Blogs from Tupiza, Potosí Department, Bolivia, South America - page 10


South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza July 18th 2008

So we have been and gone through Bolivia in no time but really enjoyed it. We started in La Paz, a massive city at 3700m so walking up even the smallest hills got us peckin a wee bit! La Paz was crazy. Markets all over the streets but with some awesome bargains (alpcaca jumper for 6 quid!) and not so awesome bargains at the witches market (llama foetus´to bury under your house for good luck.. hmmm!). We had a good night out where the boys had "Mo livia" where they had to have some odd facial hair thing going on, so feeling left our I pencilled myself on a nice tache- check out the pic! After a good couple of days in La Paz and buying souveniers for next to nothing we headed off to Potosi. ... read more
2 ladies chewin´ the fat in La Paz!
Me on my llama!
Craig in the palm of my always!

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza July 13th 2008

If you've ever been on one of those machines at the gym that vibrate you violently while you do your crunches in order to give you extra muscle toning power, you'll have a good idea of what our bus journey from the Bolivian border was like. Neither road (when indeed there were roads) nor bus were in very good nick, and our skeletons got a good couple of hours of clanking. Unfortunately, however, we didn't arrive with those perfect six packs! Our destination, Tupiza, is an old mining town and is apparently where Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid met their makers, killed by the Bolivian army after a string of bank raids across South America. These days it is also home to such a high rate of Italian restaurants per head that I think they ... read more
Cañon de Duende
On horseback
Nat, Dog, Canyon

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza June 21st 2008

Our stop in Uyuni was brief as we have become increasingly aware of time and so we spent half a day exploring the town, the markets, sussing out how to head south (yes south) and generally meeting the real life of Bolivia. We love Bolivia, the people are friendly and smiling and with un poco Spanish we are welcomed and accommodated for. Emma´s really glad she did that intro course and is learning a new word or two each day. Uyuni is truly an isolated desert town, apparently its supposed to be really cold but its nothing like what we experienced out in the wilderness to get here. We had a look at the few sights and thAfter our half day sight seeing we bought a ticket for Tupiza in the South West corner of Bolivia. ... read more
Landscape just outside Tupiza
View of Tupiza
One of many local canyons

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza June 10th 2008

Day 254 - Saturday 31 May Theres only 2 buses out of town to Tupiza, one at 8 in the morning and another at 8 at night. As we didn´t fancy arriving at 3am in the morning, we opted for the 8am one. We were lucky to get on it though, there were only a few seats left on the bus. Seven hours later we´d arrived in Tupiza. We spent a while haggling for rooms at various hotels before finally finding one. Once we´d dropped the bags off we went to the various tour agencies in town (theres loads), to try and get a good deal on one of the tours you can do. In the end we ended up booking through our hotel so could have saved ourselves a load of time and effort. However ... read more
On the horseriding trail

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza May 22nd 2008

Tupiza is great! Bolivia has lived up to its reputaion of being cheaper than Argentina. we found a great hotel with cable TV, a swimming pool and the best breakfast we have had for 16USD (Hotal Mitur). We organized a Salar de Uyuni (salt flat) tour. We have been told this tour takes us up into some amazing environments although Leanne is slightly worried about the nightly -20degrees temperatures and the accomodation described as basic i.e no heating. After booking this we had a quick run down to the local market to stock up on winter woolies and Matt found a great barber for the bargain of the day. Hair cut costing 0.60USD. We couldnt leave town tomorrow without riding the the tracks of Butch Cassidy and the Sun Dance Kid, so we organised a horse ... read more
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza May 21st 2008

So after many kilometers travelling on buses around the fantastic and so diverse scenery of Argentina we finally said goodbye today and opened another shining chapter on Bolivia. What a welcome it had in store for us! The border crossing into Bolivia was a bridge spanning a small river. It was rather a chaotic set up but proved to be rather easy. We only had to ask several times where get our entry and exit stamps. First stop upon reaching the border (town called Villazon) is always to get the new countries cash and a ticket out of there as border towns aren´t the most exciting places and are often dodgey. So loaded like mules we hunted out the only ATM in town and possibly the only one for the next week. Boom boom! disaster number ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza May 14th 2008

I´d heard a few things about Bolivia before arriving: the buses are rubbish and never on time, the food's decidedly dodgy and there's a general disregard for time.......forewarned is forearmed! My first conversation with a Bolivian, the taxi driver, went like this: 'Hola' 'Hola' '¿De que pais son?' 'Inglaterra' 'Ah, Bobby Charlton!' Brilliant! A similar conversation with a Thai taxi driver 7 years ago ended with 'Ah, David Beckham!' I think Bolivia are a bit behind the times. We caught a train to Tupiza which was actually very comfy, just not very speedy. The windows opened all the way down; perhaps not that safe but handy for buying ice creams from the sellers on the platform. The toilet was quite amusing - you could see the track whizzing along below! - and even surprisingly clean, with ... read more
So glad it's just a 3 hour trek.......
It's a little cactus man!
Typical hat of a Bolivian woman

And from Misones onwards - a long left hand curve to Resistencia by bus (to be stranded a whole day in this humourless city, sigh) Then over night again, northward by bus to Salta. This was a very pleasant place , very few spanish looking people now, more and more native faces. We happened onto a tidy little hotel with a charming host - Lucas. Very freindly, happy to let us practice our pretty sad spanish! A pretty gondala ride to the top of the mountain for a birds eye veiw of the city, which is built on a huge plain. Shopping for warmer clothes tick !Trying on lizard skin cowboy boots yee har. Great food and wine for a song. I managed to talk Gavin out of a visit to the slaughter house (which was ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza April 21st 2008

As soon as we crossed the border into Bolivia, it was immediately obvious that we had entered a different country. Gone are the European influences of Argentina; the roads are dustier, the people's faces are broader and darker, and everywhere there is evidence that things are much much poorer here. We got off our night bus in the freezing morning air in the border town of La Quaica, without much clue where to go from there. We ended up getting a taxi (just a few hundred metres) to Villazon on the Bolivian side of the border, walking through the immigration office, which was a little shed at the side of the road, then into another cab to the bus station, where we booked our transport to Tupiza, our actual destination. It was a bit like being ... read more
Our horsies!
Locals in La Quaica
Wild West Country

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza April 11th 2008

Our final stop in Argentina was in the north western city of Salta - back into the Andes for us. Great big country Argentina - 8th biggest in the world, apparently just behind India - about 960million less peoples living there though! Salta is a good place to do outdoor pursuits and to party but we didn't do any of that because we had a cold each so we slowed our pace down and did some coughing and sneezing instead. On a Sunday afternoon we sat in a cafe with the locals and watched a couple of footy games whilst having a few beers which was fab - we liked it especially whenever a goal was scored because the commentator shouted 'goooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllll' with all his breath which was very amusing for us especially as we were ... read more
Ahhh the perfect Sunday afternoon...
Another meal, another steak!
The wiggly road from Salta to San Pedro de Atacama

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