Blogs from Tupiza, Potosí Department, Bolivia, South America - page 12


South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza November 23rd 2007

The town of Tupiza, in Southern Bolivia, reminded us of the American West. Dry desert and large rock formations dotted the countryside. Sarah was sick during our time in Tupiza. And besides the benefit of getting some cough syrup with codeine, it meant we didn't really do a whole lot. The one outdoor activity we did fit in though, was a horseback ride. Neither of us had really ever ridden a horse, so we figured that Bolivia was as good of a time as any. So, we met our so-called guide, walked 2 blocks from our hostel and met the horses. Now, at home, if we were to go on a horseback ride we figured there might be waivers being signed, helmets being issued, and a good hour of instruction. But, we were in Bolivia and ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza November 23rd 2007

We did get the 5am DIRECT bus to Tupiza but they lied because it wasnt quite a direct bus. We got dropped off at 8am in some random dead town which we still have no idea where or what it was called to this day. They said we would get another bus at 10.30am. Luckily we made the man give us our ticket back or we would have hadto buy a new one. We didnt get another bus though we got a jeep. At first we didnt think it was going to be too bad until they tried and succeeded at fitting 16 bloody people into it. That was an interesting ride. Took four more hours in total. When we got to Tupiza we found it was a really sweet town. Very quiet and not much ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza November 10th 2007

Tupiza is the little town in Southern Bolivia where Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid made their last stand, and it certainly looks like cowboy country: blue skies, red mountains, green cacti and yellow dust everywhere. As we staggered from bus station to hostel with our newfound travel buddies (Fiona, Jane and Miles) I half expected to be held-up by someone wearing a stetson and spurs. It was time for my well-travelled cowboy hat to come out of the bag... We booked into the Mitru Hotel (recommended by the Lonely Planet as the best place in town) and spent the whole of the next day wandering around town, lounging by the pool, reading, catching up with emails and generally relaxing. Tupiza is a friendly and interesting place and we all agreed that a lazy day was ... read more
Our first canyon
Wild West
Crazy windstorm

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza October 8th 2007

Hola from Bolivia! After a long journey on the night bus from Salta we arrived at the Bolivian border at around 5 in the morning, we had no sleep thanks to a Bolivian lady playing very annoying music on her portable CD player and then wondered around aimlessly in the dark looking for immigration so we could cross the border. Once our passports were stamped we made are way to the train station (a shed) where it dawned on us that our train was not leaving until 15.30 considering we got there at 07.00 it was going to be a long day. The shed consisted of a few benches and a toilet closely guarded by a very stern toilet attendent who wanted her 1 boliviano badly, Waterloo never looked so good! Once on the train we ... read more
Jake and Tupi the horse
Like a duck to water
Kerri taking in the view

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza October 8th 2007

As soon as we crossed the border into Bolivia (after an 8 hour night-bus ride on the last of the luxury coaches) I knew we were in the South America of my imagination - Hordes of people swarmed around the bus offering to carry our bags (for a fee) and wrinkled old women fried empanadas on the street outside rickety houses constructed from corrugated iron and chipboard. Things started to get ugly when none of the bus companies would sell us a direct ticet to Tupiza - a journey which should have taken 3 hours - and insisted that we go via Tarija (8 hours) and catch another bus from there (10 hours). Things got nastier still when it was discovered that we hadn´t actually crossed the border at Villanzon at all, but at Yuciba, a ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza October 7th 2007

We´ve just had the most incredible four days in the southwest corner of Bolivia on the Chilean border - mostly known for the Salar de Uyuni (salt flats) but it also has lakes and mountains the most incredible colours that you´ll ever see. The four days were spent being driven around to various sights by our Spanish guide and cook, neither of them spoke a word of English but between us and the American couple we were with we managed ok, and anything we weren´t sure about, we just made up! We stayed in the villages with families but in purpose built rooms which were basic but comfortable enough for a night. Even though it was sunny during the day the nights were freezing because of the high altitude but the stars were amazing. When I ... read more
Coloured rocks
Laguna Verde
Green moss

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza October 7th 2007

ITA - Tupiza Da Potosí perdiamo il nostro autobus notturno (pieno), e partiamo quindi la mattina dopo, per arrivare a Tupiza, nel Sud del paese, vicino all'Argentina, di pomeriggio, con circa 20 gradi in più che alla partenza.. L'intenzione era farci due giorni di riposo e lusso, prima di partire per il salar di Uyuni, in un albergo tranquillo, con piscina, ecc. Invece la piscina è chiusa, e la città un mortorio (il che si capisce, visto il caldo).. La città di Tupiza non offre molto in sé, ma i suoi dintorni invece permettono di fare varie passeggiate, o giri a cavallo, in mezzo a paesaggi lunari. Noi optiamo per il cavallo, e partiamo per mezza giornata, fra cactus, canyons, formazioni rocciose di tutti i tipi e sotto un sole cocente. Il resto del tempo ci ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza October 4th 2007

SPONTANITETEN LÆNGE LEVE Det var aldrig meningen, at vi skulle til Bolivia, men vores rejse tog en spontan og uventet drejning, da vi mødte Matt. Det var en af vores næstsidste dag i Cordoba, og efter planen skulle vi videre nordpå i Argentina, til Catamarca og Salta. Men så faldt vi i snak med Matt, der boede på samme hostel som os. Matt er en amerikansk fyr af den alternative slags, der arbejdet som engelsklærer i Sydkorea halve og hele år ad gangen. ”Fordi det er et mega chilled job. Og fordi sydkoreanerne har for mange penge, som de ikke ved, hvad de skal bruge på, og som de så bruger på deres børns uddannelse. Og fordi skolen betaler alt fra logi til flybilletter, og man tjener kassen”. Når Matt har arbejdet i et halvt eller ... read more
Egon Olsen stil?
PÃ¥ vejen til Uyuni
Det bolivianske flag

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza October 2nd 2007

Picking up where I left off, we ate in one of the other Italian restaurants on the first, before me and 2 of the girls went to a bar down the road which played cheesy 90s Europop. I also managed to have a broken conversation with one of the locals, but would have preferred it if he didn't keep poking me in the face with his baseball cap. The next day 3 of us decided to do a jeep tour of the area, and again I got to practice my Spanish on the driver, and he surprisingly managed to understand most of what I said. The tour itself was OK, we saw lots of rocks, and some llamas. Photos will follow as per usual. One thing of note about Bolivians - they are all tiny. And ... read more
Rocks 1
Rocks 2

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza September 30th 2007

After our final night's camping (and the last bush camp) until we get on the Inca trail, we headed north towards the border with Bolivia. My night's sleep wasn't great - I've suffered from sandfly bites in Salta and my left ankle now looks like a rhinos. The border crossing was very smooth, despite my failure to understand basic Spanish when changing money up, and the kids who took a bit too much of a shining to our truck. The roads in Bolivia seem to be roads by name alone. And when you're in a massive van with negligible suspension, it takes its toll. Not only on me, but also on the monkey fridge magnet I'd bought for JC - sorry mate. We arrived in Tupiza at around 11 this morning to our first decent hotel ... read more

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