Blogs from Misiones, Argentina, South America - page 86


South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park January 12th 2006

Well we have made it through yet another crazy day, we have been up since 6:30 didn't´t get in until 3:30am but we made it to Iguaçu National Park this morning in enough time to get lost loose about ten pounds of water from sweating... buy a souvenir and still find our jungle tour jeep...actually it found us wandering aimlessly around the park. We did see a Toucan, a GIANT lizard and this crazy little raccoon/anteater thing..they practically chase you if your holding a coke, on our way to what we thought was the right spot. Which is more than I can say for that stupid jungle advise to anyone who comes the separate safari tour not the mini one that is offered by the park. On the other hand the boat tour into ... read more
Iguazu Falls
Iguazu Falls
Hike Out

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park January 11th 2006

On our way to the airport we read in the lonely planet that the summers in northern argentina can be brutal, since we have arived this morning after a 12 hour bus ride we got to see first hand just how brutal it can be.. it´s somwhere in the 100´s right now and the humidity is relentless. We all have bright red sholders after walking around the falls today...and I cant sum them up any other way that truley AWSOME, they are amazing but you get drenched just standing there looking at them, so i did not get a chance to snap the pictures with my digital camera although i took a movie of it. So the photos I have included are from the last few nights two from the fall and the one of janine ... read more
Phone Booth
car ride

I'm off to make my world a little bit bigger.... Becki, Kriss, Janine and I are spending the next ten days traveling through Argentina. Our first stop is in Buenos Aries, where we can drink wine and learn the tango...then It's off to see one of our best friends and her 3rd!! baby! Once we are leaving her house and thankful that we are not married we will be on an overnight bus to Iguazu Falls on the border of Brazil. With enough Tylenol PMs we might get some sleep, although my brother swears by them but this is the guy who thinks $10 a night and cold running water is 4 star in Central America and if the toilet flushes on its might as well be the Ritz. Next We will hop on a ... read more

Took the overnight bus from Buenos Aires to Iguazu, really needed to leave the Milhouse I was turning nocturnal. Time for a few days of it and some proper sightseeing. But to my luck I sat next to Kath & Kate from London and Manchester who had conviently bought a bottle of wine (who takes wine on a bus trip!?!) with the complementary champagne & wine (yes it a flashy bus) the journey was a blast. One thing about booking your bus ticket late in South America it means you get to be toilet monitor for the journey! 15 hours later I arrive in Iguazu, its hot damn hot. I´m staying at the Hostel-Inn Iguazu, it has a massive pool, gardens, football pitch and feels more like a country hotel than hostel. On the downside the ... read more
Iguazu Falls
Iguazu Falls
Iguazu Falls

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park December 27th 2005

Starting off from Buenos Aires this morning at 5:30 am, we did the check out, hailed a taxi, and the next thing we knew was that we were at the Aeropuerto Jorge Newbery, a thirty minute ride from our hostel. Surprisingly, there were tons of people that early to catch early flights. Our 7:30 flight with Aerolineas Argentinas went smoothly, and two hours later, we touched down in the heart of the continent, in the Iguazu region that borders Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil. Puerto Iguazú in the Argentine side of the falls is a sleepy little town, with only 20,000 residents, contrast the Foz do Iguaçu with 250,000 people at the Brazilian side. We decided to check into a hotel in Pto Iguazú, not knowing what is good or bad. At least we know that the ... read more
Part of the Iguazu Falls in Argentina
Platform to the Devil's Throat
Iguazu Falls Argentine

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park December 26th 2005

After xmas we crossed the boarder into argentina, back to spanish again. hurray! off to see the falls again from the argentina side. we got much closer and wetter.... read more

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park December 23rd 2005

One of the great debates of the planet, especially of people travelling around South America is ... 'which side to see first?'. I was worried before I got here, that I might see it from the wrong side first and spoil my experience. After listening to many discussions - crossing many language barriers, we decided to leave it to fate. Fate told us that as the buses to our next destination were booking fast and they had a space only on the 23rd we would do the adventurous day when we had a bed to sleep in, rather than a bus! After seeing both sides, my advice to anyone coming here would be to quit worrying about it, just as long as you see both sides, toss a coin, throw a dice.. but just GO and ... read more
closer look
closer  still
from the island in the middle

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park December 5th 2005

OK, I'll revise the previous opinion...yes, its pretty speccy...justifiably one of the 700 natural wonders of the world..the Cataratas of Iguacu!..They have it in 5th place, just above Niagra, on the list of the World's top waterfalls sign in the park....but they don't mention Salto Angel which we know is the highest...?..and on this side (the Argy side)they have miles and miles of steel walkways..all very cool and surprisingly unobtrusive...that is if you can build anything in a tropical rainforestpristine bushland without being a tad you wander all around and get fantastic views of the falls...and the falls go on and on and on...At the special viewing spot for this really big part called Throat of the Devil...theres a largish older woman at the rail...she's hacking and coughing like about to cark it...going on and ... read more
Bike cam
Bike cam

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park December 1st 2005

WOW! WOW! WOW! pretty much sums up Iguazu Falls. Iguazu; I=water, guazu=big, is a fair enough name, these falls are huge! The height is around 74m max on them but the length and volume of water!!! Over 2.47 km, there are 275 waterfalls, pushing out 1750 cu/m per sec of water or during the rainy season 12750 cu/m/sec. So pretty much everywhere you look there are falls gushing out alot of water. The falls are on the border of Argentina & Brazil (Paraguay is also up there but no falls) and we saw them over 2 days on both sides. The first side we saw them from was of course Argentina. We got the overnight bus up from Buenos Aires to Puerto Iguazu. And god what a bus ride!!! It was just under 15 hrs ( ... read more
Us at the falls
Devils Throat

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park November 19th 2005

See some movies associated with this blog, 1st part See some movies associated with this blog, 2nd part We arrived in Foz de Iguazu on Saturday, after a very tiring journey. We´d booked a 24 hour coach for the journey from Rio to Iguazu, which actually took 26.5 hours to arrive. On top of that we had an hour long bus connection from Copacabana to the coach station, which we were told would only take 30 minutes. This meant we arrived at the coach station with 2 whole minutes to spare (N.B. never seen Mark so stressed!! he hates being late...). On top of that, when we arrived at Foz De Iguazu we struggled to get accomodation in the safer areas (i.e. there seemed to be no safe areas) so we headed for the Argentinian side ... read more
First close up view from the boat / primer avistamiento desde la barca [ARGENTINA]
The Three Musketeers / Los Tres Mosqueteros
This is cool, man (Bossetti Fall) / Como mola esto (Salto Bossetti) [ARGENTINA]

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