Blogs from West Coast, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 25


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast November 26th 2006

We are now on our way down the West Coast but there is no need to add a seperate entry for each place we visit as we are only stopping a night in some places. Westport At the top the west coast is this tiny little non descript town, the best thing about it was the drive there via the Nelson Lakes National Park. This park would have been even better if we could have seen the scenery properly as the rain has now set in big time. The park is the start of the Southern Alps, a large mountain range that go through the south island. It didn't help getting to Westport on a Sunday evening with nothing open and no cash to spend on the Kiwi Ex organised activities it was a bit of ... read more
Cape Foulwind
Pancake Rocks

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Franz Josef November 26th 2006

The Moari (Natives) call New Zealand "Aotearoa" which literally translates too: "Land of the long white cloud". We reckon a more suitable name would be "Land of too much long white cloud, and too much rain"! The weather today was terrible: cold, rain, and thick low cloud. We couldn't see those supposed fantastic views which all the brochures, leaflets and postcards show: The Fox or Franz Josef Glacier, the snow capped mountains, or the rain forests. Except for a walk around Fox Glacier village and Franz Josef township we petty much spent the whole day couped up inside the campervan. Campervans a small spaces by the way! Our Heli-Hike in the afternoon on Fox Glacier but it was cancelled - slightly gutting(!) but we're almost glad as we can now save the money for something else ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Punakiaki November 24th 2006

I decided to stop over for a night at Punakaiki to split the journey from Nelson to Franz Josef. Punakaiki is in the Paparoa National Park and has some famous pancake rocks and blowholes. These are formations of thinly bedded limestone that has been carved over the years by the sea into interesting shapes. I soon realised that the west coast is very wet and windy, a complete change from sunny Abel Tasman. When I arrived in the rain fortunately the owner of the hostel was there to give me a lift. So after getting sorted in the hostel I headed to the Pancake Rocks. They are a pleasant attraction and quite genteel. The blowholes were not really blowing even though it was high tide, perhaps the westerly wind was not strong enough. All the same ... read more
The pancake rocks
me on Truman beach, Punakaiki
Truman Beach

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Punakiaki November 24th 2006

Our first stop today was Cape Foulwind. Not much here other than a path along the coast and a lighthouse. After just a few minutes we left again. Our second stop was at the Tauranga Bay to sea a Seal colony. Here there were many seals; pups and adults, males and females, sleeping and playing. There weren't many in the water as there was a huge swell so there was plenty of surf and large crashing waves in every direction. As we followed the West Coast Road south, the sea to our right and huge cliffs and mountains to our left, we followed the forever twisting road to reach Punakaiki. Our third stop of the day was Punakaiki Cavern - we explored it with our head torches; not particulary intresting to describe - so we won't! ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Franz Josef November 23rd 2006

We left Greymouth at 8am with 46 people on the coach heading towards Franz the weather was poor raining. We stopped in Hokitika for the jade factory and the last supermarket before Franz. From here we went to Ross a gold mine area and saw a panning demo. We then set off to reach Franz Joseff for 1pm so people could do a half day glacier hike, not bothered for this so due to the poor weather I have downloaded the photos onto CD in the hostel which is called Chateau Franz stopping here for one night in a full dorm... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Greymouth November 19th 2006

We left Nelson at 8:15 heading towards Greymouth an excellent hot day. The bus went through Hope Saddle and Buller Gorge following some spectacular scenery we stopped in the Paparoa National Park where some of us took an hours walk along a good coastal path and we saw New Zealand Fur seals the bus met up with us at the end of the path and proceeded towards Greymouth. We stopped once more at a place call Punakaki which have blow hols and pancake rocks the pancake rocks look like animals. From there we went to Greymouth where I stopped in the Noah’s Ark Hostel which had rooms named after animals I was in the tiger room which had Rosie from Edinburgh in, the wall had a picture of a tigers head looking out at us. 2 ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast November 15th 2006

Tuesday 14th Novemeber Paul - We weren't expecting the weather to be great in the morning but we definately weren't expecting the deluge that greeted us. Decided we would give hiking on the glacier a miss (not that it mattered, heli hiking had been cancelled for the day anyway) but drove up to the glacier terminal anyway to see if we could sneek a peak. Through the mist we managed to make out something resembling snow but nothing spectacular. Drove on to Franz Josef glacier up the road, hoping that the weather might clear so we could at least see something of one of the biggest glaciers in the world. Fortunately for us the mist cleared for half an hour and we were able to see Franz Josef in all its icy glory. As it had ... read more
Pancake rocks
Our greenhouse

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast November 13th 2006

Being out of queenstown at last - we were all very keen to go some "activities"... so upon our arrival in Fox Glacier town, we headed straight off the the "little known secret" that was Gillespie beach. It get's a one word mention in one of the guidebooks, and otherwise we had heard from a couple people that it was well worth the visit. And to add frills to the occasion, it was Judith's 24th Birthday - a bbq was obligatory.,... despite the greying clouds and ominous rain! Maybe it was because it was one of the first "touristy" things we had done in a while, maybe it was because it was jude's birthday - but whatever the reason, we had a great time huddled around our disposable barbeque, sheltering from the wind and rain, ... read more
self timer fun...

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Franz Josef November 13th 2006

Franz Josef Our next stop was Franz Josef on the South Island’s West Coast. It’s really only a short distance from Mount Cook National Park, but the Southern Alps form a central spine down the South Island that’s impassable by car for much of its length. The drive to the West Coast (AKA ‘Westland’) was suitably soggy. The coast bears the brunt of the ‘Roaring Forties’ (i.e. the winds blowing in from the Tasman Sea), which dump about 3.5 metres of annual rainfall there. If that’s not wet enough, the town of Franz Josef gets about 5 metres of rain each year and most of it seemed to be falling on our first night there. We’ve travelled to the other side of the World to find somewhere rainier than Manchester (or even Ramsbottom)! According to the ... read more
Approaching Franz Josef Glacier
Terminal face ascent
Looking down towards the valley

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast November 12th 2006

Just a quicke here, thought the photos were too good to not include. Also thought I had better set the scene for my travels on from Queenstown. Of the 3girls I was sharing a flat with, 1(clodagh) stayed in queenstown and myself and the other 2(Judith/Niamh) took "Chavvy" (their shared car), for a 7day loop of the South Island. We would end up in Christchurch where Niamh would drive Chavvy back to Queenstown, and Judith and I would fly to Wellington to see Gogo and Barry (friends who relocated to wellington at the end of the ski season) If you made sense of all of that, congratulations - if you didnt, as long as you took that i went on a road trip, you'll be fine! As previously mentioned, Prison Break (the TV show) was a ... read more
Mood photography

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