Blogs from California, United States, North America - page 7


Quand je voyage, je ne traîne pas souvent dans les brasseries. Pas que je n'aime pas, c'est que je voyage en été. Là, c'est la première fois que je voyage l'hiver. En plus, il pleut. J'avais apporté 2 gros livres, que j'ai lus! 2 fois je suis allée chez BH (Bartlett Hall) en après-midi, car tout était fermé ou il mouillait. Ça ne me disais rien d'aller faire du shopping à la pluie. Entre 15-17h, les restos sont vides. Donc Martine y est. J'ai goûté plusieurs de leurs bières, mais le meilleur étaient les chou-fleur panés. Leur recette maison avait du fromage bleu, et le goût était très prononcé. J'adorrrrrre. Il y avait des familles, et les enfants me trouvaient drôle car disons que d'habitude, les gens avec des livres (surtout pas la face dans le ... read more

North America » United States » California » Oakland July 15th 2023

De la pluie encore, donc musée! Avec les congés et la température: rues désertes. Mais aussi commerces fermés. J'ai vu plusieurs restos qui ne sont que des fenêtres pour du take-out. Ils étaient encore en mode Covid, mais à la pluie, ça n'était pas pratique. Un endroit ouvert: un commerce presque juste de breuvages de lait et thés de perles (chinois). Les seuls clients: des ados beaucoup trop énergiques et de la musique asiatique à tu-tête genre karaoké. Ho boy. Il y avait une minuscule inscription qui disait qu'il y avait une cuisine. Bon, ok. J'ai pris un numéro #? en me disant: "ça sera (encore) une surprise". Hey hey! Oh que oui! C'était 2 bons ti-rouleaux, un bol de nouilles QUI A L'AIR DE RIEN mais tellement goûteux que j'allais chanter avec les ados visiblement ... read more
Bol de nouilles T4
Rues d'Oakland vides.
Station de train d'Oakland vide.

Dernière journée, je me dirige vers mon avion. Le soleil est sorti et c'est une journée parfaite. Je traîne ma valise, donc j'ai relaxé dans le coin du parlement et du musée et de l'opéra. Il y avait le marché dehors, j'ai pris des noix au cappuccino pour le voyage de retour. Pour dîner, j'ai atterri dans un resto végétalien, thaï. Ils faisaient de mon tofu frit! Le plus extraordinaire, c'est qu'il y en avait a la citronnelle! Partout, mon tofu est seulement sel, poivre et piments rouges. Hey ben. C'était bien évidement le meilleur que j'ai mangé de ma vie! J'ai l'impression de radoter et me répéter... ... read more
Marchant de noix.
Parlement de SF.

North America » United States » California » Kingsburg July 4th 2023

From 2015: For those of you who live outside of our country, the 4th of July is celebrated in a BIG way here in the United States. It is our nation's birthday and commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. We celebrate with family picnics, barbecues, parades, concerts, and fireworks. Many loyal Americans also fly an American flag on this day, as well as other significant patriotic holidays. In July of 1776, there were only 2.5 million people here. This July 4th we will have over 320 million people. More than one-fourth of the hot dogs and sausages consumed on July 4th originated in Iowa. And chances are, the beef hot dogs, steaks, and burgers on the backyard grill came from Texas. For chicken, it probably comes from Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, North Carolina ... read more

Adapted from 2009. This is one of my favorite trips each summer. I look forward to my annual summer visit to Ken and Debbie in their southern California home, near Westlake Village and Thousand Oaks. Sherwood Country Club is just a marvelous place. While golf, cards and dining are the focus, we have plenty of time for conversations and table games (Debbie is the queen of table games!). We also plan to see Debbie's partner in crime, Cathy, otherwise known as Bobcat, who is a new grandmother. This land was purchased by David Murdock of Dole fame, in 1984. And Lake Sherwood, originally known as Potrero Lake, is the oldest man-made lake in California. It was built in 1904 and covers about 165 acres. We have motored on the Lake on a previous trip. They said ... read more
Infamous tennis club?
Moonlight in Sherwood

From 2011. The Carneros region of California includes parts of both Napa and Sonoma Valleys. The fog and breezes of the bay makes the Carneros region cooler and more moderate than the wine regions further north in both valleys. The cooler climate is particularly good for both Pinot Noir and Chardonnay varietals. Likewise, it is a great area for sparkling wines, my personal favorite these days. After receiving its American Viticulture Area status in 1983, Carneros became the first wine region to be defined by its climate, rather than political boundaries. History goes back to 1942, when the well known Louis Martini bought the old Standly Ranch and replanted it. By the 1970s, the Carneros region had more th... read more
Domaine Carneros lobby

North America » United States » California » Sausalito June 22nd 2023

Today we’ve signed up for a bus tour out to Muir Woods, which is about twenty kilometres north of San Francisco across the Golden Gate Bridge, and then onto the northern bayside village of Sausalito. Our guide introduces himself as Danilo. He tells us that he’s originally from Honduras, and he’s a mine of information, some of it useful, and some of it maybe slightly less so. He says that a range of diverse things were “invented” here in San Francisco including fortune cookies (I thought they were Chinese), cable cars - OK he can have that one, and Irish coffee - surely now he’s just making stuff up. We stop at the viewing point on the north side of the Golden Gate Bridge, and then continue on through the Robin Williams Tunnel towards the Woods. ... read more
Anyone for skateboarding
You know
Muir Woods

Today Scott and I have signed up for a trip to the iconic Alcatraz Island out in the middle of San Francisco Bay. Issy’s not showing a lot of enthusiasm for this exercise. I assure her that I did have a shower this morning, but she’s still showing no signs of budging, so us boys set off on our own …. again. It’s only about a fifteen minute boat ride out to “The Rock”, where the tour kicks off with a volunteer giving us a potted history of the infamous site. In the mid 1850s, shortly after the Mexican American War resulted in California being ceded to the Americans, planning began to convert the island into a military base to form part of the so-called “triangle of defence” of San Francisco Bay. The first garrison arrived ... read more
Bird life, Alcatraz
Haight Street

Day 29 - A very lazy day in Prescott, trip to Walmart, yes folks, and it wasn't disappointing. Then off to Watson Lake which we visited in 2016, an amazing lake on the outskirts of Prescott. The rock formations are fascinating as you can see by the pics. A very peaceful area which is popular with hikers and canoeists. A local advised us that it is actually part of the Grand Canyon as the waters from the Colorado River also flow around this area. We had a history lesson on our hotel tonight from the bartender, built in 1927 new owners in the last ten years have spent quite a bit of money on repairs and updating the property. It is immaculate and although the rooms are quite small, it is indicative of the era. We ... read more
Hassayamba Inn Cocktail Bar
Hassayampa Inn
Hassayampa Inn

We decide to try to get our bearings by taking a ride on one of the city’s hop-on hop-off buses. We buy our tickets and are latched onto by a sixty something lady who says she‘s travelling on a cruise ship with her grandma. It seems grandma’s opted for a day off … and will be spending it at the casino. Huh? I wonder how often they get centenarians playing the roulette wheels. The first thing we learn is that the bus has chosen what must surely be the world’s most boring music to accompany the commentary - four bars repeated ad nauseum. It’s about a twenty minute wait in our seats before we leave the first stop, and I think I’d have needed to go into therapy if I’d kept the earbuds in any longer. ... read more
San Francisco icons
Pier 39
Fisherman’s Wharf

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