Blogs from Misiones, Argentina, South America - page 87


South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú November 8th 2005

I´m sitting in an internet cafe on Avenida Tres Fronteras, so called since it leads down towards the confluence of two rivers that mark the borders between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. We´re here to see the amazing Iguazu waterfalls. Maybe it´s just my geographical ignorance but I have to admit that before planning my trip to Argentina, I´d never heard of them. The truth is that they are absolutely breathtaking and I would highly recommend them to anyone. Alison´s visited Angel Falls in Venezuela (tallest in South America or world?) and she found Iguazu more impressive. I guess you´ll see the sheer size of them from the photos... We saw them from both the Argentinian and Brazilian sides, which meant that we hopped over to Brazil just for the day. Excellent! Was fun trying to guess ... read more
Alison, Vanessa and Me at falls
Part of falls on Argentine side
Wild guinea pig at falls

South America » Argentina » Misiones » San Ignacio November 4th 2005

Well, that´s how Vanessa has described the village we´re in at the moment! It´s definitely a one horse town but we´re here to see the Jesuit Mission ruins, which are beautiful but also a little eerie. The area of the ruins is no longer used and it almost seems as though the village´s 21st Century population is living in worse accommodation than the converts would have had in the 16th Century. Very strange. Apparently the Jesuits (and their civilised ways) were ousted by the Spanish crown when the ´Misiones´became too successful. Before arriving here, we visited the Esteros del Ibera - a national wetlands reserve, where we saw wonderful capybara, deer, crocodiles, kingfishers, woodpeckers and thousands of mosquitoes! The locals incorrectly informed us that the mosquitoes there didn´t bite; fortunately I didn´t believe them but despite ... read more
Intricate carvings at the ruins
Alison and Vanessa at the ruins

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park November 4th 2005

The Iguazu Falls were breath-taking. They are the widest waterfalls in the world and are truly beautiful. Our first day was spent on the Argentinian side, where we walked under the falls and then over them, getting soaked from the spray in some places. In the afternoon we took a truck ride through the jungle (nothing compared to the Amazon) and then went on a jet boat ride into the falls. As if we didn't get wet enough from the driver spinning the boat around, we then went very close to the cascades and got drenched- it was great fun! Day two at the falls was spent on the Brazilian side. Although it was not as much fun, the view was more spectacular as the majority of the falls are on the Argentinian side and therefore ... read more
Loco Gringos!
Jet boat ride

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Posadas October 6th 2005

Our trip to Posadas in Northeast Argentina meant our first experience of long distance buses in South America. If they were all as good as this one, we'd be laughing! Reclining seats to almost flat position, TV screens showing current films and free coffee... 5 and 1/2 hours seemed like a doddle! The following day, we took a trip to Trinidad in Paraguay to see some Jesuit ruins. This involved a total of 3 buses to cross the border, because they didn't wait for us to complete the necessary checks. Encarnacion is the border town in Paraguaym and we stopped long enough to change some Pesos to Guaranies in a 'Cambio'guarded by a man with a pump action shotgun... don't mess was the message!! ... read more

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park September 19th 2005

Up at the crack of dawn, as always so much to do and such little time. Had a good breakfast and because it wasn´t busy it meant we could make more for our lunch!! Met the couple who we met yesterday and they gave us travel advice, they are on there last 2 weeks of 12months. Today we went to the Argentinian side of the falls, they have 80% of the falls. The brazilian side is good to look at the panoramic views but on this side you get to get on top of the falls and under them. Jumped on another bus (we are always on buses!!) Had to go through the border and passport control. Got off the bus, crossed the road and onto another bus! Arrived at the falls with only reais not ... read more
Argentinian falls

so i finally left Buenos aires... after the most amazing 5 weeks of my life. buenos aires is magical.. it is great.. definitly reccommend it. and i took a 17 hour bus ride to iguazu. it is on the border of brazil, paraguay and argentina. iguazu is located about 2 degrees south of the tropic of capicorn. it is a sub tropical rainforest, famous for the waterfalls. they ahve over 275 waterfalls formed by 120 million years. in the rainforest they also have many animals. i saw monkeys, toucans (couldnt get a good picture), alligator, snakes, reptiles. they have this one mammal.. i forgot the name.. that all it does is eat. and they are not afraid of people. i was having lunch and it came up to my table and tried to steal my food. ... read more
waterfalls 1
waterfalls 2
waterfalls 3

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú July 26th 2005

Well it's been a while since I last wrote and I'm now in sunny Puerto Iguazu. Since my last e-mail, I moved in with Heain, the Korean girl from my class. She had rented an apartment in the city and initially had a friend that she was staying with, but he left and she had a spare bed. The place was pretty small but rent was really cheap and it was really nice to have Heain's company. I finished my four weeks of Spanish classes, so my last two weeks in Buenos Aires were free to venture around town and practise my Spanish on unsuspecting Argentinians. My Spanish continues to improve. However, I've had a couple of embarrassing 'lost in translation' moments where my listeners have been in stitches after I've mistakenly told them "I'm pregnant" ... read more
Iguazu Falls
Puerto Iguazu

today of course we ended up in Argentina, as you do! i mean we were so close by why not!! The falls from the argentinian side was incredible! not sure which side i prefer...maybe i need to visit them again to see. But the falls were unmissable, they should most defenatly be on everyones ´things to do before they die´list! we kinda blew the budget a bit today! i mean there was a chance for a ride on a speed boat underneath the waterdalls, so how could we not! it was absolutely amazing, we ended up getting so so wet our clothes still are nowhere near dry but it was most defenatly worth it, the speed boat took us right from the Argentinian side of the falls to the brazillian side via behinde the waterfalls. i ... read more
Laura enjoying the sights
The sights

We caught our first glimpse of the Falls from the air as we flew in. Caught the 1st bus out to the park this morning to beat the hoards of tourists! From the Argentinian side there is km´s of walking tracks which weave through the forest to viewing points of the Falls, both high and low. These Falls are spectacular, hence soo many pics! The shear volume of water that drops over is phenonimal, the thundering sound deafening, and the spray of water droplets would drench ya if you hung around long enough. We also took a boat ride which took us up the caynon and provided what is know as the "2nd most important baptism". We went right under the water falls of the Salta San Martin, not once, not twice, but 3 times, which ... read more
Iguazu Falls
Iguazu Falls
Iguazu Falls

Hey everyone, wow two blogs in less than a week. this is an old one that i forgot to publish. I think there arr a couple more old ones to be published. I will let the photos speak for themselves. if you are a traveler, check out ... read more

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