Blogs from Kitsilano, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » Kitsilano January 2nd 2021

The first trip I ever took was at four years of age, on foot, alone. It took a long time for them to realize I was gone, but this was the fifties when kids were put out like laundry, tossed about by the wind, then brought in again. Like any journey, it began with the first step, but after that I had to wing it. My arithmetic skills were simply not up to the task. Instead, I concentrated on my feet marching along the sidewalk in black Maryjanes. One. Two. Three. Four. I remember the trudge as if it happened yesterday. There was a busy intersection, broad as the mighty Mississippi, and a large grassy field with a playground. The jungle gym shimmered in the sun and I was tempted to stop at the swings. On ... read more
Hallowe'en 2020
Chanukah 2020
Old Sweetie/May 2020.

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » Kitsilano July 21st 2016

Bonjour à tous, 22h30 heure, j'arrive, j'arrive l'aéroport, où je viens de déposer, mes compagnons non seulement de voyage, mais avant tout de boisson, et de table. J'espère qu'ils sont bien dans l'avion, si non mon estomac va demander grâce. Encore hier au soir, avec les jeunes, un bon moment bien plaisant. Mais que Lyne et Marc le frère de Pier ont bien élevé leurs enfants. La compagnie de ces jeunes gens, que du plaisir. Sur la photo vous ne verrez, la petite dernière Geneviève, qui est partie après le mariage de son frère, pour un meeting d'athlétisme à Londres, et repart dans quelques jour pour Rio aux JO. Elle pratique la course à pied en demi fond. 2 ou 3000m, et d'autres disciplines, que je n'ai pas en tête. Si vous voyez ce type d'épreuve ... read more
English Bay de nuit
Coal Harbour
no coment

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » Kitsilano July 20th 2016

Bonjour à tous, Je suis resté plus de 40 jours. sans une goute de vin, et depuis que j'ai retrouvé Suzanne et Pier, je crois que j'ai comblé de déficit de boisson en 10 jours. Et hier nous sommes allés à ce concert, il y avait de quoi manger sur place, mais il faut apporter son vin, sa bière, ou son eau. Nous sommes arrivés bien chargé, vous vous en douté pas en eau, mais en rosé et en blanc, nous sommes reparti les mains vides. A ça vous rajoutez de la fatigue, je fini souvent, depuis une semaine cette page d'écriture, à plus de 2h matin, pas toujours dans les meilleurs conditions de concentration. Je rencontre aussi des problèmes de wifi haute vitesse. C'est les raisons pour lesquels je ne dois être performant que dans ... read more
le chenal

W ramach zwiedzania dzielnicy Kitsilano i korzystając z chwili przerwy w deszczu, postanowiliśmy odwiedzić tamtejszy plac zabaw, który okazał się być jednym z tych placów zabaw z najlepszą lokalizacją na świecie - na samej plaży. Dopiero w następnym rzędzie są wille za 5 milionów dolarów, po amerykańsku sajdingowo-papierowo-karpetowe, ale za to z widokiem, który pewnie stanowi 9/10 ich ceny. Choć wieje i przepaduje, lokalne dzieci biegają całkiem roznegliżowane: małaEm prezentuje zimową kurtkę, parę warstw pod spodem, czapkę, szalik, a ja nadal nie jestem pewna, czy jest jej ciepło. Mnie nie jest. Tutejsi mają zazwyczaj leggingsy, koszulkę i może bluzę. Dziś widziałam chyba zwycięzcę - małaEm nadal w zimowym komplecie, a kobieta niesie w nosidle niemowlę - może 2-4 miesięczne, w bodziaku z krótkim rękawem i krótkimi nogawkami. Bez skarpet. Na szczescie się ciut zreflektowała i wróciła ... read more
bella sushi
nachos / sushi
Japanese tacos

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » Kitsilano August 12th 2012

