Blogs from El Fuerte de Samaipata, Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia, South America


We woke early for an 8am start with Michael Blendinger tours, only to find a note on the shop window telling us to return at 9:30am. I don't think 5 months in South America will encourage me to become more easy going about such things, despite Chris's best efforts! We were pleasantly surprised to be greeted by an eccentric English speaking German, Frank, on our return (as we had expected a non-English speaking guide plus translator). With no-one else on our tour, Frank was our private guide for the day, and full credit to him. He has lived in Bolivia for 10 years (and travelled here for some 10 years before that) and was a fountain of information on flora, fauna (especially birds) and Bolivian (and wider Andean/Inca) history - cultures, indigenous groups and politics. At ... read more
El Fuerte
El Fuerte
El Fuerte

Tras recorrer las misiones de la Chiqiuitania durante una semana como si fuéramos nuevos y posmodernos jesuitas, por fin encontramos un lugar donde pasar unos días y dejarnos de predicar en la selva a la espera de algún transporte. Y es que en Bolivia lo del transporte es un capítulo aparte. De entrada, en la Chiquitania, al transporte lo llaman movilidad porque si no tienes carro pues no te mueves del sitio, te immovilizas. No hay apenas transporte colectivo (ni individual), los autobuses pasan una vez al día en los horarios más estrafalarios, no hay carreteras asfaltadas y cuando llueve se vuelven pantanos fangosos. Nos hemos cansado de esperar horas y horas a esa maldita flota que ya está por llegar, desquiciados pensando que la máquina se habrá averiado unas cinco veces por el camino o ... read more
esperando el bus a San Ignacio
fuerte de samaipata
reponiendo fuerzas

Finished Work! The final touch to the gruelling schedule of the past couple of months was to hand-deliver all the players to their connecting flights in Miami... without losing any! Sounds easy enough, unless you have a three hour delay, a surprise fuel landing in Cali and a Bolivian shopkeeper calling the airport policewoman to arrest three of them, just before take-off! That was before landing in Miami where half the group grabbed their bags and disappeared without so much as a slight gracias! Beautifully, the rest of the group were delightfully tearful in their farewells... made a lot of the headaches vanish into the Miami hurricane weather. Mission accomplished. Wait! Where is the Canadian boy? the Mexican? They are on the immigrant passport control side... much longer queue! Did they make their connections? After a ... read more
Mini Alberto

Hola de nuevo, hoy tocan dos nuevas entradas, la primera es de Samaipata. Este es un pequeño lugar situado a dos horas al sur de Santacruz donde hay la mejores ruinas preinacas encontradas hasta ahora. Es un lugar que se llama el fuerte a unos 2000 metros de altura donde varias culturas preincas amazonicas se dedicaron a tallar un formacion rocosa de 200 metros de largo por 60 de ancho que se cree se convirtio en un lugar de culto. Luego fue ocupado por los incas que lo expandieron un poco e hicieron una ciudad a su alrededor y luego claro esta, llegaron nuestro aguerridos antepasados y al carajo con todo, luego se aburrienron y el lugar quedo abandonado por mas de 300 años. Ahora ha sido declarado patrimonio de la humanidad y la verdad ... read more
Rocio mirando hacia El Fuerte
La roca de El Fuerte
El Fuerte

NOT really, but were very surprised to hear the owner of Hotel Italia ask me ¿Are you going out now ? granted this is in the evening. A bit puzzled sipping my tea in the dining room I told her No, actually, we are just getting back from spending the entire day in Samaipata now it's her turn to look puzzled - she continued to tell me that they (her and the cleaning ladies) thought we'd been in bed all day! We crossed paths about seven in the evening as I was enjoying a cup o'tea in the dining room...a bit embarrassing for both but what can you do? We had a great day visiting the sites in Samaipata, the main attraction being El Fuerte - a gigantic pre-columbian carved sacred stone resting on top of ... read more
el fuerte 2
Sean in reflection

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