Blogs from Heathrow Airport, Greater London, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 10


Beginning of my adventure. Typical of Simpson-Harrison behaviour we set off from Keelby at 10.30am and so due in at Heathrow at 2.30pm... i couldnt check in until 6.30pm!! Got to Heathrow pretty hassel free, managed to express check in as I was so early for my flight. The goodbyes with mum and billy were emotional.. leaving each other at passport control in floods of tears.. lots of people around us thinking they were banishing me from the country!! I managed to calm myself down and wait for my flight.. finally time to board the plane... sat down.. a sudden pang of "Am I mental?? I have to get off this flight now" set the tears flowing again. I then realised that I could watch No Strings Attached with Aston Kutcher and settled into my flight! ... read more

Captains log... Currently in the holding pen waiting to board. Finally got my act together and went with flight bag option no 3!! Checked in all ok and said my goodbyes to ma and pa-bit tearful going up the escalator!! Through security and faffed around trying to get the laptop out of my overpacked bag! Beeped going through security so had to be briskly frisked by the lady in waiting and had to wait for a backlog of bags to clear. Panicked as saw on that con artist programme on sky people steal laptops from security belts but all good! Hawk eye was watching!! Ate the hottest chorizo sandwich that I only have myself to blame for and started reading twilight on my kindle! Still waiting to board but going on shortly. Fantastic upgrade courtesy of ... read more

Our Honeymoon Route Map!... read more

All through security OK although it took Scags a bit longer than everyone else! Just waiting for the gate to come up now and then we'll be off.... read more

1.00am: So here I am sitting at Heathrow airport, I’m roughly five hours into a thirty six hour journey from Edinburgh back to Melbourne for a surprise visit. I have eight hours left of an eleven and a half hour stopover in London and I’ve now challenged myself to staying up until my flight here leaves at 9.15am, a challenge I will no doubt fail. A little hindsight would have been awesome when I booked these tickets about seven odd months ago. I went for the cheapest tickets I could get my hands on, $1300Au from London to Melbourne and returning back to Istanbul. The only real stupid thing I did was booking from London instead of Edinburgh, considering I wanted to base myself in Edinburgh or probably Scotland anyway. I’m not entirely sure why I ... read more

The day we went to London, wasn't very eventful. We spent most of Friday morning packing and killing time. We had to check out of our rooms by 10:30am and the bus didn't pick us up until 3pm to take us to London. Emily and I woke up early and ventured down to the Uni so I could get a Swansea U hoodie. It didn't take much time at all because we finally got the hang of the public transits, of course on the last day. We then went down to Mumbles to get a few souvenirs and try to meet up with the rest of the group. After doing some shopping we went down to Verdi's Cafe to have lunch, but we had missed our group by probably 30 minutes or so. Because when we ... read more

My nephew and his girlfriend leave for their travels today. We shall be watching their travels very carefully with interest. Hope they have a lovely time and we all look forward to their return so we can hear all about their adventures. Have a great time Elliott and Lauren ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Heathrow Airport February 21st 2011

We got to the airport at 19:00 and after checking our bags in we sat down in a cafe with Linda and David and had a meal before going through to the departure lounge. After going through security we did a bit of shopping and now we are waiting for our gate to appear on the screen. Should be boarding in about 15 minutes, so goodbye for now! :-)... read more
Chris eating his dinner

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Heathrow Airport February 1st 2011

Well, I have arrived in her Majesty's glorious country. Now if only our pilot didn't get us here almost an hour to an hour and a half early! I could have used the sleep... I've almost been up for 24 hours, and only slept maybe 2-4 on the's going to be a LONG day. But, I'm here! I'm finally in the one country that for some reason I have wanted to visited and live in for years! I'm super excited, but also super nervous. I'm excited to see what the city, the country, and the continent have to offer. But I'm nervous about my internship and that nothing will live up to my expectations. I've been building this trip up in my mind for years and now it's finally here and I would probably cry ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Heathrow Airport January 27th 2011

I had an early start today - not that this really mattered because having sold my bed yesterday I was sleeping in a sleeping bag on top of some sheets. With a few final tasks to attend to before starting to make my way across London towards Heathrow I was glad that my flight scheduled departure time wasn't until 10pm, and figured I'd sleep well on the plane. I took a few final things from my flat, including the aforementioned sleeping bag and my dressing gown, to the charity shop on Church Road, and sent my iphone home to my parents by Special Delivery (I decided a while back that taking the handset on tour with me wasn't a great idea, and transferred the sim card to an older Sony Ericsson phone which, besides, has better ... read more
About to make my way to Heathrow
Heathrow Terminal 4
Arrival at KLIA

Tot: 0.125s; Tpl: 0.009s; cc: 10; qc: 102; dbt: 0.0665s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.2mb