Blogs from Panama, Central America Caribbean - page 148


Central America Caribbean » Panama February 14th 2006

Hotel La Hacienda, Santiago.. Since we arrived so late last night, I had just had time enough to look around a little bit at the two enclosed courtyards of this hotel. Actually, I would call it a motel since it was sprawled out on one floor but then what IS the official differentiation of the two names? Anyway, one courtyard contained a nice pool and what appeared to be a hot tub but it was closed when we got there. It would be open again at 6 AM. The other courtyard had quite a bit of greenery growing and looked quite attractive. I had a private room last night since Nadette had let it be known yesterday she didn't want any company. She couldn't sleep on San Blas and I guess it made her grumpy. The ... read more
Catching a few mouthfuls
baby buggy
Pack Train?

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City February 13th 2006

Its warm here in Panama City and the weather is nice, I am still alive and I am having fun in the sun. I woke up to take a dip in the pool to find it already occupied and had to take the little guy out of the pool. he was pretty friendly and tried to give me a kiss (not really) he didnt even try to run away. We gave him to the maid who really seemed to want him only to find out that when she said "comida, comida bueno" which loosely translated means lunch, I guess Iguanas taste like chicken, personally i would rather eat a chicken. Anyhow things are very relaxed here and I guess I have to start thinking about what I am going to do when I get back to ... read more

Picture this. 4:30 AM. I slowly wake from a deep sleep. A full moon filters in through the window and bamboo walls onto my pallet. I hear the strong rhythmic pulse of waves against our island as a north wind rattles a piece of tin somewhere off in the distance. I watch the shadow of a hammock swaying outside the room. My 6 year old Tevas are silhouetted against the moonlight on the windowsill; I choose to leave them behind and walk barefooted out to the communal toilet. The flashlight is not on the shared table but I have always loved to walk around in the dark. I open the flimsy door and close it carefully so as not to disturb anyone. The boardwalk shines in the moonlight as I pad past the other rooms. I ... read more
fellow traveller
loading up at El Porvenor, San Blas

Central America Caribbean » Panama February 13th 2006

Today is the day I planned this trip for. Today I "do" the Panama Canal. We climbed the stairs to the Miraflores Locks building shortly after it opened at 9 AM. We went directly to the viewing platform and did what all tourists do--gape at the big Panamax (meaning the maximum size for the Panama canal) ships as they barely squeeze into the lock. Since the operators need to have a good view of what's going on with these big bubbas, the Panamax ships go through in the daytime while the smaller ones go through in the dark. Since more and more companies are building vessels that exceed the present canal's capacity though, Panama was courting bankers from India, China and Russia that very week for financing of a new,bigger canal. I could go on and ... read more
Big Guy on the Block
Pray tell
WHOSE Base Camp?

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » David February 12th 2006

A week in Panama City was definately enough time. I did most of the touristy things to do there: The canal of course, The rainforest park on the edge of the city, casco antiguo - the oldest neighborhood, and so on. I watched the superbowl in the Marriot hotel´s sports bar. It was alot of fun even though the Seahawks lost. 6 other travellers and I drank heavily and got a bit rowdy. I´m liking being in Panama. There isn´t nearly as much english spoken hear as there is in Costa Rica, which is good because it forces me to learn. The Spanish is also a little different here. It´s much more slurred and the "s" is usually not pronounced. In Panama City I ended up hanging out with a Local girl named Ariza for a ... read more
Smoggy but impressive Panama City
Casco Antiguo
Casco Antiguo 2

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City February 11th 2006

FINALLY Panama. This is the day I turn my life over to a tour guide for the first time ever. For you oh intrepid traveler who travels when and where on a whim--as I have up to now--you may sense how I feel as I wake that morning in Houston to cool and windy weather. What have I gotten myself into?? Our group consists of Kate, our 43 year old lawyer daughter, her husband Chris, their 17 year old German exchange student Nadette, and 74 year old me. Extreme Panama has sent no information on anyone else or even if there is anyone else on the tour. Nadette worrys she won't like them. Frankly, we all probably do. It would be nice if the tour would tell us but oh well, this is Panama. No problem. ... read more
san blas backside

Central America Caribbean » Panama February 10th 2006

04.02.06 Als ich aufstand, waren erst John, Christine und Scott wach. Christine wollte mir gleich Arbeit aufbrummen, doch zuerst machte ich ein paar Fotos des schoenen Sonnenaufgangs. Danach half ich ihr natuerlich beim Fruchtsalat machen. Zudem konnte ich heute auch endlich den Mixer fuer einen feinen Fruchtsaft gebrauchen. Zum Fruehstueck gab es dann auch noch Ruehrei mit Tomaten, Zwiebeln und Peperoni. Das Wetter war leider nicht so schoen, sodass es sich nicht lohnte, hier zu bleiben. Wir fuhren weiter. Einmal mehr verbrachte ich mehr Zeit im Bett als woanders. Als ich wieder aufstand, waren wir bereits bei den naechsten Inseln. Wir lehnten uns die Schnorchelausruestung aus und hielten Ausschau nach Fischen. Das Riff war echt genial! Sehr farbig und viele bunte Fische. Zudem haben wir einen Hai entdeckt, was sehr spannend war. Mal schauen, ob die ... read more
Bootstrip - San Blas Inseln - Schiffswrack
Bootstrip - wieder mal Fische
Bootstrip - San Blas Inseln

Central America Caribbean » Panama February 5th 2006

Last leg. I know the caption is "drruth goes to Panama" but I felt it necessary to do this leadin drive from Wyoming to Texas to give readers a view and remind myself of what had transpired before getting on the plane bound for Panama. Just another twist from the usual blog of jumping off one plane and onto another and BINGO here we are. We drove the last 214 miles from Dallas to Houston on Sunday the 5th. This was 1456 miles from our driveway now in Wyoming we left five days ago. The next five days I had allocated for acclimating to a warmer, lower altitude country. Well, it was lower all right but warmer?? Hardly. The wind was blowing and, thanks to the higher humidity, I was cold all the time. I dipped ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City February 2nd 2006

It´s been a while since I´ve updated. Since my first day in Puerto Viejo. It is hard for me to remember. I´ve done alot and seen alot since then. Puerto Viejo is always a good time. Rocking J´s, one of the hostels, had a good crowd there. I stayed for 3 nights. I got enough of a break in the rain to see some nice beaches and waterfalls and such. A guy from Vancouver island and I ended up getting mugged while we were walking home from a bar. A couple local guys came out of the forest with there faces masked and big shiny machettes in hand. The worst thing for me was that I had gone to the bank before the bar and was carrying 40,000 colones, which is $80 U.S. Luckily I wasn´t ... read more
Rocking J´s
Bocas Del Toro
Downtown Bastimentos form the hotel

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City February 1st 2006

This entry covers 24 January through 27 January 2006: I stayed with my friend Margaret in Panama City (Ciudad de Panama), and enjoyed the sites in the old neighborhood of the city where she had stayed for 5 weeks -- Casco Viejo. While it is an old, seemingly unsafe part of the city, it afforded some interesting views into the old days of Panama. The old architecture is being renovated to some of its original glory. There are some interesting classic buildings and a lovely walk along the ocean. Also, several buildings have rooftop views of the canal and the boats queuing up to enter the canal. Photos will be uploaded later, but it was interesting to find myself photographing a yacht one evening from Casco Viejo and then photographing it the next day from the ... read more

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