Blogs from South Bohemian Region, Czech Republic, Europe - page 17


Over the past few days, Matt and I have been in Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic. On Friday and Saturday we enjoyed beer, brats, and a biking tour in Munich. This is where we met a crazy Italian girl named Amber who invited us to visit her in Milan. Then, on Sunday we traveled to Salzburg, Austria, which was beautiful even though it rained all day. Now, we are in Cesky Krumlov in the Czech Republic. We haven't done much yet, but tomorrow we are going to visit the huge castle in the middle of town. Then it is off to Prague. It will be nice to stay with family there...a little break from the hostel party scene. Hopefully we will be able to post some pictures when we get to Prague. Take care, Matt ... read more

I tried writing a journal entry in Prague but I ended up getting lectured by a local about American's and our "morbid obession with death", and my internet timed out before I could send it. That man lived at our hostel's internet cafe so I decided not to go back there... and because of that I have quite a bit of catching up to do. The flight was horrible. My idea to not sleep the night before was a horrible mistake. I didn't get more than 2 hours sleep on the plane. When we landed in London I was walking around like a zombie. We had a few hours to kill so we took the Underground into Piccadilly and had a beer before having to rush back to the airport. When we landed in Prague we ... read more
View of Prague
Prague Bike Tour

Cesky Krumlov is a town I could live in. It's so homey! Not to mention vegetarian friendly! The first night here, Phuong and I found a vegetarian restaurant where we were seating at a picnic table next to the river. The food was awesome, but the view and atmosphere was unbeatable, so we sat there for a couple of hours just taking it all in! Everyone is very laid back, and no one is in a hurry to get anywhere. We went to the castle today. Apparently, in the 17th century, the royal family decided (mistakingly so!) that they were related to an Italian royal family, whose name they translated to mean "female bear." So, the royal family here became obsessed with bears and added them to their coat of arms and started breeding bears ... read more
Vegetarian Restaurant
First, We Need Coffee.

I forgot to put the photo of the Kathe Kollwitz memorial sculpture in the last blog so it is the first image this time and a reminder that we left you at the ruined memorial church in Berlin. Since then we have feasted our eyes on wondrous church architecture in three countries. From Berlin the first stop was Quedlinburg, a town with roots back the 900’s to a time when Kaiser Otto 1 needed to protect the Empires eastern border and to’missionise’ the local Slavs. Both Deanna and Gerd (who has been there many times) had raved about this small fortified town and after our visit we can understand why and would recommend it to any visitor to Germany. We also discovered a gem of a Feininger Gallery there but more of that at a later ... read more
Quedlinburg castle
View from Quedlinburg castle
Leipzig - St Thomas

One Phrase. I'm in a life like Fairytale Town. I caught a 4 hour bus from Prague; the cultural hub of Czech Republic to a small town near the Austria border known as Cesky Krumlov. The only reason I headed down this way is because the rather good looking girl who was working at the hostel in Prague said she said it was the most beatiful place in the world and she has a friend who works in a hostel down here and will 'hook me up for a good time'. Anyways after arriving here at about 7pm I walk into the town centre and my first impressions are wow. This place is like made out of gingerbread. Well not really but imagine the how the gingerbread house in the fairytale looks. Well this whole town ... read more

I liked Cesky Krumlov, but at the time i was there was durin low season and there wasnt many other people around excep for a high number of japanese tourists , after walkin around lookin at the town, watchin amature hockey games, my time here at night was quite boring and uneventful so id just go to sleep early. nothing very exciting happend here but it was still worth the visit. the place itself is very scenic i liked it.. after 2 nights here id seen enough of the place to leave to Brno.. to get to Brno a needed to catch a packed bus to Ceske Budejovice where i had to stand with my bags on for around 45 minutes unable to move and people pushin and shovin past. it wasnt the most comfortable bus ... read more
another view
and another view

new year in tjechie?! natuurlijk ook dit jaar weer het jaarlijkse uitje met de eens met mijn oom en 4 nichtjes! dit keer eens niet in pec pod maar een pitoresque klein dorpje in de buurt! wel met stoeltjes lift..... Gezelligheid boven alles!?!... read more
pitoresque of niet?
in de kou met mijn zusje
sleeen met z'n allen

There's not a lot to do in Cesky Krumlov, but it is the greatest town ever to just chill out and relax. I can't tell you many people I met here who said they had only planned to be here for a night or two, and had been here four, or eight. The hostel we stayed at has a free keg for their guests every Wednesday night, and wouldn't luck have it, we arrived on a Wednesday. They also had this great big patio with a BBQ. The second night we were there, there was live Bohemian Jazz at the restaurant next door. Sitting on that patio, drinking a Budweiser (the real Budweiser, from nearby Cesky Budjovice, not the American stuff) , BBQing on the grill, listening to the Jazz band, let me tell you, life ... read more
Rafts floating down the river
Bears in the old castle moat - huh?!?!
Working the fields along the river

This city is amazing. South of Prague about 3 hours set in the hills surounded by a river is the beatuiful city of Cesky Krulove (pronounced Chesky). It was founded in the early 14th century. The city streets are all cobblestone, and little restaurants lined the streets and rivers. We stayed in the attic of an old hospital set in the city walls. Unfortunately lloyd is not a women for it is quite romantic. Everyday from 3pm till 9pm there are free concerts in the town square, where beer is a 15 crowns (equivilent to 60 cents) and hot dogs are the same. This five women band played a rousing rendition of John Denver's I'm leavin on a "Jumbo Jet" Lloyd and I tried not to laugh but it was just too funny. They also sang ... read more
More City

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