Blogs from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 205


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane October 24th 2005

We can't believe that after nearly a year of talking and planning we have 1 more week till we arrive in America. The past few weeks have been crazy as we've been saying our farewells to our family and friends. We had a big night on Saturday farewelling our friends at the Grand View. And on Sunday Rob's extended family said their goodbyes. We've got lots still to do this week before we leave on Friday for the weekend with Kel's family in Sydney. ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane October 18th 2005

Hi guys, Well, it's only 41 days until I'm outta here. I have finally paid off the trip and now I'm just waiting on my tickets. Very scared to be leaving safe Australia, but excited all the same. Until next time. Mel... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane October 16th 2005

We've just spent a fantastic week in Brisbane and the surrounding area. Thank you so much Sheryl and Gord for letting us stay at your place for so many nights - it was great to be able to come back to such a nice place after a day of sightseeing, and we enjoyed the home cooked meals too! Gord and Sheryl have a great apartment with a panoramic view of the river right in the heart of Brisbane (Kangaroo Point). Luckily, we all get up in the morning at the same time (around 5:30am) so we actually had a great visit both before and after they came home from work! They took both Chris and I (on separate days) on an hour or so bike tour of the city before they went to work - it ... read more
The family
Third Cousins Finally Meet!
Beautiful Lagoon

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane September 29th 2005

(Dave writes...) Well, this is quite a short but important Blog entry to finish up Australia. Tomorrow we fly to Auckland to begin our travels in New Zealand. My Mum joined us in Cairns for five days starting last Friday. It was great to see my Mum, she was happy to see us too and has had a fantastic time on the way out to see us, having stopped in Bangkok, Sydney and Alice Springs before arriving in Cairns. We spent one day relaxing at the hotel Mum put us up in (luxury!) and then on Sunday we went out on to the barrier reef. Mum snorkelled (and has the photo to prove it!) at one reef and we also went on a semi-submersible, which turned out to be quite a good way to see the ... read more
Mum and Gem at the lagoon
Our boat on the reef
Semi-Submersible on the reef

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane September 20th 2005

ONLY 4 SLEEPS TO GO! According to the countdown clock on my computer here at work I have 3Days:15Hrs:04Min until our plane leaves to the good ol' USofA... Hmmm I'd better start packing... Nah, better not rush things... 8^) Even though today was SUPPOSED to be my last day at work I'll have to come back in for one more day (probably Thursday) and tidy up a few loose ends. GODDAM IT! Today I got a hair cut, an International Driving Permit, and some luggage so it is finally starting to feel like I'm going on a holiday. Up until now I've been too busy (and wound up) to feel it, but I think it's finally hitting me. Speaking of wound up, have I told you what an idiot our travel agent was? Don't get ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane September 15th 2005

G'day mates! Eindelijk een berichtje van down under. Het viel niet mee een computer te vinden die geschikt was voor ons doel. Toen we eindelijk een internetcafe vonden, was dat gesloten en vandaag waren we nog net op het nippertje om dit bericht te sturen. De foto's volgen zo gauw mogelijk. We hebben een goede reis gehad, maar het is wel erg ver! Oom jaap en tante Gerry stonden al klaar bij het vliegveld en we zijn eerst bij hen op de koffie geweest, waarna we met Aart wat gewinkeld hebben in Brisbane: vogelboeken en een telefoonkaart. De volgende dag hebben we met oom Jaap en tante Gerry een uitstapje naar de zee gemaakt en 's avonds kwamen een paar van hun kinderen langs. Een heel gezellige avond. Gisteren zijn we voor het eerst met de ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane September 12th 2005

Hey all Been a long time since I last updated, in Cairns no less. Your life has been empty without my blog, ah, OK I'll try and make up for lost time. So after Cairns I went to an island called Magnetic Island, so called cos Captain cook said it was in the Magnetic North direction (or something like that). It's a really nice place and quite big with it's own bus service and school. The whole island relies on tourism. I stayed in a place called Horseshoe Bay (cos it's in the shape of a horseshoe, I know Aussies don't really try with naming things). This is the place where I got eaten by mossies and was using the strongest repellant. Apparently they're quite vicious after a bit of rain (thanks for telling me after ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane September 6th 2005

Click here for a map of our trip! Only 1 sleep to go :)... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane September 2nd 2005

Well... leaving for Europe in 5 days, still lots to do... this is just a holding page for the moment :)... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane August 20th 2005

Got up late and had breakfast all together and read loads of gossip mags ... Luce and I went shopping and i was v. good and didn't buy anything - yay! - apart from $200 sunglasses, i almost forgot that! I lost my others on top of the truck in the outback and was getting sick of having crappy plastic ones. Quite fed up today of not having any space or even room to sit anywhere and read a book. The 2 Irish girls in our dorm are really sweet but their stuff is absolutely everywhere and i just want to sit somewhere without having to climb up onto a bunk bed. Had a boozy dinner with Gerry and Luce, then Lucy went back to the hostel and I went for a drink with Gerry and ... read more

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