Blogs from South Bohemian Region, Czech Republic, Europe - page 16


We have arrived in Cesky Krumlov - what has to be the most scenic village in the Country. It is a medieval castle town in Southern Bohemia built around the bending Vltava river. We are staying on the banks of the Blatva in a small pension operated by a very bohemian (small b) woman and her American writer-partner. Karen G, if you're reading this, you would love it. Bec finds the place very scary, as she feels like we're at Karen's place the whole time - it's decorated with wallhangings and flowers from their travels, and they are very serious about their Turkish coffee. The town is bordered on one side by a medieval castle, and its sloping grounds. There is an open air theatre there, where an "old music festival" (pre-1400) is currently being held. ... read more

Good Morning Cesky Bears There is nothing like wanting to avoid the crowds to make you jump out of bed early in the morning on your holidays. My first priority (after caffeine that is) was to climb Cesky Tower for the morning view of the UNESCO Heritage listed town. The town was already basked in early morning sun and in the pit of my tummy, I knew today was going to be a wonderful carefree day. The Cesky Castle bears thought so too as they were padding around their humble moat from one side, under the bridge and out to the other. Only a handful of voyeurs were hanging about and they didn’t mind the intrusion. A little French boy had a moment of stage fright coming down the wooden steps of the tower and promptly ... read more
In or Out
 Town Church
Mini Tower

“Uh, I cannot find your breakfast, she says she has left out breakfast, but I cannot find it. I am so sorry. So sorry, sorry,” he repeated while pacing back and forth. Lisa and I both tried to interrupt his rapid apology and calm him down. “Let me look again, uh you, um, you um…” he did a three sixty degree turn and held up his hands, looking around again before Lisa and I told him we were more than comfortable sitting where we were. “Juice? Coffee? Tea?” he offered in way of compensation. “Coffee,” I said. “Juice,” Lisa replied simultaneously. Poor man, he did not know what to do, get our drinks or find breakfast. He fired up the coffee machine and brought out two juices and two coffees, then with one hand to his ... read more
Pub by the Vlatva
The Old Water Wheel
Historic Footbridge のキャッシュです。 European Summer Czech Republic, we canoed 70km roughly from Vyssi Brod via Cesky Krumlov (2nd largest castle in Czechland) to Borsov. I think we spent more time on land having pitstops of Tuzemak, sadlo s chlebem, klobasy and more rum...The river was full, the sun was out , but the wind was cold. Good company and I think I improved my Czech...just a little. Cycling was good, a packed lunch, off road and on, through the tall tree forests and swimming in the lakes, riding through the corn fields and picking mushrooms along the way. South Bohemia is a top spot to cycle around, beautiful landscapes, so take your camera in your backpack. European Summer crew seaman and rum...and slivovic too ... read more
European Summer

We made full use of our one day in Krumlov. He a huge breakfast and then went off to mail packages home and lighten the load. We went out to the country, it's only a couple of miles from town to a riding club and took a trail ride up into the hills surrounding the town. The view was incredible, we went around a abandoned monastry and chapel and stopped to see the city from above....came back down through the forest. One of the highlights of the trip. The whole city is an UNESCO site and I keep expecting to run into people dressed in medieval clothes at any second and by golly we did..on the way up to the castle we ran into people dressed in period costume advertizing a jousting tournament riding horses. We ... read more

i realized that i have used the words "beautiful" "gorgeous" "Amazing" and "incredible" more times in the past few weeks than i have my whole life. but it's true, some of the things we've seen have been so heartstopping you just have to let your jaw drop open and stare. example: today we went on a horseback ride. it was alot of fun, i haven't riden a horse in years, but i remembered why i took lessons for so long, getting on a horse and then riding into the forest, is so peaceful, it gives you a chance to think and silently meditate on everything you forget about when you're too busy doing other things. we went up the most beautiful hills, and saw the whole town layed out below us. it was definitly one of ... read more

We arrived here after a long ride......two trains, took most of the day but we did get to see Prague too. We went to the Castle and St. Vitus Cathedral....hope the pictures come out good. Went jewelerly shopping ....again. Sarah you would love reeks of amber, and I'm talking GREAT BIG amber. Krumlov is like something out of a story book.....a big looming castle is right outside our hostel and all the streets are cobblestoned, twisty and tiny. It's out in the middle of nowhere, but it's been here since the 1200's. We're going to go exploring tomorrow, do our wash, or rather have it done for us, and find a box!!1 Time to lighten the load and send more stuff home........ GARY: Tell Trooper to hang in there...I'll be home soon......Love to all... read more

Day 8 (june 30) Cesky Kromlov Castle and Baroque Night We arrived in Cesky Kromlov to a drizzly day. Kromlov is another medieval city that we’ve visited. There’s a river that snakes its way though the city where many people take rafts and canoes to float around the castle above. All the cities we’ve visited have cobble stoned streets so its been hard on our feet. Our first night, Amanda and I went out in the pouring rain to find the girls something to eat. I mean pouring. It’s very hilly in the city square so the rain was running like rivers over the cobble stones. Where it was uneven, puddles formed 3-4 inches deep. We had fun just getting wet. We finally found a place to get pizza and took one home. One thing we’ve ... read more
The Girls Dressed Up
The Gang in Baroque Costumes
Opera in the Baroque Theater

NOTE ON PHOTOGRAPHS: Although I try to get photos in on the day of the entry, this is not always possible. So check back through the journal pages for added photos regularly. Image quality may vary too. Day 24, 24th June. Pommelsbruhn - Hirschau - Bor (CZECH REP) - Stribo - Plesniče It was a damp night, everything was wet, but we were on the road for eight. Our first stop was in Sulzbach for bread and cakes. The town was preparing for a carnival, it would have been nice to stay but we had targets to meet. We stopped near Weiden on the route I took last year and I phoned Kathryn - she’s well and happy which also made me happy. Wonder what we’ll be doing together one year from now? The roads towards ... read more
Andy in Bavaria.
Czech Border windmills.
Czech Crowns

Had a really nice stay at the Boathouse Hostel. It was a good meeting place and I received good tips from other travelers on places to see. It was the first true hostel experience I've had--the Paris student place wasn't really a hostel. I have to give credit to the ladies that run the Boathouse. They work their butts off to keep the place running. They serve a pretty good breakfast, (dinner, if you want... read more

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