Blogs from Lisbon & Tagus Valley, Portugal, Europe - page 51


Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Lisbon July 6th 2006

We had a whole day to kill before our night train to Madrid. We went to a suburb of Lisbon called Belem. Its claim to fame is a belltower that you can only reach by a narrow bridge as the shore has receeded since it was built. But the best stop was in a pastry shop. They claim to have the best custard pastries in the city, and they were delicious! It looks like this trip is all about the food! We then headed to the other side of town where the old Expo buildings were. They have one of the biggest oceanariaums in Europe. It had a couple floors with several different climates. There is a huge fishtank that goes down the center of the building. It was where I saw the ugliest fish for ... read more

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Lisbon July 5th 2006

I woke up at 5:30am with - a swollen lip! (That is #8). Half of my bottom lip was swollen, worse than what it was the first time. I woke my sister up but we were both at a loss as to what to do. It was starting to get ridiculous! I stayed in bed until close to 11:30am purely out of embarassment. Luckily, I wasnt the only one having problems. The South African's bedbug bites were all getting infected. Angele found a British Hospital close to our hostel that had english speaking doctors. The three of us, plus the south African and his 2 friends all went there together. I ended up getting some sort of medication for allergic reactions and send on my way. At least it was something. We didnt want to waste ... read more

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Lisbon July 4th 2006

We had a nice relaxing day wandering the streets of Lisbon. The only thing we had to get done today was make train reservations for an overnite to Madrid. On our way, we stopped at a cathedral that is dated from the 4 or 5th century. We also ended up in Sao Michael Castle at the top of the hill. It offered 365 degree views of Lisbon and the ocean around it. Reesa, even made a new friend. Some guy who spoke no english tried to help us with directions, but we couldnt understand him. Then he went on to ask Reesa for her phone number. She just said she didnt have one and we all walked away. How are you supposed to have a conversation with someone over the phone if you cant even understand ... read more

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Lisbon July 3rd 2006

So, my lip was all better, and I thought everything was ok.... until I woke up and discovered that I could barely open my eye. (Unfortunate Event #5) - Half my face was swollen. My right eye would barely open and my lip was slightly drooping. Luckily I could cover most of it up with sunglasses and hair. Even more lucky that the only thing our day consisted of was sitting on a bus to Lisbon. And, to be completely honest, I was almost ready to come home at this point. I really did not feel like dealing with it anymore, the moving, the swelling, all the bad stuff! But, if that wasnt bad enough...(Unfortunate event #6) - We got to the bus station in Lisbon and realized that we had lost our directions to the ... read more

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Lisbon June 26th 2006

LISBON...SO BEAUTIFUL. so here we are in LISBON, PORTUGAL. Absolutely gorgeous! A week into the trip and it still does not feel like we are really BACKPACKING yet. We strated in London with champange for a toast and moved to Bordeux with wine tastings, great food and a wonderful day tour of vinyards and chateauxs where we were the only ones under 30. Now in Lisbon where we stayed with a family friend of Karla's. We stayed in a nice appartment, ate great home cooked food by Antonio Carlos, and had a tour by him of Lisbon and the surrounding area. So, so far it has been great. This trip so far has been filled with experiences that have been somewhat shocking becasue they're so different than what we are used to back home, for example ... read more
wine tasting lunch
downtown LISBON

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Lisbon June 21st 2006

Hola! Family & Friends First off I miss you very much inspite of having the time of my life. I´m doing this alittle backwards due to the fact finding wireless in Portugal & Spain has been a challenge, so here I am at the University of Salamanca in the Computer lab 3-4 weeks later. So here we begin. Lisboa is incredible and a sight to behold. I began my journey in Lisboa at 11pm 19 May 06. I went to every destination on my list of can´t miss things. Sao Jorge Castilla, Belm Tower, monument, monestary, Pasterlia, The Baxia, Alfama, & Barrio Alto regions all close together but cool in their own rights. I took trolleys, buses, trains and used quite abit of shoeleather (mostly uphill on cobblestone streets) good for the gluts! This city is ... read more
Portugal Party
Portugal Party

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Lisbon June 13th 2006

Next was Lisbon. A beautiful city with lots to be seen except I couldn’t see it. I’m quite pissed off with the person that invented steep hills and steps. What I did get to see namely the port and my hotel room were really nice! Everyone else seemed to love it which just rubbed salt into my already festering wound……... read more

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Lisbon June 11th 2006

If it hadn’t been apparent from my enthusing about the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC or even from the fact that I keep a travelblog (!!) then I advise you this: I am a geek. I have learned this over the years but I have come to terms with the fact that I am a dork. OBVIOUSLY a very attractive and socially hip COOL dork, but yes, a dork nonetheless. This is why I was super excited about visiting the Lisbon Oceanarium, the biggest aquarium in Europe, the second biggest in the world, a fantastic place to spend a few hours on a hot Lisbon afternoon and a place worthy of it’s own blog entry. Cathy had left that morning back for Dubs and we’d had to check out of our hotel so poor Manuela, with ... read more

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Lisbon June 10th 2006

Everybody say goodbye to Fabian and Niky. "Bye Fabian and Niky!" They decided to get back on track with their own trip. So they broke up the herd, and headed East. We were sad to see them go but we are definately on a schedule. And anyone who has been on a schedule with Galaxya, knows better than to deviate from it. Onward we pushed and drove to Seville just to say that we had been there, and to check out what it looked like, since we both had been told that it was a good place to be. Well it looked nice and they were right. Definately would like to get back to Seville. Well we had to stop somewhere to use the internet anyway since I did not print out the reservation in Lisboa, ... read more
Bad hair day.
Gateway to the city.
Who wants fresh pig?

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Lisbon June 10th 2006

Manuela graciously allowed me to select somewhere for five days away as part of her fleeting European adventure. I chose Lisbon - cheap, close and most importantly WARM. Sod’s law though that the five days I chose to go away London had the most spectacular weather in a year! At least I wasn’t at work though. Cathy joined us from Dublin and the construction girls from Bovis were reunited. Lisbon is a hilly, oceanside city with a small central area which made a nice change from the sprawling city of London. Being so close to the ocean there was beautiful seafood in every restaurant and as a result our tour of Lisbon was more a culinary one than cultural. All we seemed to do was roll from meal to meal with a spot of shopping or ... read more
Town Square
Bull Ring
Ocean View

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