Blogs from Petén Region, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 15


We found ourselves in the town of Coban where we enjoyed some nice coffee and a wander around a really cool orchard nursery. See the pics from some of the highlights of these odd, but beautiful plants. With Jen resting her leg (i.e. drinking more coffee and reading books) for another day in Coban I booked myself in for a day trip out to the limestone pools of Semuc Champey. After having done everything together everyday for the best part of a year, the prospect of a day off from each other was quite exciting! I might even make some new friends of my own today, I thought! And so when the tour van filled up mostly with gorgeous, young European ladies, I was counting my lucky stars. But then one of the few people who ... read more
orchard nursery
orchard nursery
orchard nursery

Flores Very early the next morning we hitched a ride to Flores with Milos, a Czech guy now living in the Virgin Islands who had hired a car to travel around Guatemala. We met him at Semuc Champey and again later in the lodge. We took the scenic route up to Flores, attempting to navigate through various unsealed and unsignposted tracks. We didn't really know if we were going the right way (although we pretty much were) and neither did most of the locals we asked. Eventually we were escorted by two policemen on a motorbike back on to the main highway. We did pass through some beautiful countryside, eat lunch in a village off the beaten track, and swim in a little river. The swim in the river was kind of funny as when we ... read more
Tikal - Me, Tina, Milos

Hot hot hot - yesterday was HOT. 35+ in the shade. We were up at dawn, which was lovely and cool, but the day just turned in to a dusty, hazy heat. We tried to venture out at around 3.30pm but soon came back to the cold showers and shade of our hostel. It wasn't until sunset that we could comfortably walk around the island. We took a stroll to the top of the road, where a park is. It was being used by a group of kids playing basket ball. As we got closer, two men dressed in army gear started staring at us. It was quite intimidated as they were armed with automatic guns. We then remembered reading that Guatemala has had a problem with people taking children and selling them for body parts. ... read more
Cool geeza
Los Amigos

5.45am! Yes that was the time we got up this morning to catch a taxi to the border. For info, the taxi was cheaper than getting the bus. We hopped in the back of this car which had another lady passenger in the front. We must have made it about 9.5kms and with another half to go the cab stopped in the middle of what looked like no where and the lady, in her 4" heels, got out and just ran in to dense forest/jungle. Steve and I looked at each other a little confused - she must have known what she was doing after all. I was expecting a tough scary border crossing, but it was quite the opposite. We were just about the only people there (with it being just after 7) and the ... read more
Lazy Sunday
Lazy days

Tonight I am sitting at home, having a very relaxing night, but am incredibly excited. Tomarrow Mish and I will go to Belize City to pick my mom and Scotty up from the airport! I am thrilled to be able to share my new home with them; to show them the culture, the food, the amazing water, and amazing people. The only sad thing about them coming, is that it means that Mish will be leaving me in only a few days. I cant believe how fast the last two weeks she has been here has flown by! We did manage to do a lot of things though. Last weekend the four of us ventured into guatemala with the ancient mayan site of Tikal as our destination. It started out early on saturday morning at the ... read more

Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with a French couple with halitosis. Well, it was actually last Tuesday, but since I've added to this I didn't want to change that fabulous first line. It was interesting for two reason: firstly, I believe I have answered the great open problem of our time, why the French so spectacularly pause in the middle of every sentence, as brilliantly portrayed by everyone's favourite Frenchman Arsene Wenger; and secondly, uncovered for myself in the same conversation, every linguist's nightmare. And indeed, the two are fabulously linked. The French only pause because they're trying not to speak Spanish. And with this same French couple, I can classify a first for me (and possibly ever) in knowing more languages than a fellow European. In Antigua mixing with other students, the language spoken ... read more
View from the top

Bon, ben, ce voyage-ci date aussi d'il y a plus d'un mois. Cette fois avec une agence de voyage. Plutot une bonne idee car j'ai rencontre 4 etudiantes du Chili que j'espere revoir a Santiago et une fille de Buenos Aires que j'ai deja revu (je vous ecris depuis Bs As). Tikal est considere comme un des plus beaux sites maya. Ey Semuc Champey un des plus beaux site naturel du pays.... read more
Imagen 539
Imagen 540
Imagen 548

Arriving in Belize from Mexico had been a strange experience because you could literally see the cultural change in the people as you crossed the border: from Spanish to English; from Latino to Rasta; from short to tall. And now, on leaving Belize for Guatemala, the change was all but reversed. The bus journey showcased the beauty and greenery of this new country. I had known Guatemala only as a country of many colours, textiles and markets, but I hadn´t realised just how green it was until now. The roads were lined with taquerias and tin-roofed tiendas which were manned by all members of the family - big and small. Stray dogs and local women in traditional dress with babies tied to their backs walked casually along the sides of the windy roads that were surrounded ... read more

We left early from Antigua on a shuttle to the Linea Dorado bus station in Guatemala City for the nine hour bus ride to Flores which is in northwest Guatemala, a short distance from Belize and Mexico. The ride was quite surprising with the varied landscape of high altiplano and high desert and then descending into the El Petén jungle area. The prime purpose in going there was to see Tikal, a Mayan city state that lasted for 1000 years until it was abandoned approx 800 AD. We stayed in El Remate which is about 15 miles from the Tikal Park. El Remate also is right on the lake. Being so close allowed us to get there early to the park. The entrance gate is massive and reminded us of that gate scene in Jurassic Park! ... read more
That is a huge tree!!

FIRE DANCING! I’d seen it at a Hawaiian luau and on the beaches of Thailand, and really only dreamed that I’d be given an opportunity to learn one day. But here it was! Angela had found a farm/hostel off the beaten paths of Guatemala where they had amazing people from all over the world, home-cooked meals, and a friendly fire dancing troupe that was eager to share! Noa, Angela, and I all met up at Finca Ixabel for New Year’s 2010 and some fire dancing lessons!! Fire dancing, or spinning, is an ancient tradition from the indigenous Maori tribe of New Zealand. It was used in defense and war tactics to intimidate the opposition. The basic poi are a handled 26” chain with a ball of fire proof Kevlar attached to the end…the Kevlar balls are ... read more
Noa and Ang bring Mr. Pinata home
Careful crossing Mr. Pinata!
Birthday girl with her prize!

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