Blogs from New York, United States, North America - page 480


North America » United States » New York » Albany April 21st 2005

An excerpt from the e-mail I finally just received from Kansai Gaidai, giving me my official acceptance and thumbs up to go to Japan. Dear Kristin: We are happy to inform you that you have been admitted to the Asian Studies Program at Kansai Gaidai for the fall semester of 2005. All the faculty and staff members of the Asian Studies Program join me in extending you a warm welcome. ...and it goes on for more administrative blather. *grins stupidly* Hellooo, Kansai! ... read more

North America » United States » New York April 17th 2005

So after 3 wonderful days in Mexico, we finally decided it was time to move on to New York. Wistfully said goodbye to our georgeous hotel, as we knew that we were heading back into Hostel Hell after this :) We were looking forward to going back to a country where everyone spoke English, and the usual amenities would be avaialble again, and people did things 'just like us'. It's funny how you start to crave things like that after a while. Even was looking forward to the flight, which was a first. By now, I was well and truly sick of planes, early flights, airports, would you like the chicken or the fish, please fasten your seatbelt, blah blah blah blah blah!! But this was the first time we'd be flying American Airlines, having flown ... read more
Another Central park pic
An obligatory shot of the Statue of Liberty
Chrysler building

North America » United States » New York » Albany April 11th 2005

I went to the IE office today to speak with my advisor and we commiserated over how nonsensical KG's system of doing things is. She checked my application status online and, get this: IT SAYS I AM STILL MISSING THINGS. BUT EVERYTHING HAS BEEN SENT IN! However, the file was last updated on April 5th. I scanned the list and most everyone had already been notified except for a handful of people. I did everything right, why am I not hearing anything? : ( I'm so scared. I registered for classes just in case. I really want to not have to take them. She said to come back in 3-4 days and that we'd check it again, unless I'd already heard in the meantime. KGKGKG, please e-mail me with something I want to hear. :... read more

North America » United States » New York » Albany April 5th 2005

I got up this morning wanting to remove my nose due to it being about day four of the Nose That Wouldn't Stop Sniffling/Sneezing/Not Breathing. Anyhow, I was all prepared to go to the post office after poli sci this morning. I stopped at the career place to ask about my resumé and then asked my advisor in the international education office about faxing the lone form. She said that it'd be okay. I then proceeded to ask if she knew of any place, like Shipmates, perhaps, that allowed fax services. She then offered to fax it over to KG either today or tomorrow. Not only do I not have to pay for anything, but I get the added bonus of it getting there immediately! Thank you to whoever crossed their toes for me. I appreciate ... read more

North America » United States » New York » Albany April 4th 2005

Dear Ms. XXXXXX: I would like to inform you that we have just received your application for the Fall 2005 Asian Studies Program at Kansai Gaidai University. However, please be advised that your application is not yet complete. In order for us to process your application, we will need the first page (p 1) of the Japanese Instructor's Reference Form (Form D). The Japanese Instructor's Reference Form is downloadable from the page below: Please fill in the form and send it to us as soon as possible. Upon the receipt of the form, we will process your application. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Yours sincerely, XXXXXXXXX I now have to pay for another envelope and more ridiculous international shipping charges because I'm a tool. Go me. I like to ... read more

North America » United States » New York » Albany March 26th 2005

And now, the waiting gameI really hope the "Confidential Financial Information" form will not be the do-or-die decision breaker of my application. I haven't had a chance to apply for my loan for the upcoming academic year yet, so I'm not quite sure what I'll be getting. It might even be more, as the tuition and expenses will be higher due to my being elsewhere. I filled it out to the best of my ability, rushed to the post office where I just made it in time and the lady was really kind to offer me a way to pay for postage but not send it right then, as I needed to go to CVS again to re-take the pictures so I could drop it off at the mailbox today and have it done with. ... read more

North America » United States » New York » Albany March 22nd 2005

Although I do need to find out whether or not I need to get vaccinated against this. I forgot the aforementioned passport photos at school, and although I was going to go ahead and send all the rest of the paperwork ahead, attached with a note explaining that the 10 individual photos would be sent immediately upon my return to school, I forgot that the application itself requires a passport-sized photo. So I either find one, or wait until I get back to school and send it all from there. I still have to write my short essays for the applications. The main KG application asks me to: "Write an essay about your educational objectives that will help the admissions committee know you better. You may also write about a particular characteristic, an important event, or ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York March 19th 2005

Today, Terry and I decided to do a day trip to New York. We were actually dreading the trip, because we were really starting to feel the jet lag and would have prefered to have had a day of veging out. Unfortunately, this was the only day that we could do New York, so it had to be done. The day started early by catching a 6am train to New York. We got to see a bit of the Pennsylvania countryside which to put shortly looked like a wasteland. Essentially, think nuclear bomb exploding and destroying everything, leaving half rotting buildings, abandoned cars and dead trees. We tried to remain positive, thinking perhaps that the land around the train lines usually isn't prime land and thus attracts hobos and the like, but couldn't help wondering whether ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan March 17th 2005

Been trying to get a lot of motorcycle riding in before I sell my bikes and head around the world. Changed my plans from starting in South America to heading straight to Japan and heading West from there. This gives me more time to enjoy Asia, South East Asia and India before I have to meet my family in South Africa in January.... read more

North America » United States » New York March 7th 2005

So my cousins have never been to New York before, so what better person to take them then me who has been there loads of times and knowing my cousins, needed to know where the best shopping places were! We arrived in NYC and we stayed as Desiree’s house! Diva and Gem (Dez’ dogs) were there to greet us as was Dez’ parents and Lizelle. The first thing we did (the first day that is) was get into a cab and go down to Penn Station and Madison Square Gardens where the queue for the taxi’s was long, but these people are probably used to waiting around rather then us tourists who like to walk around. We then walked down to Times Square and went to the bus station to book tickets to go to Woodberry ... read more
Taxi Line
at Madison Square Gardens

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