Blogs from Río Dulce, Caribbean Coast, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 12


I have spent the last two nights in the beautiful rainforest near livingston on Rio Dulce Guatamala. We stayed in a beautiful little cabin at Finca Tatin. The Hostel is owned by a lovely family of a father and three kids. The youngest boy taught me how to play Yo-Gu-Oh. We arrived by boat from Rio Dulce on the 20th and took the tour guide (the family dog) on a tour through the rainforest. There is an American volunteer mission very near the hostel that helps the poor people in the forest. We walked to the river and saw 20-30 men washinging there clothes and bathing in the river. Then we walked about the mission, which was closed and head back to do some swimming. We swam around the dock and jumped from the rope ... read more
Rio Dulce

We left Copan Ruinas, Honduras about 8am, stopped once to stretch after about 2 hours, then arrived at Quirigua Ruins about 11:30am. The ruins are off the main road a ways on a dirt road, thru banana plantation(s), Dole I think. Although very small, Quirigua was still interesting with some cool stellae and zoomorphs (human-animal sculptures). The guide in Copan had told us his opinion was that the Mayans that made some of the designs in stone were probably on drugs... some peyote, mescal concoction popular at the time. Some of them were weird enough that he might be right! After a brief walk-thru, we had a picnic lunch from the Copan hotel, then headed down the road towards the lake and our stay at Rio Dulce. When we arrived at the lake, we pulled ... read more
Quirigua Stella
Banana Palms
Hotel Catamaran

From Tikal i went to Rio Dulce . The first second i get off the bus there someone offered me a hostel , i told him ok and he told me to go wait on the resterunt there for a boat to pick me up . after 15 minutes i gave up and prefered to sleep in the city . I cheaked a few hotels and i went to a cheap one , whice was i think the second worse hotel i was in (after the crappy hostel in Playa del Carmen) . My room was full with bugs and i asked for my money back and to go to a diffrent place but the guy said he doesnt have the money and the lady with the money is not here and will only return tommarow ... read more

Martin: Having learnt the entirety of the spanish language in two weeks (ha!), and being so completely fluent we were asked to translate for complete strangers, it was time to cut the apron strings and set of to explore guatemala in the raw. We said good bye to our Maestros and left them some spanish versions of ¨the cat in the hat (not realising that it doesnt rhyme in spanish...) took photos (which got fried in a power surge) and set of on the next leg of out trip. After numerous discussions in spanglish with the travel agent down the road, Hugo and the charming but incomprehensible Raquel pursuaded us to part with $US1,500 in return for some hand wirtten pieces of paper, that they assured us would provide us with hotel rooms, private shuttles to ... read more
Finca Tatin Raft
Finca tatin
Finca tatin 2

We then headed back to Guatemala our new home it feels and it was good to be back. We made it to Rio Dulce in one day from Placencia, stopping in Livingston en route; realising there’s nothing there and finding digs in Rio Dulce instead, lake Izabal! We have found a very nice place to stay to celebrate Michelle’s Birthday (30 Nov). It’s a bit luxurious and pricey compared to what we usually pay but still only about 11 quid! The website is if you wanted to have a look. We have our own little bungalow and Michelle is well chuffed as it’s very nice and all romantic, so a perfect place to spend a birthday! It’s been great, free kayaks, stunning views, swimming and chilling. We visited a little place called Finca El Paraiso, ... read more
Hot spring waterfall.

Rio Dulce: The next stop after Flores was Rio Dulce and the trip gave us our first real experience of chicken buses… they’re called chicken buses because the people inside are cooped up like chickens. The buses themselves are old American school-buses that have been kinda pimped and now have yellow red and green designs and massive engines to deal with the steep mountain roads around here. The tiny seats would maybe sit two people but here they sit at least 3 on each side of the aisle. Its intimate to say the least… It took us a few different chicken buses and about 5 hours or so to reach Rio Dulce. Our hotel there was pretty cool as it was a sort of jungle lodge again but entirely raised a few feet from the ground ... read more
Boat trip1
Boat trip2
Boat trip3

No we weren't going back to the future, but Livingston does not have any roads connecting it with the rest of the country so we made our way by boat to the town of Rio Dulce. We travelled up the river of the same name which you enter through a steep jungle covered ravine spotted with tiny little Mayan villages where women were doing there washing on the riverbank and men in dori canoes tried to dodge the speedboats whilst doing their fishing. The river has a number of places to stop on route to the town. Our first stop was a Mayan Artisan Village which had beautiful paper mache bowls made from local natural materials like pulped banana leafs and corn husks. We could not afford to send anything else home so we restrained from ... read more
Manatee food!
Pretty Clouds
The "Castle"

First a quick disclaimer- photos are loading up about two per hour. It doesn't look good for a lot of pretty pictures. But hang on, I'll try again at th next backwater town internet dive... Sunday morning I arose at 5:30am to catch the mini-bus to Tikal. There I ran into a British guy from the bar at my hostel, Mark (of course), and we walked around for the next 5 hours at this giant city in the Jungle filled with stone temples and Mayan history. The city was built by a certain Mayan tribe out of the jungle between 600 and 900, when they abandoned the city, possibly because of droughts. But the Mayan history is not the reason I was there. Two reasons to haul across Guatemala for Mayan jungle ruins: 1) Monkeys 2) ... read more
You{re all clear kid...
Tikal Temple

Hello again my friends. Ready for chapter 3? An 8hr bus journey took me from the Pacific resort of Monterrico to the tranquil shores of Rio Dulce (which leads to the Caribbean coast) on the 4th day of my Guatemala Encompassed tour. Along the way we decided to make a stop off at the ancient Mayan city of Quirigua. The ruins are famed for their relatively recent discovery (1909), the quality of the Mayan Carving and Glyphs on display and the for having the tallest stelae (tall stone pillars) in the Mayan world. 7 out of 9 stealae carry the carved portrait of the image of the city’s most prestigious leader, Cauac Sky, who ruled for 56 years, during which the city boomed thanks to money plundered during an aggressive campain of expanison. The dirt track ... read more
Wow, that really is the biggest erecrion in the Mayan World!
My Jungle lodge on the Rio Dulce - The Tucan residence
One of my 8 Legged room mates - i hope he was paying as much as me?

Remember the theme song to Gilligan's Island: something about thinking they were going out for a three hour cruise? Well, that's about how our adventure as three middle aged couples lost in the marshes of Lago Izabal began... We had great trip out to Finca Parasio in the morning. We took a boat with the same captain as we used yesterday for the Livingston trip, and brought along our Canadian friends and another couple from their marina. The trip to the finca (ranch) takes about an hour from our hotel, along a lakeshore populated with wealthy residents at first, and then abruptly changing to mangrove swamps interspersed with cattle pastures and an occasional fisherman's home. The Mayans living in this area were attacked by the military during the uprising in the 80's and some villages were ... read more
Hot Waterfall
Survivor Guatemala!
Survivor Guatemala!

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