Blogs from Tucson, Arizona, United States, North America - page 14


North America » United States » Arizona » Tucson December 12th 2010

Wieder ein Photo-Shooting-Tag! Durch Zufall haben wir zwei Freikarten für Old Studios bekommen und dazu noch kostenlose Verpflegung für den ganzen Tag. Die Rosemond Coppermines haben zu ihrer Weihnachtsveranstaltung eingeladen... Und so ließen wir es uns gut gehen. Stunt Shows, Can Can-Vorstellung und Rodeo - die Organisatoren der Coppermine haben richtig tief in die Tasche gegriffen, um ihre Besucher zufrieden zu stellen. Natürlich auch Lobbypflege, denn schließlich wollen sie 2012 ein neues Minengelände eröffnen... Ihr befindet Euch in einem Old Tucson von 1860... Mehr wie fünfzig authentische Gebäude wurden für das Filmset in einer klassischen Wild West-Umgebung errichtet. Bekannte Filme oder Serien wie Bonanza hat man dort gedreht. John Wayne, Glenn Ford, Ronald Reagan... alle haben sie an diesem Ort gewirkt. Mehr dazu auf Lasst Euch von der Stimmung ein... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

North America » United States » Arizona » Tucson December 7th 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah from Arizona! Dear Family & Friends, We are back in the states for “the foreseeable future.” We have to qualify it in those words because, as you know, we are not known for sitting still. We had hoped to be living this year in Botswana, Africa, but the lecturing gig Bernard has been trying to put together there has not materialized. He is still “working the angles,” but nothing happens quickly in Africa. For the time being we are in Arizona and enjoying it very much. We returned from Berlin, Germany where we lived from September 2009 - October 2010. Bernard was lecturing in International Humanitarian Law for the German Red Cross. No, he doesn’t speak German; fortunately for him all International Law classes worldwide are given almost exclusively in English. ... read more
Wade Rum, Jordan (December)
Shamir Family
Jerusalem,Israel, (December)

North America » United States » Arizona » Tucson December 6th 2010

Zehn Tage lang haben wir die Sonora Wüste in Südarizona erlebt. Und das bei moderaten Wintertemperaturen zwischen 25 und 30 Grad im Schatten. Diesmal stießen wir zwar nicht auf Klapperschlangen. Dafür haben wir uns eingehend mit der Kakteenwelt beschäftigt. Saguaros (sprich: Sah-Hua-Row), Okotillos, Prickly Pears, Barrel Kakteen und wie sie alle heißen... Es gibt eine Menge verschiedener Arten. Obwohl stachelig, haben sie doch ihren besonderen Reiz. Zugegeben - tritt man z. B. auf ein Kakteenableger wie ich, dann folgt ein Prozedere. Es kostet schon ganz schön Kraft, die Stacheldinger mit ihren Endhaken wieder aus dem Joggingschuh rauszubekommen. Noch ekliger wird es, wenn man so ein Viech am Finger hängen hat. Die Fauna haben wir uns dann im Desert Museum von Tucson zu Gemüte geführt und stießen auf schöne Vertreter der hiesigen Tierwelt.... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Tucson October 4th 2010

Well, we successfully cycled over San Bernadino Pass and down into Italy, biked on to Milan, and spent a few days in Italy: Lake Maggiore and Tuscany being the highlights. I couldn't really post any updates for a number of reasons: Internet not available village inns was the most common reason. Sometimes when we did get to a computer, the service was too slow or too expensive or the keyboard was so different that it all became too frustrating. Now, we are back in the States and I will add comments from time to time as Ray gets the pictures to me. However, he is a stickler for cropping and enhancing so it all could take some time. Let me see if I can upload some preliminary pics, and even annotate them.... read more
Nice sky for first day
Hotel Bacchus
First night's celebration

North America » United States » Arizona » Tucson September 7th 2010

Leave for the airport in 45 minutes. Bike box is overweight. Carry-on is overweight. I'm overweight. How much extra will I have to pay AA?... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Tucson September 6th 2010

Let's see. Frankfurt to Milan. Sightsee Heidelberg. Cycle through Black Forest. ("Arduous", says a cycle website). Go around the Bodensee. ("Absolutely beautiful", say some friends.) Pop over into Austria for some pictures. ("Come on. Another country", says Ray.) Over the Alps passes to the vicinity of St. Moritz and down into Italy. ("Fat chance", say I). A thousand K in three weeks? Problematic. Disassembled the bike and fitted it and most of my gear into my big, home engineered box. I carefully zip-tied everything up snug like the videos on You Tube say. (How did we do without the Internet when I was a kid? Or when I was an adult?). Trying mightily to keep within the 50lbs checked luggage maximum. Still have got to pay $100 for oversize. I must get a throwaway carry-on to ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Tucson September 3rd 2010

The last few days have been spent getting ready for the September 7 departure. Making a bike box, acquiring rear panniers that fit the bike rack, and deciding what clothes to take. (Got a very visible, orange jacket at REI!). Everything I take has to be pulled over the Alps so must travel light. I am trying to get by on less than twenty pounds which includes bike bags, bike maintenance stuff, and all clothes. Also have assembled a small but complete pharmacy to ward off and/or control various ailments, the most important of which is the inevitable cold that airplanes seem to provide me. Let's see, touch as little as possible, wash hands frequently, keep hands away from face, use anti-bacterial hand solution, choke down some Airborne, and no sucking on door knobs. And then ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Tucson September 1st 2010

The idea for this trip originated about a year ago in a phone conversation with Ray, an old California friend. By the time we met as ESL teachers in Japan in the early 60s we had both traveled the world extensively, Ray as a merchant seaman, and I as a hitchhiker and odd job holder in Europe and Asia. In Japan, we hung out together, shared teaching materials and classroom experiences, talked endlessly about our love and admiration of Japan, and spent a few evenings carousing Kabukiza and Dogenzaga, Tokyo entertainment areas. This friendship was aided by like world views, somewhat similar dysfunctional childhoods, and shared hysterical amusement at some of humankind's many foibles. After nine years in Japan, I left in 1972 for grad school at the University of Arizona while Ray stayed on to ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Tucson August 9th 2010

Almost a month ago, I moved to Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. That's the same Arizona with the extremely controversial SB 1070 aiming to enforce the toughest measures against illegal immigration anywhere in the country. I came to earn a dual-degree in Law and Latin American Studies, hoping to spend at least four years here and work on the immigration issues currently causing such chaos. It's a good thing I like a challenge, eh? My first impressions might be harsh but in this desert, such severity surrounds us. First things first: it's hot. The first couple of days I spent here had high temperatures over 110F. Everyone who says that it's hot but it's okay because there's no humidity is a liar. Go hug a saguaro. Thanks to the current monsoon season, we get some pretty wicked thunder ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Tucson July 9th 2010

My Turn! .... Hey all, hope all is well with everyone! It seems Jessica isn't feeling well and we just left CA and we can't be with her physically but if you will pray for her with us, we can be there for her in spirit. Thank you! CA left me with a few observations, first; I love In-And-Out Burger!! Towana and I saw an interview with the owners and after hearing them talk about the place (and Josh and Brandi telling us about the Animal Burger.. thanks!) we decided to check them out.. WOW... if you are ever in CA, YOU NEED TO HEAD DIRECTLY TO ONE! It was the cleanest, freshest and best tasting fast food I've ever had... and believe me, I've eaten ALOT of fast food :) !! SO that was first, ... read more

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