Blogs from Puebla, Mexico, North America - page 14


North America » Mexico » Puebla June 20th 2007

Day 27 - Wednesday 20 June 2007 - Mexico City bus tour OK, I have to admit to feeling pretty crappy today. I have a slight cold and after all the walking and climbing of stairs yesterday, plus a pretty crap nights sleep (again!), I feel achy and tired this morning. Still, I managed to drag my sorry butt out of bed to go on a 3 or so hour open top bus tour of the city. This was great, with audio commentary in English and so many sights to take in. Also, for only 100 paesos (about $10 US dollars), it was worth it! After the bus ride I gave in to my tiredness and went back to the room to try to sleep. Wasn´t very successful though, as there were just too many ... read more
Puebla Square 2
Fountain in the Square

North America » Mexico » Puebla June 7th 2007

So besides visiting with my family in Mexico, I did do a few other things... Ivonne, a girl who works for my host dad took me downtown to the "Zocalo" of Puebla one day to walk around, visit a museum and have some lunch while everyone in the family was either at work or school. She was a sweetheart and I got to practice quite a bit of Spanish with her. The week before I left was filled with so much running around that I was exhausted that night and didn't go out. But Memo's (my family's eldest son) girlfriend Ileana and her friend Claudia took me for sushi (there are a lot more japonese restaurants in Puebla than I remember when I was there a few years ago), to the church of the mummy, ... read more
the cathedral in downtown Puebla
el fuerte
mira las hormigas!

North America » Mexico » Puebla June 1st 2007

Well, my trip officially started as of May 30th! I arrived in Mexico to visit my past host family, Oli, Mario, Ricky and Memo. I´ve done a little sightseeing in Puebla, but I´ve mostly just caught up with the family and rested (the week before I left felt like a whirlwind). Not much else to say for now. I´ll be adding photos later. It´s just great to be spending time with everyone here and they all send their love to the people they´ve met in NA. ¡Hasta pronto!... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla April 20th 2007

No puedo creer que ya casi me voy a Berlin, creo que nunca pense que se fuera a cumplir el tan esperado viaje. Estoy emocionadisisisisisma tengo muchas expectativas de este viaje. Me acaba de caer el veinte de que es Real!! ya me puse nerviosa y tengo que dejar todo listo, lo peor es que no se ni como empezar ni cuando, que me llevo y que dejo?? . Estos ultimos dias van a estar super fuertes. Ayer jueves 19 de Abril Conciertazo!!! Gloria Trevi en el relicario. wooooooooow que noche, que concierto, que amigos y que jarra. jajaja. El recuento de los daños: 1. Bar capri ( una sangira mauricio, una sangria entre ani y luisro y una chela entre ani y luisro) 2. El relicario ( CONCIERTO!!!!! y muchas cervezas, canciones increibles. Las mejores ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Cuetzalan March 23rd 2007

Cuetzulan is a very small town of steep cobble stone streets surrounded by a beautiful, lush, landscape and much poverty. I am one of the few tourists here (though there are a number of hotels for a place of this size) and definately the only foreigner - stand out of course and feel the hestitancy from the indegenous women around me - not me personally of course but it brings up those feelings. It is so quiet, got my wish for a place without cars - barely any and people walk in the centre of the streets and move when a car comes and cars make way for people. There is a central square with a small market on Thursdays of veggies, flowers, stuff, and meat including a pigs head on display. It is the only ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Cuetzalan March 21st 2007

I am now in the magical town of Cuetzalan in the Sierra Norte de Puebla after a bit of a circuatous (sp??) route - I went from Xalapa to Puebla yesterday, and from Puebla to here though I am geographically now much closer to Xalapa but a) wanted to see Puebla and b) could not figure out the bus route - ticketbus did not have a link though am sure you can do it through a combination of 2nd class bus (which I took here) and regional collectivos. Cuetzalan is one of the Puebos Magicos on the tourists brochures, and from the little I have seen it certainly is - while at a much lower elevation than Puebla (just under 1000 metres I believe), you feel that you are in the mountains, driving over twisting mountainous ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla March 20th 2007

Arrived in Puebla today - and decided to stay only one day. It is a big city of almost 2 million people, and while the historic section is beautiful with one main cathedral that is on one of Mexico´s bills, and churches and museums and some pedestrian streets, coming into town I got wierded out so decided not to staymore than one night. Also the air pollution hurt my eyes -guess that answers my question if I am going to Mexico city. Coming in on the bus from Xalapa sadness encapsulated me - as we rose in elevation the land turned brown and dusty, and then straight roads in wide valleys with peaks further in the distance. The landscape seemed faded with planted agave, prickly pears, minimal oaks and some desert tree, but mainly alot of ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla February 16th 2007

Day 5: We left Mexico City early on Saturday and took a bus to Puebla, which is only less than 2 hours southeast of Mexico City. It is the religious capital of Mexico and VERY beautiful. All of the buildings in town are colonial style and extremely colorful. It’s a large city but felt smaller, cleaner, and safer than Mexico City. We were all sad to only spend one night there. We saw the cathedral next to the Zocalo (the Zocalo was so pretty!) and visited an old convent where my camera died (and my batteries were in my bag in Oaxaca! Que triste!). We went in a store where they make and sell beautiful pottery famous in Puebla. Most of us bought something as souvenirs. We then went into a huge church that has the ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla December 31st 2006

Hey everybody, Rob and I have arrived safely at our hotel in Puebla. It is a big releif to see that there are far fewer people here than there was in Mexico City. There is much less stress when there are fewer people around. Plus, the weather is perfect and we can wander around with lots of other tourists. We were extremely lucky in Mexico City to be able to climb the towers of the main cathedral in the zocalo. From our views, we were able to take some amazing pictures of one of the craziest places that I have ever seen in my whole life. So that takes us here for 2 days. Internet here is hard to find and use. Phones are finnicky, I can´t call when I want to, we haven´t figures it ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla December 25th 2006

Hey everybody, its just about time to leave for real. Here are some pictures of Puebla, and Oaxaca from my last trip to Mexico, hopefully, I will be able to put up some new ones from the new trip by the end of this week. First we are going to Mexico City and also visiting Teotihuican. Hopefully I can keep in touch with everyone during the trip and can post some great pictures. Feel free to subscribe to the blog and keep updated! Dylan... read more

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