headed off with the assistance of one of the locals looking for a room for a few nights. The idea being he takes me to places where he´ll get a commission if I take a room. Unfortunately it was a public holiday weekend so the place was busy and our budget was below anything he showed me so it was back to Niamh in the plaza for breakfast. After that it was Niamh´s turn to go looking for ... read more
Cartagena Street
Tagangan Sunset
Plaza Santo Domingo Statue

South America » Colombia » Santa Marta May 31st 2008

Almost all of the cell phones here, including my own, are prepay. Meaning that when your money runs out, and it does frequently, you hang up on who you are talking to. It makes for a quick easy exit from a conversation. Plus hanging up and claiming you ran out of money is oh so believable. The best is when you know they don’t have money to call you back. Great. Time and time again my tendency to not answer the phone is reinforced. I get punished for almost every pick up. I understand now why the elderly play at not being able to figure out a cellphone, they just don’t want to talk to anyone anymore. I’m totally onboard. Memory sticks are like dirty penises to me. You aren’t sticking that disgusting thing in my ... read more
Cooter afraid to swim at Bahia Concha
Wheelbarrow race
Wheelbarrow race partner switch

South America » Colombia » Santa Marta May 31st 2008

Our final 2 weeks in Colombia sees us heading 5 hours further along the Caribbean coast to Santa Marta. At least it was meant to be 5 hours, as is the way with Colombia we were sat in a jam for two hours waiting for an accident to clear. This meant we arrived about 12.30 at night, with no idea of where to stay, brilliant. Fortunately we got chatting to an English guy on the coach who just happened to be travelling with a Colombian girl, so we headed to the same hostel as them and low and behold we ended up lucking out and getting a 4 bedroom room with them, sweet...or at least it would have been if it wasn´t for the fact that the room was about 40 degrees, with only two small ... read more
another glorious day is done....
Even the fishermen have had enough!
doesnt it give you that warm fuzzy afterglow.....

South America » Colombia May 31st 2008

It is only getting better and prettier. Heading to Cartagena. This will be the only place in Colombia where I was more aware of my bag and people around me. Cartagena is known with tourism due to big cruise ships coming here. The old city centre is beautiful, colourful and full of tourists. The rest of the official city is sadly the opposite; it is poor and filthy. Diving is one of the things you can do very well here. I loved diving at Islas del Rosario. The trip towards there by boat, looking back at the stunning old city centre. Arriving at one of the islands, it felt really Caribbean. Turquoise blue water and islands here and there. I'm also very excited to see Frigate birds in mating season. I used to have a book ... read more
Cartagena, on a film set
Islas del Rosario, frigate bird

South America » Colombia » Santa Marta May 30th 2008

I´m not quite sure how it happened, but one minute we were out on the town, drinking cheap cocktails and eating shit food with the Hendry Joneses, then the next minute we wake up in Colombia with but a few fleeting mint flavoured memories of our time with Chris and Caz, and an empty bank account. With our brains in no fit state to endure any more Spanish lessons, we decided to head back to the fishing village of Taganga before seeing some more of Colombia. The bus trip to Taganga was for once characterised not by death defying driving, but by vicious throbbing hangovers, and by a Caribbean rainstorm that turned the streets into grade IV rapids within about 3 minutes. It was quite incredible to view! Taganga has perhaps the highest Backpacker per Capita ... read more
Anti Pirate Type Defences
Olde Worlde Mappe
Lovely Hostel In Taganga

South America » Colombia » Popayan May 27th 2008

16th - 30th May: After flying back to Quito from the Galapagos Islands we had a few days in Quito and thankfully the sun came out for half of one of those, but the muggings didn´t stop. The sun finally appeared on the Sunday morning and we got to see the Old Town in all its glory as the streets are closed to cars on Sundays. As for the muggings, well the chef (a Quito local) in the Secret Garden got stabbed on the Friday night. Don´t think we´ll be going back to Quito in a hurry. We hit the road for the Colombian border on the Tuesday morning and stopped in a town called Pasto, in southern Colombia, on Tuesday night just to break the journey. Next morning we moved on to Popayan, a beautiful ... read more
Salento Main Street
Silvia Man

South America » Colombia » Bogota May 27th 2008

It's been a long time coming, but will be on their way...... one day! Ah, another bus know when you've had enough as your socks get stuck to the cuts and open wounds of your feet, it's freezing cold, I'm curled in a very small ball, could probably fit into a womb, my I-pod has run out, feel very empty, gritty eyed and sapped of any energy. Perfect timing to be deposited at a random bus station at 3am in Cali. With no money, we luckily shared a taxi with 2 sweet girls from Denmark, who also had a reservation at a hostel. Unfortunately said reservation no longer existed as we bellowed out from the street to wake the hostel up. Not a good start. Had to drive around until we eventually found one ... read more

South America » Colombia » San Andres May 27th 2008

Wir sind mit einer mittleren Maschine von Cartagena aus in einer Stunde nach Providencia geglogen. Die Gepaeckkontrolle war sehr streng. Alles wurde genau untersucht und jede Tube geoeffnet. In San Andres haben wir dann gleich noch den Weiterflug nach Providencia in einer 19plaetzigen Propellemaschine gebucht und sind zwei Stunden spaeter gleich weitergeflogen. Nach 20 Minuten waren wir schon dort und sind in einem kleinen Hotel abgestiegen. Von unserem Zimmer sind es nur ca. 6 Meter zum Meer. Es hatte zwar geregnet als wir ankamen doch es war trotzdem noch sehr warm. Die Insel ist sehr klein (7,5 km lang, 4 km breit, 5'000 Einwohner) und sehr bergig. Wir haben in der Zwischenzeit die Insel mit einem Boot umfahren, waren schnorcheln und baden, haben den hoechsten Berg bestiegen (320 m) was bei dieser Hitze und Feuchtigkeit kein ... read more
Einer der Straende in Providencia
Auf dem hoechsten Punkt in Providencia

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