Mir händ eifach immer super Wätter da, au das weekend wider. Gester simmer am spötere namitag an Beach go hänge und reläxe und aschlüssend simmer ide Old Spaghetti Factory go ässe. Es isch eifach himmlisch gsi (Fettuccine mit Shrimps, Tintefish und super feiner Sosse). Das wird vor minere Abreis definitv nomal widerholt ;) den simmer hei und ich ha mini Gasteltere mit Fründe uf de Veranda aatroffe bim Sternschnuppe luege. Mir händ eis Gaudi gha und ich ha no selber gräucherete Lachs mit Crackers dörfe probiere, sensationell sägi da nume!!! Han im ganze 17 Shootingstars gseh und d Ruumstation isch au no dure gfloge. Hät sich also voll glohnt das min Nacke chli hät müesse liidä. Hüt bini den nach de Ufzgi mit de Simona wo ade gliche Strass wohnt uf Granville Island (e Halbinsle) zum ... read more
Granville Island

ok so i am a couple weeks behind in doing this..... i have been busy, ish, ok! fine! lazy! but i need to remember that this is for me as much as my friends and family. i cannot remember what i wrote in my last entry so soz to all if i repeat myself. I have moved out of the hostel, lets start there. I met a girl through football who is going away and working in the wops till the end of July and because she loves her place she was paying the rent the whole time she is gone and having no one live in it so she offered it to me to stay there for cheap while she is away. how nice is that!? Its full of all her crap of course but ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » Kitsilano April 2nd 2012

Can't believe im starting week three already. Still no job haha and no house. I think i apply to an average of 6 jobs a day, everyday. it's really not that easy here to get a job especially when you are competing with 500 + other applicants with more experience. Last week it was job hunt, job hunt, job hunt. I apply on line, i apply in person, i apply any way i can to anything i can. No one says anything though. Tells you what they are looking for etc. Sam actually took me into his work, Wednesday i think, and i met the manager or something there and applied for a job as waitress or server there. He was the first person to tell me that i probably don't have a lot of chance ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » Kitsilano December 5th 2011

Today is our anniversary and we went to church this morning (however we prob won't go back to that particular one) then we went to Granville Island which is man made and has markets open every day! To all the cheese lovers we had unpasturised french soft goats cheese, a mini baguette and a nice unpasturised french blue cow cheese from the markets - it is legal to sell it here as long as it has been aged for 60 days!!! We know you are all very jealous - amazing tasting cheese!! Oh and we also had Duck Prosciutto! We then had lunch/dinner at a resturant on the island called the Sandbar - we were on the balcony which has heated floors, gas heaters from the ceilings and gas fire places and blankets!!!! We had ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » Kitsilano November 25th 2011

Hello! This is our blog, which will be the best way to find out what have been doing!!! So far we have slowly gotten our bearings in the fancy suburb of Kitsilano, which we will call home for the next two months. We have expereinced freezing cold rain and slightly warmer sunny days. Right now it is 5 degrees and is going to drop to three tonight (because it was sunny today). Our first night Derek and Alison took us out to dinner at a kooky Sushi resturant which sold t-shirts that said "Miso Horny"!! After sleeping in until midday yesterday we went shopping at Walmart and were awed by the sheer size of it. Today we went to Service Canada aka Centrelink to get our Social Insurance Number so we can work & get money! ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » Kitsilano October 5th 2011

Some Random Acts Of Kindness That I Experienced (in chronological order) Some people just simply showed kindness, some saved me a few dollars, some saved me a little grief and some saved me a lot of grief and some a little of all of the above. Either way in recognition they deserve a page on my blog. Hitch Hiking – All the people that drove me a little further then their stop Tobermory – The cyclists that approached me and showed me a camping spot; saving me a long night at a picnic table Northern Ontario – The native that gave me shelter in his trailer so I could get out of the rain Sault Ste. Marie – The older couple that gave me a lift back to the Grey Hound Bus stop Grande Prairie – ... read more

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