Blogs from West Coast, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 23


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Greymouth January 30th 2007

Our morning we Greymouth we woke up to crappy weather, which is apparently a commom thing on the west coast. We had a easy morning and drove around to some of the nearby towns that were susposed to be well known and famous. We still haven't decided why they were well know or famous! Once arriving back in Greymouth we decided to take a tour of the Monteiths Brewery. The tour of the brewery lasted 30 mins and the free beer part of the tour lasted 40 mins! We got to try all 7 types of beer and then they left us alone for 10 mins to drink our favorite beer! Crazy people leave us alone with free beer they should have know Dave won't follow the rules. Instead of using the short glasses for beer ... read more
Shantytown Station
Lake Kaniere

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Westport January 30th 2007

On the 30th we left Picton and headed to Greymouth, via Westport. The drive took us 6hrs but we stopped and looked at a few things along the way. The South Island is quite different from the North, it reminds me of Alberta a lot. There are lots of foothills and Mountains around to look at! On the road from Picton to Westport we discover where our favorite New Zealand wine comes from, which was kinda cool to see considering we had know idea where it was! We drove to Westport to check out a seal colony which was located at Cape Foulwind (with a name like that you know what to expect!). We saw 20 or so seals laying around on the rocks and playing in the surf and we also saw a few pups. ... read more
Pancake Rocks
Pancake Rocks
Penguin Crossing

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Greymouth January 26th 2007

Drove a long way today. Started by going up to the furthest north point - Fairwell Spit. Went back over the mountain and then went across to the West Coast. Decided to stay over in Greymouth where we got a motel again and watched England get bowled out for 110 in their latest debacle. Greymouth sits on the estuary of the river Grey as you could probably guess by the name. It's got one street of shops and bars but not much else.... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast January 26th 2007

Hello there! Well, 1-23-07 started off with us heading west from Christchurch. We were headed through Arthur's Pass, which based off of my other experiences in some of these mountains, I was a little worried about. The road turned out to be much more tame than expected. We were able to see some beautiful mountian views, even some with snow on the top. They also have beautiful wildflowers on the side of the road (lupines, I believe) that are a beauty to look at and have a sweet fragrance. We made it through the mountains with no trouble and headed for the coast. We traveled along a beautiful coastal road that afforded some beautiful views of the Tasman Sea. We were able to stop at a beach in a little town called Rapahoe. The beach was ... read more
Stalactites in the cave
Rafting in the cave
Tubing down the Nile

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast January 22nd 2007

Barrytown, a paradise on the west coast but with a heard of sandflies which irritate the shit out of you. I've been on this backpaker Stray bus for a week now its good when there is a good group on the bus. We were lucky for Barrytown and we all dressed up in crap and had beers with the locals. My friend Mattias and I met some boar hunters and went shooting down the beach in their pick up truck and had a wicked bonfire. We had such a good nioght here we stayed on to do exactly the same thing the next night but with a different bus load!... read more
Barrytown Fancy dress party
Barrytown Fancy dress party
4am bonfire!

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast January 14th 2007

On our journey down the west coast of the south island we stopped in for a night at the small town of Punakaiki, home of the weird and wonderful pancake rocks. These limestone rocks are layered on top of each other in a way that makes them look like piles of thick pancakes. Nobodies even sure how this has happened. Very strange. Quite a lot of driving the next day, through the rather aptly named Greymouth, and then onto the Franz Josef glacier. We decided to do a quick walk up to the glacier terminal (the end of the glacier). These things are massive!!! We only took a quick look at this glacier though as we planned to book a tour for the next day that actually took us for a walk out on to the ... read more
The Franz Josef Glacier
The Fox Glacier
Looking up to the top of the Fox Glacier

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast January 13th 2007

We woke up and went to look at the seal colony which was a short walk away from where we camped. Also took some touristy photos of sign with lots of different distances. You know you are a long way from home when London is the furthest at 16,296km away!!! Then we headed to Greymouth the weather turned pretty bad again. STopped at a few places on the way down. Then the rain started and just didnt stop. Car started to leak a little and we now have what we like to call a water feature!!!! Got to Franz Josef about 6pm. ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Franz Josef January 11th 2007

So having made it across to the west coast we drove southwards to Franz Josef glacier for an all day hike the next day on the glacier. Stunning walk but glad to be take the hiking boots off at the end of the day! Absolutely knackering day and was planning an early night but a guy from Cheadle introduced to Jagerbombs and QF's. Had a few and turned into a messy night. Drove down to Wanaka with the obligatory photo stops along the way. Long drive and a quiet town but had a quick stop at Puzzling World - a seemingly kid's day out but surprisingly good for a couple of hours especially the Tilted Rooms and Following Faces. A chilled out time before we headed to the adventure capital - Queenstown.... read more
Lake Wanaka

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast January 7th 2007

If you like taking landscape photographs, Southwest New Zealand is where your camera comes to die. The scenery changes dramatically, and quickly. Trying to capture all of these tremendous and varying landscapes is definitely keeping our camera busy. We began our day in Wanaka, a quaint mountain town with a Muskoka cottage country sort of feel, and from there it took us four hours to get up to glacier country. The first hour we wound around on the hillsides that line Lake Wanaka and Lake Hawea. The lakes and rolling hills, with the occasional small mountain made for some picturesque views. From there the road took us into Mount Aspiring National Park, where we drove the next hour-and-a-half. The mountainous scenery here was very stunning, and similar to a lot of what we saw in Fiordland ... read more
The Incredible Changing Landscape Drive - Hour 2
The Incredible Changing Landscape Drive - Hour 2
The Incredible Changing Landscape Drive - Hour 3

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Greymouth January 4th 2007

היי!!! אז היום התעוררנו ממש מוקדם (9)... כדי להגיע בזמן לארתור'ס-פאס. בגריימאות' לא הפסיק לרדת גשם, אבל אחרי שיחה קצרה עם קימה ופרדו גילינו שבארתור'ס עצמו יש אחלה מזג אוויר.. מיהרנו להגיע לפני שהשמש תחליט לברוח לנו, ואכן היה מזג אוויר מדהים.. כמו שאמרנו, יש במקום הממוון מסלולים ממש יפים שאפשר לעשות, עם נוף ממש מטורף. אחד המסלולים המפורסמים והיפים במקום נקרא "אבלנש פיק". משום מה זה נשמע לנו כמו איזה ביטוי בגרמנית שאומר: "אנחנו נפתח לכם את התחת", אז ויתרנו עליו. בכל מקרה, עשינו ישיבה וניסינו להחליט על מה בכל זאת מטפסים ובסוף החלטנו: פורשים שמיכה, מדליקים את הגזיה והולכים לשתות קפה על שפת הנחל, באמצע איזה שדה פרחים מטורף!! ואיזה כיף היה!!! כדי לוודא שזה לא היה חלום אפילו הצטלמנו.. תמונה של ה"אבלנש פיק" מצורפת בכל מקרה, רק מלמטה.. (: אחרי 4 שעות של ... read more
עם קימה ופרדו בפיקניק המטורף!
במבשלת הבירה-האמת,אין כמו גולדסטאר!
כל חבית כזאת-צריכה יומית של ניו זילנדי..

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