Blogs from New York, United States, North America - page 478


North America » United States » New York » New York May 23rd 2005

Eu nao tenho voltado pra casa em quase dois anos e agora e dificil chamar isto de "casa". Mas e muito massa voltar pra casa de Mamae! E otimo ver tantos amigos e um pouco chato nao ter tempo pra ver todos. New york e completamente diferente, eu sai daqui em 2001 entao eu sou uma Novayorkina pre- 11 de setembro. A cidade e totalmente diferente agora. Tudo e muito mais caro mas ja que eu vim com Euros eu aproveito a queda do Dollar. New York ta uma loucura e eu vejo muitas coisas que eu nao gosto. As pessoas tao totalmente preocupadas com coisas que nao me importam mais, entao eu me sinto diferente, principalmente com a minha familia. Parece que todo mundo passou por uma lavagem cerebral. Nao sei como que eles conseguem ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan May 21st 2005

May 15th 2005 - I land in JFK Airport slightly wiery after a 7 hour flight, to enter a nightmare queue through customs and an even bigger nightmare taking the cab into New York. The cab driver was a rude and it was raining. Our first hostel is a dump of epic proportions, the Bowerys Whitehouse hostel in New York would have been classed as third class quarters on a sailing ship. But never mind I am in New York New York After months of hype, planning, counter-planning, checking, triple checking - my first hours in New York were always going to be disappointing. Even though our first day experiences were tainted there were still little things that had already astounded me. Firstly, as we flew into New York, unsurprisingly nowhere near Manhatten you start ... read more
Lady Liberty
Times Square
Manhattan and ellis islands

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan May 15th 2005

NY Day 2-2 We took the subway all the way to downtown Manhattan to see the Statue of Liberty. First we got to go collect the ferry tickets in order to get near to this Wonder of the World. Tickets to go UP into the Liberty Statue were all given away by the time we reach. So no chance to get inside, doesnt really matter anyway. :p When the ferry reached Liberty island (where the Statue is), we didnt get down after looking at the crowd below queuing to board the next ferry back. It was like WOW..look at those ppl man.. So feeling lazy, we stayed on board. Ha. The next stop was Ellis Island. Watched Hitch? This is the place where Will Smith and the female lead had their 'first date'. :p ... read more
On board the ferry
Ellis Island !
Chk out the skyline of NY Financial District

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan May 15th 2005

NY Day 2-3 After we got down from the Liberty Ferry, it was a short walk to the Financial District nearby. After countless case studies/history lessons abt this place in classes since sec sch, Wall i come.... read more
The famous BULL at 26 Broadway in downtown Manhattan

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan May 15th 2005

NY Day 2-1 A fresh new start to a whole new morning. Breakfast is served at the Manhattan Inn Hostel every morning. We have cereal, bagels, BIG muffins, fruits, orange, and coffee/tea to choose from. Yummy~ Let me tell u, toasted bagels and butter taste damn good together! Just the thought of it makes me hungry again :p So after filling our stomachs, we're out on the streets again. It feels real good to walk along the streets of New York all by ourselves. Most part of Manhattan is in grid form, so it was really easy to navigate around. It's practically impossible to get lost at all...haha. Or maybe we're just good. :p Yesterday we bought our 7-day unlimited rides Metrocard for $24. Each ride on the subway is $2 one-way, regardless of the number ... read more
The United States Post Office
Inside the Post Office
New York Police Department

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan May 14th 2005

NY Day 1-3 We popped by the Museum of Sex, wanting to check out how much 'sex' they have in store...much to the anticipation and multiple requests from jinwei. :p The door of the building leads us right into the souvenir store of the museum. The ticket counter at the side said we got to pay abt $14 i think to view the museum. So while considering, we took a walk ard the shop first. On sale were books on sex, sexual issues, sex toys..blah. Not much actually, but quite a handful of 'educational' books. Then suddenly, the guy mending the entrance to the museum walked up to me and said: "You girls want to go into the museum?" "Erm maybe, just looking around first." And he replied, "Don't go in. It's not worth your money. ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan May 14th 2005

NY Day 1-2 A pic taken at Central Park, stretches across 50 streets of Manhattan!! Yes it's freaking BIG. So if u'r all out to relax, busk in the sun and breathe in the fresh clean air of New York, this is the place to go. Bring a wide spread of food to picnic, lay on the grass and enjoy the warmth of the Big Apple. Since we all had much better things to accomplish, like Shopping, we just took a short walk inside Central Park and out we go onto the busy streets of Manhattan again. :p... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan May 14th 2005

NY Day 1-5 One of the tallest standing buildings in midtown Manhattan, the Empire State Bldg is really hard to miss. And it's only abt 10min walk from our hostel! So we made this the last stop for the day. When we stepped into the door of the bldg, there was already a queue formed from don't know where. And the waiting time stated was 40min. Wahh...and rem i said how shaq we were from the museum walk already? Seriously, no one could truly understd the fatigue we felt except for the 4 of us. Besides, to go up to the viewing gallery at the top of the Empire State Bldg will cost $21. So we decided to give it a miss this time... After which we dragged ourselves back to the hostel and concussed flat ... read more
Below the Empire State Building

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan May 14th 2005

NY Day 1-4 On our way to the Mereopolitan Museum of Art (MMA), we met this grp of 2 girls and a guy in bright colored underwears giving away... yes underwears. Haha that explains the photo! Think they were promoting their gym, as the caption goes "Pay-as-you-go". Dont know why we didnt ask what all those underwear were abt. We just happen to find out ourselves when we passed by a building with the exact same caption some days later. :p Anyway, the walk inside MMA was wow i can say physically exhausting. *sweat* First, the place is ultimate freaking BIG. You can easily spend 1 full day there if u visit every single possile exhibit. Second, the effects of jet lag came onto us the moment we embark on this historical journey. It was 3pm ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan May 14th 2005

NY Day 1-1 Our first stop in the cool breeze morning of Manhattan was to go Columbia University. Yunru's canoeing teammate studies there and she has arranged to meet him when she comes NY. Columbia Uni is located at uptown Manhattan near Harlem (where most of the blacks are i was told aka HEI REN QU). But we didnt exactly go into Harlem, so i didnt get a feel of the 'black neighborhood' as yet. The uni was bigg... and it feels real good to walk ard the vast school campus, while enjoying the sun rays on yr face in the slightly cold morning. All ard us, students were moving out of their hostels...loading all their barangs into mini vans as their exams just ended the day before and it's the start of summer hols! Certain ... read more
View from the main gate
Library of Columbia Uni

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