Blogs from Yasawa Islands, Fiji, Oceania - page 11


Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands » Nanuya Island February 28th 2010

Where to start. Paradise, sheer paradise. Sat outside on the veranda of our Bure (a traditional thatched Fijian bungalow) in the grounds of an old coconut plantation, feet up on a low slung sofa , Amy inside, in the cool, taking her usual morning nap after breakfast. I’m currently trying to work out how to stay in Fiji longer than the three weeks our pre-planed ticket will allow; I don’t want to leave. Having just spent 15 days on one island and now taking 2 days out on another before moving to a third. We are more than chilled; this is how normal should feel. When we arrived in Fiji, we had no idea what to expect, after all these are the south pacific islands that have always been, and still are, tribal with a history ... read more
Oarsmans Bay Beach
Beach Party
Village Children

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands » Naviti Island February 19th 2010

Fiji Tuesday 9 February - Friday 19 February 2010 BULA everyone!!!! From Australia we flew out to Fiji and I was extremely excited about it! :) After spending days roasting alive in a campervan feeling like I was living like a gypsy, I was looking forward to relaxing on gorgeous beaches with normal facilities (such as a shower) available at hand. We landed in Nadi and there's not much happening there. However we managed to sneak into another hotel to watch a tradional figian fire and dance show which was really impressive and extremely dangerous in my opinion. Dangerous because the guys performing threw fire around and up in the air and actually made mistakes. I thought I was going to get hit at one point - but it was good fun. Extremely fit male dancers ... read more

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands February 18th 2010

We flew to Fiji with V Australia which was something I was looking forward to, being the new airline of the Virgin group. I was really impressed with the touch screen in flight entertainment, although apart from it being a brand new plane, everything else was pretty standard (not really sure what else I was expecting!) After landing into Nadi, we were taken by a minibus to Volivoli in Rakiraki where I was going to do my PADI dive certification. The drive took a little over two hours and the bus was hot and sweaty, but it was preferable to taking two public buses which was the other way of getting there! The resort was amazing. We couldn't believe that we were paying backpacker prices for somewhere with so many facilities looking so good. Our dorm ... read more
In the Open Water
The Red Blossoms

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands » Nanuya Island February 14th 2010

Mainland Nadi We arrived to terrible Cairns-esque weather and we all thought oh no, not again! BUt this was just typical Nadi at this time of the year. We stayed at the Smugglers Cove, we met with Ryan early the following morning and had a swim and played some volleyball and american footy with the ball Guy had somehow acquired, we visited Nadi city centre and stocked up on booze and noodles (the backpackers diet). The next day we began our island trip. Tawewa Island, Coral View Resort We chose to travel to the most northern part of our island trip first and work our way back towards the mainland, hopping from island to island en route. This island was where I opened my first coconut with natural resources and we all got involved in international ... read more

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands January 21st 2010

Bula! We left Nadi last week, got on a huge boat (never thought i'd be on a boat) and headed north towards the Yasawa island range. We started fairly high and worked our way down (too many names to list but we stayed at 5 islands total). Every island had it's own unique spin on things and no 2 were alike. Some had electricity and some didn't. We can tell you that NONE had a/c or fans though ... not that we're complaining ... :) The water was crystal clear and just right for cooling off. We did some snorkeling just off the coast which had some pretty amazing coral and fish, and Karen even saw a big sword fish! Tons of colourful finding Nemo fish to be seen though (but not actually that type). We ... read more
Cyclone clean-up
Garden of the Sleeping Giant
Garden of the Sleeping Giant

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands December 31st 2009

Hey y'all Greetings from the Feej! Actually, we're no longer in the Feej, we're now in New Zealand, on the North Island. But more about that in a bit. Back to Fiji -- In two words, Fiji was Awe Some. Sunny and toasty warm everyday, we went through an entire bottle of SPF 30 sunscreen in less than a week, and still got a few minor burns. We tried to update the blog a couple times, but the connections were less than fantastic you might say, due to ultra slow connections, and also because of the recent hurricane which knocked out a lot of communications. Speaking of hurricanes, Mick was a real rolling stone. He came through NW Fiji (where we spent the whole week) the week before we arrived. It didn't do a lot of ... read more
MBF taking a hike

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands December 30th 2009

ADVARSEL! Dette indlaeg er lidt et blaeremaas indlaeg, for Fiji er altsaa noget naer det taetteste man kommer paa PARADIS! Vores eventyr til Fiji startede sidste aar, d. 30 december, hvor vi floej mod Nadi. Her havde vi en enkelt overnatning, foer vi boardede "The Yellow Flyer", som er en gul(!) hurtig catemaran, som sejler mellem oeerne i Yasawa oe-kaeden. Foerste stop hed Beachcomber Island, hvor vi skulle fejre starten paa det nye aar. Beachcomber Island er en lille bitte oe, som man kan gaa rundt om paa ca 15 min. Oen har ry for at vaere lidt af en party oe, saa naar vi nu ikke kunne vaere hjemme ved vores vante nytaarsslaeng og fejre nytaaret, kunne vi ikke finde paa et bedre sted at vaere. Og lad det vaere sagt med det samme - ... read more
Happy New YEar
Den bedste strand vi har vaeret paa under vores rejse
Solnedgang, Nacula

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands November 20th 2009

Bye Fiji we’ll miss you We transferred in the morning to the next island which again happened to be over the water on the other side of the blue lagoon bay so we were beginning to feel like we knew the whole area back to front. It looked great on arrival with the dining area on decking right at the sea front. I heard this was one of the nicer hostels so I’d booked us into dorms. It was the hottest it had been so far and when we were taken to the dorm which was in the attic above the kitchen it was even hotter. There were a few guys passed out on the beds and only two beds left (luckily by the window) so we grabbed those. From the minute we’d got there our ... read more

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands November 16th 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to US!!! It is Nath’s birthday today and we had started the morning when we had left Manta Ray with an early morning beer and I had spelt out happy birthday with shells I’d collected form the beach. However my enthusiasm was waning as the Mick Jagger lips I had developed from snorkelling, hadn’t healed and in fact had turned into 3 very sore blistered scabs which is all I could think about. So I wasn’t very happy but didn’t want to ruin the day for Nath. The boat ride to our birthday island was a lot longer as we were spending our last few nights in the upper islands of the Yasawa. 3 hours later we arrived at an area called the Blue Lagoon, due to the film from the seventies, but to ... read more

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands November 12th 2009

BULA from Fiji! Bula is the Fijian word for hello, and given the friendly nature of the people hear we must have used this work at least 1000 times! After leaving San Francisco at 10pm on 10th November and flying for 11 hours, we landed in Fiji at 5am on the 12th November…The more we think about it the more confusing it gets but its basically something to do with the international date line and shit. Anyway our ferry left for the resort at 10 am and after a choppy and rather wet 90 minute ride we arrived at octopus. The island was amazing and we were sang on to the island by the local tribe. After a day in the sun we then had to attend a welcome ceremony and got our first taste of ... read more
Ryan Running Away From God

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