Blogs from Puebla, Mexico, North America - page 15


North America » Mexico » Puebla August 4th 2006

(August 26th through the 27th 2005) Early Friday morning we left for Puebla. Lucha came to pick me up at Pollo's apartment, and went back to her place for breakfast. Her mother made great eggs, and we (Lucha, her mother, her grandmother, and me) left late morning. The two hour ride was quiet--I had known most of the road from the work I did the year before. They invited me to tag along, to see the city with Lucha, while her grandma saw other family members and Lucha's sister. We got off at the outskirts of Puebla, as Lucha's mother and grandmother were going to another part of town, while we were heading to the center. We took the "ruta" (the bus) and got off near the center. We walked around, on a hot day, and ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla July 13th 2006

wow. i can't believe this! i will be on a plane headed for the US this time tomorrow. i am so incredibly exicted, but at the same time i almost can't believe that this trip has happened. i have so much to write on here, so many pictures to show, so many memories to share. however..... i don't exactly have the time right now. i need to finish up our final essay (yuck, what a way to spend my final day in mexico), visit some ceramic shops with the group, and start packing up. thank you guys for checking up on me while i have been abroad, i really appreciate so much that you have made efforts to stay in contact with me :).. it has made being away from home a much easier transition knowing ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla June 26th 2006

So it is finally here, my last week and I can't wait to go home. Yesterday Sheena and I (she is the other gringa that lives in the house with me) climbed a small mountain to go see this church. (It's in my myspace pics, the orange church. Can't post pics until I get home!) Climbing mountains is not my idea of fun. But the church was pretty and we had a good view of the town and the volcanoes. Well, today my mexican culture professor announced that we were going to visit the same I had to climb the small mountain again! Only this time we went up a different side and it was 100 times worse! This side was very, very steep and mama was not happy. In honor of my last week ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla June 20th 2006

So the fam and I went out on Sunday. First we went to this cell phone fair thing where the people were losing they minds over cell phones. From what I can gather cell phones are fairly new to Mexico and they are very expensive to use. So I guess I can understand the excitement, I was certainly excited when I got my first cell phone. There was a clown, free ice cream and give was intense. Then we went to a church, it was Catholic if you can believe it. In any event the church was definitely the prettiest one I have seen so far. But then things took a creepy turn. We went into a little side room where there was essentially a glass casket with what I thought was a wood carving ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla June 9th 2006

Whilst sitting on a bench enjoying the day I was attacked by a duck!! It bit my foot...or whatever it is ducks do since they don't have teeth. The peacock almost touched me today when I was eating lunch! It walked right by me and I am not going to lie...I was a little scared.... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla June 8th 2006

Yeah that's right, I saw the DaVinci code last night. I was really ready to get out of the house for a while and the fam was going to the movies. The movie theater was in a really nice mall and I am going back next weekend to do some shopping! There was a Tony Roma's rib restaurant in the mall that advertised "The best ribs in America!" Which I found mildly amusing. Today while my roommate and I were walking to the bus stop we got a honk and a whistle from a water delivery truck so that was nice. The good news is that I will be able to watch the MTV Movie Awards tonight and I am EXCITED!... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla June 1st 2006

But mostly I miss the fact that there aren't JALAPEÑOS ON EVERY GODDAMN PIECE OF FOOD! I'm sorry that was a little ridiculous...I am just really homesick for american food and I thought I had found it in my sandwich. Here's the thing, I enjoy spicy food and I also enjoy a jalapeño now and then but not every day. It's my own fault since I should know now to check for spicy things as I am in Mexico. So I then pick the jalapeños off of the sandwich but the really spicy jalapeño juice still still intent on eating something american I choose some nacho cheese doritos. They are also spicy but nearly as bad as the jalapeño sandwich. I really like Mexican food but I cannot eat rice and beans everyday. Hopefully I'll ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla May 31st 2006

So this weekend I am going on a 2 day trip to Xalapa and Veracruz. I don't know anything about either place and I have to stay in a hotel with a lot of people that I don't I am looking forward to that. The good news is that the hotel looks nice. and it has a 24 hour bar because lord knows I am going to need it. The bad news is that it is a 4 hour drive to get there and I will probably have to share a room with someone that I don't know. I want to go home every day and I am a little sick of Mexican food. ( I thought the day would never come) I have yet to sleep more than 6 hours in a night, ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla May 29th 2006

Yesterday I went on a trip to see Pyramid ruins in Teotihuacan and then to the Frida Kahlo museum which is the house she lived in with Diego Rivera and it was FANTASTIC! The museum included several original paintings by Frida and Diego as well as her journal, the bed she painted in and died in, and all of her furniture (and a lot of other stuff which of course I have already forgotten). It was both creepy and the best experience of my life. The pyramids were great too except it was really hot and we had to walk over 2 1/2 miles so I wasn't very happy about that. I climed one pyramid and my little legs were almost too short to climb the steps because they were so steep. There were two other ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla May 27th 2006

So I just got back from a 3 hour lunch at a friend of my family's. There were like 6 courses and since I am a bad eater of course I couldn't enjoy them all! The food was fantastic as I am sure all mexican food is. The wife wouldn't sit down to eat as she was constantly putting more food on our plates. She liked to talk to us in English since she is apparently learning English...even after being told several times that she should talke to us in Spanish. But I am not complaining it was nice to hear English for a change. . The family was really nice and the wife is a painter. I assume she is successful because their house was very nice and they drove very nice cars. We went ... read more

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