Blogs from Potosí Department, Bolivia, South America - page 138


Pour moi le point phare du périple depuis Chiclayo. C'est une étendue de sel de 12000 m^2 parfaitement plate. On est parti en 4*4 pour le traverser. A plus de 90 km/h le décord reste parfaitement fixe, étrange... Au milieu, l'île du Poisson (en forme de poisson...) reconverte de cactus géants. Le parcourt en 4*4 se poursuit dans le Sud Lipez où l'on trouve entre autres choses des lacs d'altitudes au milieu des volcans. La suite au prochain post.... read more
On est beau
Sur lîle du poisson

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Potosi May 31st 2006

Alors les post de mon blog paraissent longtemps après mon passage dans le lieu indiqué, le temps de faire site.... donc là je suis déja de retour a Arequipa au Pérou mais vous allez recevoir les pages de toutes les étapes précédentes en fait. Potosí. légendaire ville de Bolivie pour ses mines d'argent (ancienne plus grande ville d'amérique du Sud). Graeme a prit toutes les photos dans la mine, donc pas de photos. Nous avons vu des mineurs travaillant à la méthode encestrale avec leur marteau et piolet pour faire le trou dans lequel ils mettent le baton de dynamite. C'est impressionant, l'atmosphère est pleine de poussière de roches et métaux. On s'est cru dans "Indiana Jones et le temple maudit" quand les vagons passaient à coté de nous a pleine vitesse pour sortir de la ... read more
La vierge Marie en forme de Cerro de Plata...

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Potosi May 31st 2006

Hola, I arrived in Potosi, Bolivia, a few nights ago and am glad that I did. The town is a great mix between typical (but never usual) Bolivian markets and narrow colonial streets packed with kids in uniforms trotting home after school or on their way to a bar. The first night was spent just walking around exploring the watering holes around the city with a new French friend whose name I have forgotten (c'est la vie quand tu... uh.... travel). After a day spent relaxing and playing soccer with some kids (who, although half my height and half my age, kicked my ass) I found a sociable hostel and had a short sleep before rising early to head to a tour of the local silver mine. First, a little history. Potosi, the world's highest city ... read more
Mines and Biking
Mines and Biking
Mines and Biking

30 Mayo - Salar de Uyuni We are working our way out of the desert. This is our last night and tomorrow will be a short day. We breakfast late, leave late, and arrive in Uyuni early. These past three days have ridden us hard. They have been long days, with lots of driving, lots of intense sun, and lots of dust, and cold nights. This is definitely a land of extremes. We go from freezing at night to burning up during the day. Here, the sun and the wind rule everything. You have to dress in layers. If you are in the shade, you’re freezing. In the sun, sweating and looking for a sunburn, but if there’s wind, back to freezing and still looking for a sunburn. This place is so bizarre. It is like ... read more
Stunning Views are Everywhere in Salar
Lichen Growing on Solid Rock
Borax Lake

28 Mayo - Salar de Uyuni Well, made the overnight trip to Uyuni. Cold. Long. Uncomfortable. I didn't sleep much and Nikki was still ill. But we are all looking forward to this escape from reality. I am in yet another ancient place, this one more of a dreamscape. These salt flats are so extensive, they go on for days. I saw the name Salvador Dali on a map and I can completely see him here, “The Persistence of Time” and other surrealist pieces could easily be set here. Throw in some San Pedro and there you have it. We are in the middle of nowhere, in a cold-ass part of the world where not much lives or grows. The people who do live here are only here for the salt. It is their life, and ... read more
Salt Hotel
Pueblo in Salar
Train Graveyard

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Potosi May 25th 2006

As soon as we arrived in Uyuni, we couldn’t wait to leave…the place really had nothing going for it. So after 4days of being cramped in a jeep, we still considered another 6 hours by bus a good alternative to staying around this town. Finding all the buses fully booked till the morning, we did the only thing possible- we hired a private bus! Grabbe 10 peoploe in total, and organised our own way there. We had some locals even tryin to get out and offered to pay us 30bolivianos each to get on. Now this is the strange thing- driving through totally desolate landscapes lit up by moonlight, random people would be dropped off in the middle of nowhere…there was no house or path in sight…where are these people going…no doubt there is some alien ... read more
cerro Rico
casa real de la Moneda

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Potosi May 24th 2006

I left and Uyuni and took a bus to Potosi, which was about 6 hours away. This was how I imagined travelling in Bolivia to be. My backpack got strapped to the top and the passengers crammed into an old, beat up heap of metal. The gangways were filled with bags and extra passengers, who had been a sold a seat, as had everyone else. It was hot and dust filled our lungs for the entire trip. There was no toilet on board but luckily we stopped after about 3 hours. The only baño was what appeared to be a hole in someone's back yard. Back on the road we eventually arrived to Potosi, which is the highest city in the world at over 4,000m. I grew immediately fond of the place, with its narrow streets, ... read more

Day 1- After a long pause waiting in our jeep for our guide to join us, we finally head off on our 4 day tour through what is said to be one of the most beautiful place sin the world. It turns out that our delay was due to the company briefing or guide on what we´re about see. they had been photocopyin all the papers detailing all the sites that we are gong to, so that he would be able to read them out to us when we hit our destinations! it turns out that it was his first tour to the Salt flats, and it would be as much a holiday for him as it would be for us!! His name was Arsel- similarly pronounced to Ass hole! and our driver´s name was Adelio..but ... read more
the running of the Lamas!
beautiful sceneries everywhere
i love cacti!

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Potosi May 23rd 2006

Arrived in Potosi at 1am after a very cold, cramped and stinky bus journey. Got a cab with 2 brits to the nearest hostel and was alseep in seconds. Awoken at 6am though to the city church bells, the government of bolivia should pay for everyone to have their own alarm clock!! Finally got up at 9 and decided to try and see all the sights in one day. Checked out had beakfast then wandered around town (very slowly as this is the higest town in Bolivia) until time for my mines trip. Boarded the truck at 12 with only one other passenger, a journalist. But saw my friend Simone in the street so she ran after us and came along too. We were given wellies, overalls and helmets and then started the rickety ride up ... read more
Truck to mines
Miners on the way in
Miners on the way out

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