Blogs from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 195


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane April 29th 2006

Hello everyone. I am writing this journal entry on my final night in Australia. At 9.20 tommorrow morning we will be flying to Christchurch which we are all really excited about. My final adventures in this country have included a very unsuccessful trip to the Great Barrier Reef, a visit to the Australia Zoo, and a sky dive! The Great Barrier Reef: Well, I have always dreamed of visiting the Great Barrier Reef and it was one of the main things that I was looking forward to being able to do in Australia. So, despite the bad weather in Cairns we decided that we would still venture out there for the day. It took about two hours to get out to the first location for the day and this was long enough for me to turn ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » Fortitude Valley April 28th 2006

Well, as promised, this entry is being written in the internet cafe at my youth hostel in BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA. So, to all you worriers, yes i made it here in one piece! Both flights were fine-service and food both good, not v.much turbulence and on the first flight i got extra leg room AND a window seat AND a free seat next to me(perfect for sleeping or in my case sitting there with my eyes closed and wishing i was asleep)! Jet lag really started to sink in on the second flight and by the time i reached Brisbane (9hrs ahead of England) i was ready to drop into a coma which is exactly what i did at 9.30pm. Today, my first full day in australia, was spent exploring Brisbane on foot and getting provisions ( ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane April 26th 2006

well... After about 20 hoursof flight we all found ech other in Brisbane, Austrilia awaiting the last leg of our journey. So far we have had several interesting happenings. 1st Deena started having chest pain while at out house while loading her bags. Normally I wouldn't pay too much attention but seeing as she recently had a pneumothorax, it was concerning to me because if she wentinto a pressurized cabin she could die. Well she did not have a reoccurrance of the condition so every thing was fine and her pain went away. The next mis hap is the tail falling off the air plane we are supposed to take to PNG. We are still waiting to see how tht turns out. We have recently been informed that Pete and Deena as well as Greg are ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » Auchenflower April 24th 2006

Hello Everyone At last we've got around to blogging from Australia. Sorry for the delay and finally we've also managed to get some pictures attached. So in breif we've been here for three weeks now so thats quite a lot of ground to cover, here it is in breif. Arrive in Sydney, spend one night in the town and take in all the sights. Aka Cathy's brilliant picture of the Sydney Opera house. Then fly down to Melbourne for Neighbours night and check out the local art gallery etc. Then back to Sydney where we got on the Oz experience bus. From there we went to barrington tops national park to spend the night. Then we went to a surf camp for a day where we learnt the basics of surfing. Managed to stand up a ... read more
Sydney Opera House
Cathy in front of a sydney waterfall
Australia's most Easterly point

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane April 22nd 2006

After Darwin we flew to Cairns and, in tribute to those of you who went to Newnham College or boarding school, we stayed at the Cairn's Girls Hostel. All very clean and homely, with Dawn Shit-bugger (possibly not her real name, but definitely should have been considering the frequency with which she used those words) slightly aggressively looking after 'her' girls... We spent a couple of days wandering round Cairns and getting free meals with vouchers from the hostel. Now, there is something strange about getting given food vouchers. Although backpackers love anything free, handing over a voucher for my dinner does make me feel a bit like a benefit fraud. Fortunately, I managed to battle these sentiments long enough to hand over the voucher and eat my food... On our third day in Cairns, we ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » Auchenflower April 22nd 2006

Surfers was more of a relaxing time then straight partying which was definitely necessary. Our hostel was more of a hotel then anything; our room was bottom floor with access to a hot tub right outside our door and a pool across the grass. We had a room to four of us with our own fridge, bathroom and TV. All for $25 a night, the standard price for a hostel. The girls in our group are awesome; they planned the rest of my trip for me and I love them for it. I don’t think I’ve been more relaxed, this trip is amazing. The first night in Surfers we had a coupon for a place called Down under which was a dump. The coupon gave a free meal with a purchase of a pint. So since ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane April 21st 2006

I was lucky to have a couple of days in Brisbane. I have a lot of family who live there so was a good chance to catch up. I had already spent the previous day relaxing and walking around the shops. It was so nice to be in a place that has decent shops and good food. I decided to go and visit my aunty in a place called Ipswitch which is about forty five minutes away. Luckily our hotel is in a great location right above the central train station. So I jumped on a train and my aunty came and met me at the station and took me back to her house where we had lunch. We spent the afternoon catching up which was really nice. We then went and dropped by my other ... read more
vonda, lee and jim

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » Moreton Bay April 20th 2006

Hey all! I've been in Brisbane for a few days now. Pretty cool city, not too big considering that it's the third largest city in Australia. They also have a lagoon here on the South Bank which is close to where we're staying ( Somewhere to Stay hostel). Visited a few free museum but mostly took some sun. David-Olivier arrived here yesterdat so we did a barbie to celebrate. Getting ready to leave tomorrow mornign for Surfers Paradise , staying there for 2 ngihts and then going to Byron Bay... The end is near but I'm trying to enjoy every last day I have in this beautiful and perfect country!... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » Auchenflower April 14th 2006

Ja da var man altsaa i Brisbane for fjerde gang. Av en eller annen grunn kommer jeg alltid tilbake til denne byen. Ikke for at jeg vil, men det blir bare saann. Denne gangen pga av at jeg er paa vei soerover til Sydney, og det gikk ikke direkte fly fra Airlie Beach til Sydney. Desverre hadde ikke Mari gjort forberedelsene sine skikkelig, saa da jeg kom til Brisbane glad og fornoeyd viste det seg at hver eneste hostell i hele byen var full booket. Saa naa er da klokka 3 paa natta, jeg har vaert vaaken siden kl 9 i morningen. Flyet mitt til Sydney gaar kl halv 8, altsaa om 4 timer. Saa jeg sitter da her paa en internettcafe midt paa natten aa har pent lite aa gjoere. Troett. Snork. Rundt meg sitter ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane April 13th 2006

Got to Brisbane after a nice bus ride through gorgeous green countryside that looked a lot like Britain. Had a wee look around the centre, pretty standard big city stuff, and got sucked into watching a fashion show then pretty much passed out in my dorm, utterly exhausted from travel. Early start the next day, as we headed to Australia Zoo, home of the 'crocodile hunter' Steve (Crikey!) Irwin, with wife Terri and daughter Bindi. It was SOOO GOOD. We took the train, and a courtesy bus picked us up and took us to the zoo. It was Easter weekend, and all the kids were off school and all the staff had bunny noses and ears and were handing out free muffins and chocolate eggs and things. Free breakfast! The zoo was orginally a repitle zoo ... read more
Graham the hungry croc
a sleepy wombat
Beach in a city!

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