Blogs from Cairns City, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 55


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City August 9th 2007

the weather was poor so we stayed in all day. Then in the evening we went to the cairns town centre, had a look around, went to the internet cafe', went home, packed and went to sleep!... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City August 8th 2007

Today was a lazy morning and a less lazy afternoon. In the morning we went in the pool and lazed around. Then at 12:00 we left home, got in the car and went to the Crocodile farm. We arrived there at 1:10 and did all the things they had to do. Then we came home and lazed around again. Dad did another Barbeque. We played cards and went to bed.... read more
The croc pen

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City August 7th 2007

Extremely early start today, 4:00AM. We were going on a trip (but not on a boat) to Mareeba to do Hot air ballooning! It was a great experience. Then we went to Kuranda on the sky rail, looked around the Aborigine town and the Aboriginal art. Then we got on a 3:30 train and arrived back home at about 5:30-6:00. Then dad and I went and changed the DVD’s again and got some take away food! Yum!... read more
Dad looking happy  with a boomerang!

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City August 6th 2007

Today we did almost less than yesterday! We stayed home around the pool and dad did a Barbeque for lunch; it was very yummy! Then in the evening we took Employee of the Month back and changed it for “Talladega Nights”. That was also very funny!... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City August 5th 2007

Didn’t do much today, just went food shopping and stayed around the pool. In the evening we went to the local dvd rental shop and rented out “Employee of the month” It was good!... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City August 4th 2007

We left Mackay in the morning and got back on the road to Trinity Beach (760 kilometres - Mackay to Trinity Beach). We arrived at 6:30pm and were shown around our house by Harvey (the man who owns the house), but we couldn’t really see anything because it was very dark. After being shown around we went down to the beach and had a look around then found a restaurant and had dinner. Then we came home and went to bed.... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City July 26th 2007

Flying into Cairns was the most amazing flight. We flew over the ocean. The water was so blue that it blended into the sky. The illusion of clouds floating on the terqouise sea was an entrance into paradise. Cairns invited the eyes with rolling forest hills and mountains towering over the sea. After landing at the airport we took busses to a backpackers resort. The city has become touristy through out the years, but it is still a beautiful place to be. Tropical birds fly over head, and the weather is really nice for being the winter. We went to a forestation the first full day in cairns. We met an aborigial who reminded me of Captain Jack Sparrow. He taught us how to throw boomerangs and spears. Also we tried the digeridoo. There were ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City July 24th 2007

July 22. Same, same. July 23. Same, Same. Met Aunty Rosa Islander elder. Got interview tomorrow Bumma Bippera indigenous radio show going all the way to Melbourne. Met extraordinary ozmerican boatie living on five grand a year. Won't sign name! Had laptop but. Then Irish bloke got sticker said he was going to get as tatoo!! Need I say more? Sydney bloke penthouse flagpole got sticker for same. Melbourne couple at car rental and pretty blonde behind counter donated for sticker. Islander family got sticker for car. And on and on.... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City July 22nd 2007

July 20. Burgees to two boats. Went to Show to see John Short ride owner who'd gotten large flags in Townsville. He got 20 burgee size and a large. Hewants to make outfits for his staff to wear using SC&B design!!! Other stall holders got one and two respectively. Blustery day. July 21. Quiet day. Went to show. It was over. Wed, Thur, Fri, not Fri,Sat, Sun. Wallabees lost, Eagles won. Email from Australian Wildlife Conservancy saying come up to Brooklyn above Mossman. Work to be done or just check it out.... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City July 20th 2007

July 16. Mellow night in very dark street. Four Mile Beach park picked up trash. It's my country. Windscreen crack went 3cm upward - major move. Reversing bloke rammed Carly in carpark. Driver's door and mirror. Must go to Mosman for estimate. Glorious day. Three species of flutterby, the third metallic blue tops in flight, brown when settled. Troublemakers shout If you don't love it leave. I spoke Japanese and young girl got photo holding SC&B. Perfect. Getting data kiwi flag debate. Saw Maori flag. My brother said my blogs were short which I took as a criticism and compliment. Quality? Then a family photo with flag going back to Noosa. An inspirational inscription:'Water me and I will grow. Let's share the planet.' And a new public drinking fountain, pressure too low for a drink. Then ... read more

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