Blogs from Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, South America


South America » Brazil » Rio Grande do Norte » Natal February 16th 2016

Tuesday 16th February, 2016. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Natal is the capital and largest city of ro Grande do norte State in north-eastern Brazil. It is approximately 873 kilometres (543 miles) northeast of Salvador and 2,068 kilometres (1,285 miles northeast of Rio. It has a population of approximately 803,739. Natal is a city built on sand. It blows across the city streets and piles up like snow drifts. It lines the city's beaches, landscapes and city parks. Outside of the centre, the sand spreads in mountainous dune ranges that stretch for miles and miles. This was the first thing we saw as we approached the entrance to the Potengi river that is the entrance to the city docks. Natal is one of the 8 most visited cities in Brazil and is regarded as being ... read more
4.  Forte dos Reis Magos
6.  M Outside the  Forte dos Reis Magos
8.  Forte dos Reis Magos

South America » Brazil » Rio Grande do Norte » Natal February 17th 2015

Esco finalmente dalla regione amazzonica passando da quella che per secoli è stata la sua principale porta d'accesso, la decadente metropoli di Belém do Parà: l'ultimo saluto al grande fiume avviene al termine di un malinconico pomeriggio di pioggia trascorso sorseggiando birra "Amazonas" al tavolo di uno dei bar della zona del porto, da poco tutta accuratamente ristrutturata. Il sentimento di tristezza è dovuto principalmente al fatto di dover dire addio alla navigazione fluviale, per passare ora definitivamente a scomodi mezzi di trasporto su ruota; seguirò da qui in poi la linea della costa ed un sentiero tracciato da una serie infinita di dune di sabbia, che spero sapranno emozionarmi al pari della monotona distesa di vegetazione che per lunghe settimane ha accompagnato questo mio viaggio.... Tappa d'obbligo lungo il percorso è la città di Sao ... read more
Le lenzuola del Maranhao
L'approdo a Belem
Dune sulla spiaggia (Jericoacoara)

South America » Brazil » Rio Grande do Norte » Natal October 18th 2012

Spontan haben wir beschlossen, doch noch einen Tag in Natal zu verbringen. Eigentlich wollten wir hier nur übernachten und dann gleich weiter nach João Pessoa. Aber letztendlich dachten wir uns gibt es hier mehr zu unternehmen und außerdem können wir so noch ein bisschen länger unsere Zweisamkeit genießen. UND vielleicht mag mich Natal ja doch endlich mal. Also haben wir heute einen Buggyausflug gemacht, der wohl in Natal bzw. der Umgebung touristisches Pflichtprogramm ist. Zusammen mit einem brasilianischen Pärchen auf Hochzeitsreise sind wir Richtung Norden losgedüst. Insgesamt über 100 km haben wir zurückgelegt, fast ausschließlich an Stränden und durch Dünen. Denn dafür ist Rio Grande do Norte bekannt – für seine fantastischen Dünen. Und das sind sie tatsächlich! Inmitten der unendlichen Sandlandschaften begegneten uns ab und zu Süßwasserseen, in einem davon durften wir sogar bade... read more
Blick aufs Meer von Genipabu
Natal im Hintergrund
Überfahrt mit dem Buggy

South America » Brazil » Rio Grande do Norte » Natal October 12th 2012

Seit Montagnacht ist endlich meine bessere Hälfte bei mir!!! Leider hat er nur knapp 2 Wochen Zeit, weil er dann in Deutschland wieder fleißig sein muss. Deshalb müssen wir die kurze Zeit bestmöglich ausnutzen. Also habe ich ihm am Dienstag mal ein bisschen João Pessoa gezeigt (schafft man ja an einem Tag…), wobei ich selbst auch zum ersten Mal mit dem Bus durch die Stadt gefahren bin. Hab gedacht schlimmer als in anderen Städten kann es ja nicht sein. Nur letztendlich waren wir für eine Strecke, die mit dem Auto sonst 20 Minuten dauert, gleich mal 2 Stunden unterwegs. Scheiß Busnetz hier… Am Mittwochmorgen sind wir dann auch gleich geflüchtet Richtung Natal. Na, wer erinnert sich noch? Ja genau, da wollte ich ursprünglich studieren, aber dank unüberwindlicher bürokratischer Hürden sowohl auf brasilianischer als auch auf deutscher ... read more
der größte Cashewbaum der Welt
das ganze grüne ist der eine Baum!!

