Blogs from Panama City, Panamá, Panama, Central America Caribbean - page 24


Sat next to me in the bus was a guy with a phone so i asked him if he could help me call accomodations in the city he obliged and i probably called all that was on the LP cant find any thing, we stumbled into a hostel that was a former US army barracks i think, got a booking yay. To thank Ligdo, the dude who has the cell phone i treated him for lunch when we stopped at a town called Santiago, the AC on the bus broke so they fixed it here as well. Arriving near the city we saw the locks of the Panama canal, looks cool at night, got to do a day trip here. At the terminal Heilke a tall Dutch dude asked if i want to come with him ... read more

Hei og hopp! No er det to glade sjeler som sit i Cartagena, Colombia. Ei strabasioes ferd fraa Panama til Colombia er vel overstatt, saa no nyyyyt vi livet. Vi hadde tidlegare bestemt oss for aa ta nokre netter paa eit bedre hotell iloepet av turen for aa faa lada batteria. No er vi komt over halvveis paa turen og er ferdige med ein mindre hygenisk segltur, saa det kunne neppe ha passa bedre. Saa no kosar vi oss paa eit flott (og altfor dyrt) hotell med fantastiske senger, balkong, TV, varmt vatn i dusjen (!!!), god frukost osv osv. Livet er herlig!! Men berettingar fraa Colombia kjem seinare. No skal vi konsentrere oss om Panama og reisa der ifraa tenkte vi. Panama City Vi kom til Panama City natt til 5.mars. Foerste natta sov vi ... read more
Panama City
Panama City
Panama City

Hey all!!! While I only have been to a few countries in my life, I discovered my new favorite country a few days ago. Our port was in Guatemala, which didn't have any particularly high expectations attached to it, which might account for my appreciation for it. DJ Dan and I left the ship at around 12:30pm, and began walking through the many shops that are located just outside the gangway. There I bought some nice presents (you'll have to wait till I get back...I wanna see the looks on your faces myself :) ), and then Dan and I decided to go see the city. We jumped in a cab and the cabby asked us if we wanted the beach or the bar. We said "just take us to the middle of the city". We ... read more

Pictures say a thousand words……a feast for the eyes! For the last week of our trip we are staying in Panama city to explore places we haven’t seen or even knew they existed by stumbling onto them. All the city noises makes us urn for our little quiet town of Friday Harbor. Speaking of stumbling and talking your way into places, we went to the International Trade Show as buyers. They packed the convention center with over 1,600 purveyors from numerous countries like China, Korea, Brazil, Taiwan, Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, Columbia, Costa Rica and France. Every kind of business you can imagine, plus free food and drinks to sample! We’re going back today to buy a few samples and ask more questions. Yesterday ultimately made the whole trip worth every penny spent being here in ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City » Casco Viejo February 11th 2009

So, after ridding ourselves of the rain and the annoying but un-avoidable ' Latin American stomach bug' we moved from the sadly disappointing Bocas del Toro and headed across the country to a city called David. In crossing the amazing mountain ranges which boasted some of the best scenery so far we had to navigate freak storms that had been plaguing the area un-characteristically for the time of year. Yet as heavy as they were, they stopped almost as suddenly as we traversed the mountain range. We arrived in David to the heat we were used to for the area and it was back to normality on the weather front. David itself wasn't a particularly interesting place and we stayed there for only one evening to break up our journey to the capital. Upon arriving in ... read more
Sloth in the National Park
Abandoned building in the old town

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City February 11th 2009

Hey All!! Sorry I haven´t been in touch. Chad visited last week, so my computer time has been limited. Plus internet has sucked lately! We had a great time though, relaxing and visiting Dominical. It was a great ¨vacation¨ if I needed it. Anyways, now I´m in Panama City with a couple friends. This will renew my VISA, or whatever it is, so that I can stay another 3 months...should I decide to. We are staying in a....shady....part of town, so I´m glad there´s a guy with us. We arrived last night after riding the bus ALL day (we´re talking 4am-10pm...). But it is great to check out a different country. Today we went sight seeing around the Panama version of the White House, and then went to the Panama Canal. It was great! Now we´re ... read more

That's because Panama hats are really made in Ecuador After the cold of New York, walking outside of the airport and finding warm sunshine was really welcome! We took a taxi to our hostel with the taxi driver giving us a tour in broken English and Spanish, pointing out the president's house, the main churches and the likes. It was really good and I think we instantly liked Panama. For want of a better way of describing it, we just got a good vibe from the place. Our hostel wasn't amazing but it was clean and had a fan in the room and staff that spoke no English. We felt like such idiots but I did become something of a pro at explaining myself without using words! The old town was beautiful, like what I imagine ... read more
Cathedral - Old Town Panama
View of the New Town, Panama City
Old Town

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City January 16th 2009

Well, as per usual I have got a little behind on this blog but I have been whirlwinding it through Central America like a man Possessed - and all because I want to see Colombia before I go to Vrazil for Carneval!!! I believe my last update was from Guatemala and Semuc Champey, so much has happened since then! I ended leaving the Lovely Antigua the week before Christmas and ventured North to Tikal. Tikal is an ancient Mayan site which I was soon to find out is immense. It was a killer 12 hour bus ride from Antigua but well worth it. I have to say that on the first shuttle bus to Guatemal City, there was this poor Ozzie bloke who had obviously caught some bug and was clearly worse for wear, he must ... read more
Tikal tree tops
Diving off Utila

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City January 13th 2009

EN FRANCAIS PLUS BAS MORE PHOTOS HERE To reach Panama from Mexico, I have to go through Miami and overnight there. Originally I would have wanted to go through Central America overland from Mexico to Panama, but I would have needed at least two months, and my travel agent did not recommend it. Ìndeed a Chilean girl I met in Mexico reported being abducted by a guerilla group in Nicaragua, and though nothing happened to her in the end, it was a good scare. Other travelers havent had any problem at all, but South America is big enough anyways and my time was short enough. So, in Miami, fortunately, lives a friend I met in Tulum, México, a smart British guy who's done every possible job since he was a kid and has traveled extensively, which ... read more
Panama Canal
Kids playing in the Old City
Sexy tush!

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City January 12th 2009

Hello everyone, Where shall I start? Well I bought new contact lenses but they didn’t arrive yet. They are hard contact lenses and the one for my right eye is special. They are being made in Mexico and sent by courier. It costed me less than the half the price compared to The Netherlands, which is a good thing. I also went once to the ophthalmologist to check my eye pressure, everything was fine! I already got my money back from Delta Airlines, and after all I lost only about € 30. They didn’t charge US$50 because of cancelling the ticket and I also got back the money I paid as tax, which was € 67. The best thing was that I demanded them to pay me back in Euro’s, which they did. I got the ... read more
ruins of Panama Viejo
Ruins of Panama Viejo
El Chorrillo, Panama City

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