Blogs from Panama, Central America Caribbean - page 149


I have not written in a few days because we packed up from the main island, Isla Colon, and then took a boat over to the roadless island of Bastimientos, which is so much better than what we have been dealing with. I have a room that sits over the ocean in a thatched roof hut, you can open up the wooden barndoor-like windows and gaze out across the bay to a variety of small, sparcely inhabited islands. The weather has been great, and most days we take a ridiculous jungle trek across the island to one of the beaches- usually about an hour's walk through knee-deep(not kidding) mud and water, with the trail disappearing and re appearing at random. There is an amazing beach with great body surfing that we usually go to, Wizard's beach, ... read more

I woke up this morning to constant, heavy rain. Clouds as far as the eye can see...not too happy about that. I decided to make the most of the weather and head on down to Bocas del Toro, Panama-why waste a rainy day just sitting around when I can sit on a bus and a plane and be going somewhere? I met up with 4 other people who are going with me, we are getting a bus to the border, and we found an 11 dollar plane ticket from there to the islands. My hope is that I will be at a bar with a beer in my hand in time to see the second half of the Panthers game. I figure I will stay in the islands for roughly a week before heading back up ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City January 12th 2006

The first leg of the trip is to Panama City. Margaret and I will go to Colon by train to view the canal. We will head to Costa Rica. We would like bloggers to tell us how to get to Monteverde. The road sounds rough. Do we have to rent a car or is there some type of bus? ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City January 5th 2006

Well we arrived here yesterday morning after 24 hours on the road, this broke down into two bus rides, and the layover we had (that I mentioned) in my previous blog entry. Getting into Panama City was really cool, it´s by far more modern than any other Central American cities, a lot of things I hadn´t even seen since North America. The bus station we arrived in was completely enormous, reminded me almost exactly of the Airport in Phoenix. We hopped in a cab to find our hostel, and had an absolute nightmare of a time getting the cabby to find this place. Ryan describes the ordeal on his blog. We finally found it, checked in, and I headed right to bed for a nap, the semi-sleep I get on the bus is great for making ... read more
Panama City
More Canal

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City January 4th 2006

Well we arrived in Panama city this morning around 6am...I think. The bus terminal was by far the biggest we have been to so far, and Panama city seems to be the nicest of the cities. The only trouble is that, I guess, due to the size no one knows where anything is. We got in a cab and asked to go to the hostel. The cabby's response was, "which way is it?" I figured that wasn't a good sign. So, after pointing it out on the map, and him asking several other cab drivers we were on our way. About half an hour later, and somewhere in Panama city, we were still looking for the elusive hostel that we find ourselves in now. Of course he did not know where he was, so I was ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » David January 3rd 2006

Well, I´m doing another blog entry right after the last one. Jord Ry and I have a huge layover (6.5 hours) between when we arrived in David, and when we leave for Panama city. We left San Jose this morning after a grueling walk across town to the bus station, and then onto our bus for the day. It was an absolutely brutal border crossing, everyone telling us to go different places, tired, worn out, stamping in and stamping out, tourist cards etc. For some reason we just didn´t have the patience for it today, and it didn´t help that we think they were seconds away from getting the rubber glove out on Ryan. No idea why but they were really suspicious of us. After all that, we were pretty stoked to finally get into a ... read more

Its´s been a while, but want to fill in the missing gap of my travels. After a great Christmas in Puerto Viejo in Costa Rica, I continued traveling south on the 27th of december. With some great people I met, I continued traveling to Bocas de Torro, some island on the caribian side of Panama. We had a great boatride through mangroves and the last part, the ocean where we arrived at Bocas... Some lovely islands where we enjoyed ourselves whith trying to surf (on too low waves), dolphin whatching, island hopping and for the rest hanging out in a relaxed hostel with a lot of other travelers. For new years we went to a bar (the sunken ship...) realy cool place an outdoor place build above the water with in the middle a sunken ship ... read more
New years eve in Bocas
Joana walking on the beach
no traveling without boats on bocas del torro

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City December 30th 2005

Christmas in Cartagena was great but then again so was christmas eve and boxing day. Without friends and family it was just another good day on the road. The German owner of the Casa Viena hostel didn´t make a fuss, it was business as usual but a good business so I was glad to be in his hostel. Cartagena provided me with a wealth of new information to assist in the next stage of my travels, and serves as a half way house between South America and Central America. The colonial town is also a superb tourist destination and provided for very picturesque photos. I'd hoped to secure a spot on a sail boat, dear reader, with the plan being to arrive in Panama City following a five day voyage via the San Blas islands. However ... read more
Darien Gap
Strolling in the park
Panama Canal

At 7pm on Tuesday 22nd November, after 10 hours spent waiting for our paperwork to be stamped by one official, signed by another who would be "back in 10 minutes", witnessed by someone who was currently away on vacation, signed by someone else, and finally copied, stamped and returned by the official head of the Officious Officials only in the minutes between 3:23pm and 3:27pm whilst both reciting 'the Officious Officials Official Statute' and smoking a ceremonial pipe, our high seas adventure began. Those present were yours truly, Jessie (see previous blog entry), Johannes (a German), Drew (an American), Andre (another American), Captain Hernando (aka El Capitan and 'that massive pain in the arse' by the end of the journey) and our trusty stead, 'Marie-Jo' (a 31 foot sailing boat). The skies that had been shedding ... read more
Asleep at the Wheel
On the High Seas
The Living Quarters

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