South America » Brazil » Rio Grande do Norte » Natal May 21st 2011

Morro Branco is a tiny beach town 80km east along the coast from Fortaleza; however, our journey there was beginning 250 km WEST of Fortaleza, and the road for the first hour was hardly worthy of the title. We bounced along from Jericoacoara on a huge 4x4 truck, passing through small villages on our way to meet a proper bus to take us as far as Fortaleza. Bizarrely, this bus took us to the city's airport so we had to take a taxi to the bus station, before getting on another bus to Beberibe, a small town near Morro Branco. Another taxi helped us complete the journey, arriving at 4pm on May 10th. We quickly arranged a place to stay (which wasn't hard - this being low season we were swamped with pousada owners offering their ... read more
The view of Morro Branco from our pousada
Morro Branco beach
The coloured cliffs

South America » Brazil » Rio Grande do Norte » Natal September 14th 2009

Natal doesn't get much of a mention in the guidebooks but it's a pretty good place. Yesterday (Sunday) the place was lively, the beach was full of Brazilians, the restaurants busy, it was a nice place to be, probably nicer than the places the guidebooks do mention which are often full of the same people we've seen in other places. Today we've had a great fun day in a beach buggy on the beaches and in the dunes around Natal. The driver was excellent speeding up and down the faces of the dunes, spinning the back end around, pointing out interesting things and playing some excellent music on the cd. Atsuko and I were both like children at the fairground - whooping, hollering and yee hahing like a couple of American golf spectators :-))))) There were ... read more
At The Top Of The First Dune
At The Top Of The First Dune
At The Top Of The First Dune

South America » Brazil » Rio Grande do Norte » Natal April 1st 2009

NATAL We arrived in Natal after a 28 hour bus ride with directions to Camy's beach house in hand. We were happy not to get robbed in the night, but we were also very tired. We found Camy's house with a lot of help from her neighbors and it was such a wonderful place we felt very fortunate to stay there. We spent that day mostly resting and walking along the beach. The ocean was green with the temperature of bath water. Unfortunately, where there wasn't submerged rocks there were surfers. We weren't sure which was more dangerous but Ammi was determined to swim regardless. She was having fun until a surfer decided to deviate from the group and force Ammi to swim into the rocks, scraping her knee. But she still had fun. “Other than ... read more
Carnival Mask
Master beer salesman
I don't remember Captain America wearing a dress

South America » Brazil » Rio Grande do Norte » Natal March 7th 2009

Die warmherzige Gastfreundschaft meiner "2. Familie" hier in Recife hat mich wieder aufgebaut, gestaerkt und erholt und neue Reiselust in mir geweckt. Ein gluecklicher Zufall hat mir dann noch einen Reisekumpel beschert, der nach verzweifelten Kommunikationsversuchen in meinem gebrochenen "Portugnol" hier in den ersten Tagen Licht in die finstere Nacht brachte: Er ist Deutscher!! Es tut gut, nach so lager Zeit wieder mal in seiner eigenen Sprache zu sprechen. Der Zufall brachte uns mit den gleichen Ideen im Flieger zusammen, und so machten wir uns von Recife per Bus auf in den Norden, um zu surfen und die etwas weniger erschlossenen Straende und Fischerdoerfer zu erkunden. Der Nordosten ist besonders fuer Fisch- und Prawn-Liebhaber ein Paradies auf Erden. Beides liefert dort den Hauptertrag und ist so frisch wie nirgendwo sonst. Erster Halt war Joao Pessoa, ein ... read more
Weg nach Galinhos

South America » Brazil » Rio Grande do Norte » Natal January 29th 2009

On Thursday the day started out raining, not a very nice beach day.. but we went down the coast anyway and visited two other beaches. They were ment to be really beautiful beaches. The first one was very basic, nothing too great.. But after awhile the clouds moved on and it turned out ok.. We found a beautiful spot to eat lunch overlooking a creek running into the ocean. After lunch we went to the next beach. This one was cool because we hired another buggie, but this time Georgia came with us so it was more calm and we just went along the beach. We stoped at a hut on the way, it was kind of like a tiny turtle museum. We also stoped at Coca cola lagoon, which looked very beatiful with the evening ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio Grande do Norte » Natal January 28th 2009

So wednesday Jules and I got up and were driven around the sand dunes in a buggy. I know it´s not very environmental but it was heaps fun!! He drove really fast up, down and around corners. I tried to make some movies but they are really shaky and you can´t really see how steep it is because it´s all just sand against sand.. We stoped on the way and these kids were holding some lizards and monkey (to show tourists in the hope of some money) man the monkey was so small, he di´n´t stay still for a moment running up and down peoples arms. Jules wouldn´t go near the lizard but I held it. It was so green. We also stoped at the top of a dune. Jules got really thirsty and drank a ... read more
The Buggies
The Dunes
Jules and I

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