Blogs from San Francisco, California, United States, North America - page 217


So here we are in San Francisco, the first stop on the new trip, my first time in America and I am loving it! I arrived Tuesday afternoon after a very long but uneventful flight with a dissapointing array of inflight films, I was hoping for Batman Begins, War of the Worlds or ............... but instead I got 'Bridget Jones's Diary: Part 2' and 'Hitch'...........hmmmm. Jen and I had got seperate flights so it was very strange when I was waiting in the hostel room to hear a knock at the door and find Jen on the otherside, all the way out here in California when the last time I saw her was a few weeks ago in Mumbles in Wales! We managed to keep ourselves awake until about 9.30/10pm by having a couple of beers ... read more
The streets of San Fransisco
beer in the park!
taking in the sights

Hey All, Techincally I'm in Tokyo while writing the first part of this (or just outside of it) and I just dropped $13 on noodles and a ginger ale... good bye Vietnam discount, hello Japan! I could not bring myself to schlep into Tokyo at 7:00am after two hours of plane sleep so I've been kickin' it here at the airport. Crashed out in a day room for some horizontal sleep and am now updating the blog. I can't save pictures from here so will add those when I'm back home. On to our last two days in Hoi An. Saturday, we took a tour of My Son, a sacred place of the Champa people back in the 1st through, oh, did he say 6th? century. It's a bit like Macchu Pichu, in that it is ruins that ... read more
More My Son
Don't Lose Your Head
The Artsy Photo

I then went from Vancouver directly to Seattle where I have some friends. I stayed at their place for almost a week. We explored the Seattle Space Needle, went to the EMP the Experience Music Project from Woody Allen (Best Museum I've ever been to). We saw the Flying Fish on the market and I even went to a Baseball Game, The Seattle Mariners against Baltimore Orioles. It was the game when Raffael Palmero had his 3000th Hit. They told me that was something special and I belived it... Very impressive was also the visit of the very active volcano Mt. St. Helens south of Seattle. After one week in the State of Washington I went to Portland, Oragon to visit a friend of Petra. He showed me around Portland, we did some hiking and went ... read more
Me on the Cable Car
Cycling the Bridge
The Seattle Space Needle

Everything is pulled together. Paul, my son called from Berlin very early this AM wondering if we'd left for London and informed me there had been a t. bombing in Central London! I've gotten this far, so how can I let this incident stop us? Today, I set about copying documents I've been collecting over the years. Our time in Paris and french countryside seems almost Da Vinci code-ish! Before we trek into the french countryside to explore an ancestoral village/s and possibly see if there is a shrine been built for a recently canonized family member (Augustus Schoeffler) I want to track down two paintings supposedly housed in an obscure museum in Paris of Augustus S-- "The Seminary Museum." There's even a Society involved....."Society Of Foreign Missions of Paris." We'll see.... (at least we aren't ... read more

Only three days 'til we leave! Seems like we should be frantic by now but since I'm attempting to keep my personal belonging to around 25lbs, it's more about editing. -Quick dry light weight clothes -2 pairs of shoes, including the ones I'm wearing Voila! Portrait: Yes, that's a "fridge" I'm posed with along w/my carry-on! I was inspired by the comedian/author Tony Hawks' book "Round Ireland With A Fridge." No one has wagged a bet with me, but like Hawks, I'm carrying an "odd load" which will surely be a source of many adventures! ... read more

Safe and Sound, but knackered Hey ya'll, Just a quick note to let you all know I made it here in one piece, we had a few dramas, we got delayed out of Melbourne for an hour or two, then in LA we had like a 3 hour delay, it was spent mainly sleeping, leading us to nearly miss our connection to San Francisco....luckily we woke up at just the right time. It was a good last nite in town, hit a few parties, saw most everyone i needed to, and sorry to those I couldn't. We tucked into some quality AB at the Blue and White, quality shit. Get into it! Anyway, it was a long 36 or so hours, we're here safe and sound in San Francisco, tired as ass. We'll spend most ... read more
Airport #2
Airport #3
Airport #4

Today I left San Francisco and jumped on the Green Tortoise bus. Jen Nelson and Eoin dropped me off. I knew I was in trouble when a group of rowdy Irish men arrived. I just can't get away from them :) We started off by meeting everyone on the trip and picking buddies. I quickly realized I was one of only 3 Americans and one of 6 people over the age of 21, which made for quite an interesting ride. There were about 22 people on the trip all together. We spent the first night traveling through the night. We first performed the "miracle," the conversion of the seats on the bus into beds. I stayed up much of the night getting to know the people on the bus and learning how to play the Aussie ... read more

Both us (real) and you (cyber) have stopped travelling east and now are back on the West Coast and beginning the trip home. In summary since the last blog we've finished with NY, done Boston and started on San Francisco, so we have a lot to catch you up on. Over the last days in NY we spent time with Trisha and Len at their small but lovely apartment with its great roofgarden near Central Park. Trisha, Col and I spent the last day in Queens at Noguchi's sculpture garden and gallery before we loaded our gear and went by subway and Amtrack to Boston. Our friends (who we had found on the Yangtze in 2003), Doug, Hong and Alli met us and we explored the waterfront and the markets. Saw a moving Holocaust Memorial with ... read more
Col and Trisha at Noguchi
An example of his work
The Holocaust Memorial

San francisco is 1 of my favorite places in the US. I had gone to SF for a weekend with my parents, for none of us had really been there before. (except for my dad, who had passed through many years ago when he was a teenager) it is so BEAUTIFUL. Not all the cities in the world have a great combination of being urban but yet so close to great nature. There are several beautiful beaches in and around the SF area, some with great views of the city and the golden gate bridge. also just north of the city is a national park with gigantic redwood trees. we also went to a nearby town named sausalito, just north of the golden gate bridge, which was also beautiful. we had taken a couple tours while ... read more
crossing the golden gate bridge
chinatown in SF
downtown san francisco

Day 3 couldn't get out bed this morning...legs hurt like a mo fo Hot shower helped so on with the day.... Hit China town looking for bargains but it was all same old after shop. Dragged Karl round all the shops anyway. More walking through Castro and up the STEEPEST hills ever. Found a great park called Buena Vista. Really steep climb up to the top. Well worth it despite my bitchin' Top of park had a little oasis with dog walkers,yoga folk,hippies,lovers and bums were all gathered. Gorgeous views... Down other side to the hippy HAIGHT street. You can smell the insence a mile off. On Karls insistance another Micro brew (Magnolia brewpub) Was good though and the beer helped my legs feel better. Great little shops here. bussed it back into Market street ... read more

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