Blogs from Yasawa Islands, Fiji, Oceania - page 13


Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands August 4th 2009

Day 106 (Tuesday 04/08/09, NJJ) All meals during the day were delicious. I was in pain as my cuts and grazes were drying up and the skin was tightening. Covered up in sunscreen then spent the day on the beach. Jamie went snorkelling twice today and I watched wishing I could go in. I had two cocktails in the evening to numb the pain. We played cards in the evening and were joined by an American couple who live in NZ. Met some other cool people at dinner. ... read more
Pretty beach
Jamie made a new friend

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands August 3rd 2009

Day 105 (Monday 03/08/09, NJJ) Enjoyed the delicious continental breakfast then down to the beach. Hired snorkelling gear then off into the sea. We had to swim out through a channel as it was low tide and the water over the reef is very shallow and in some places below the reef. We were being very careful not to touch the reef. Then I had cramp and a freak wave knocked me on to the reef. I was panicking as I was stuck on the reef which meant I was touching it, OMG, and it was like being dragged across and then sat on razors! I was stranded with Jamie out in the open water helpless to my situation. I saw another big wave which I swam into and managed to get to Jamie PHEW. I ... read more
Pretty reef, nasty reef
Lovin the snorkelling

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands August 2nd 2009

Day 104 (Sunday 02/08/09, NJJ) Had to get up at 7.45am for breakfast then we were picked up to move on to Octopus Resort. Got to the marina around 9.30am and onto the boat soon after. The boat trip took 1.5 hours and I felt sea sick although apparently the water is quite calm today. Got to Octopus on Waya Island just after 11.30am. Had a welcome with a juice drink then were shown to our bungalow (basically just a room with a bed in it but it was fab). Lunch at 12.30pm and it was delicious, then off to the beach for relaxation! However the sky was a bit overcast and we could feel little droplets of rain on us. After showering we went down to the beach for sunset - bit overcast still! Went ... read more
Bungalow @ Octopus Resort
Outside da bungalow

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands July 6th 2009

Day 77 Today was another one of those boring transit days! We checked onto our flight, logged onto the internet and discovered that Michael Jackson was dead - Which was a real shock! We then flew to Nadi on the mainland of Fiji and checked into a hotel near the airport and took a very scary taxi ride to a cash point. When I say taxi I honestly believe it was the baggage guys cousin as it was a clapped out car that was barely held together and there was no taxi sign or meter. Anyway he got us to the cash point and back quickly and in one piece! We sat and had dinner whilst a band played chilled out Fijian songs before going to bed ready for our transfer tomorrow. Day 78 We got ... read more
Basket Weaving with Lai
Kava Ceremony
Relaxing in the hammock

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands » Naviti Island June 16th 2009

Hey everybody! Once again we have skipped continents and we are now in Thailand!!! After leaving Byron Bay in OZ after a very short time we travelled further up the coast to Brisbane. Luckily we met a couple of aussies on our travels and we spent our first night with Jo and Aaron just outside Brisse. Due to our poor planning we realised we had just 4 nights to go to the gold coast, surfers paradise, fraser island and the whitsundays, so we got some awesome travel advice from Jo and other ppl and decided we most wanted to go to Fraser Island, the largest island in the world made up of only sand (obviously with trees and other stuff on top). Most ppl rent out 4w4s and spend 3 days driving all over the island ... read more

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands June 12th 2009

My island hopping tour in pictures.... read more

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands May 20th 2009

Ok, so final stop around the islands for meeeee. Beachcomber was the first island of the Mamanucas to have a resort built on it, back in the 1960s and since then has tried to maintain its 'party island' reputation. it definitely has a great atmosphere to it, the bar is always open and willing to serve, with many a day tripper coming to the island so its always buzzing. The food was FAB; huge buffet with loads of fruit and much less carb (mother will b glad to note. and me for that matter). Alcohol was more expensive but thats to be expected. So i spent the first day jus chhilling in the sun; having just lost all my ned pals, i wasnt in the mood to start being sociable again, which i know is bad ... read more

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands » Naviti Island May 20th 2009

So we (we meaning the 13 or so of us that are all doing the same ultimate lei pass; lots of norweigens, germans, and some americans aussi) arrived at Korovou eco resort on Naviti Island, Korovou meaning new village. We were greeted agin by song and cance and a welcome flower in the hair and some juice :-) Korovou was a real nice resort, had a pool! Couold quite easily ahve stayed there for longer. More Bula dancing in the evening and being retaught the highly speedy and addictive card game; im clearly very out of practise as rosie and Zoe completely whooped me repeatedly! grrrr need to work on that one! The next day we were off snorkelling with manta rays! ahhhhhh hw cool was that! They are such beautiful majestic creatures, jus going about ... read more

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands » Naviti Island May 13th 2009

It seems a long time ago now, but back in Wellington I was looked after brilliantly (again) by Janina and her housemates. There wasn't much sightseeing this time, I mainly made plans and bookings for the US, which took up quite alot of my time. There was a party though at the house, for Sharon's birthday, and I took in another play at the tiny Bats Theatre - a modern adaptation of Hedda Gabler, not bad. One of the highlights of Wellington for me was the fact it is teeming with culture of all sorts. If I was to live in New Zealand (don't panic yet, parents!), I think Wellington would be the place for me. Although the climate is not the best there; it did live up to its windy reputation. The next stop was ... read more
Janina and me
Autumn in New Zealand
Sarah and Charlotte

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands May 12th 2009

Hello once again lovely people. So the next installment is our 8 days in beautiful Fiji! Fiji is a 2 hour 40 mins flight from Auckland. The minute we arrived at the airport we knew we were in for a treat as everyone was so happy, we were serenaded by a Fijian band, everyone wears flowers in their hair, the men even wear skirts and they all just seem so joyous!!! We flew into the capital of Fiji on the main island; Nadi (prenounced Nandi). When we were driving round the streets for the first time, we felt like we were really travelling again- Fiji has a real Carribbean vibe about it, the music, the food, the people etc, it was really exciting to be in a country where English isn't the first language (although widely ... read more
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