Blogs from Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 435


So on we went to the laid-back vibe that constitutes the town of Puerto Viejo, part of the slightly notorious Limon province (after the rafting, the tour company - and this is part of the $80 deal - take you on to your chosen next destination). We pass some pretty basic homes and buildings on the way: img= img= img= Enjoying a beer. img= read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José November 23rd 2006

The rainy season had finally caught up with us and we decided to forgo a visit to the carribean where they were having even more rain than the rest of the country and instead went to San Jose for a bit of city life whilst we waited for our flight to Ecuador. We arrived and went to Hostal Pangea one of the hostals recommended by the guide book but only stopped for the one night as there was no atmosphere and the rooms were quite prison-like! We moved the following day to Tranqillo´s backpackers hostal round the corner where there were lots of cool friendly people and pancakes for breakfast every morning! We went out for a few drinks on our second night, without any recommendations for bars we just went for a wander to see ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Heredia November 23rd 2006

We have been in construction for a month and things are going well. Although that may be difficult to tell from the photos We are almost finished with all the bathrooms, since the tile is going up, which means we will be done within the week The kitchen even started yesterday -(see pics of the guys using the grinder below). It looks like we may eve start the pool next week!!! Hopefully this keeps moving smoothly. Exterior of new bathrooms Supplies Tiling Begins Actually beginning to look like something More disaster picsclea... read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José » Pavas November 23rd 2006

Callista and I had our six month check-ups yesterday at our dentist’s office in Pavas. We were thrilled to get great news, no cavities. We’re in the clear for awhile. Bill had his first exam, he wasn’t so lucky. We’ll be going into the city once a week for the next month or so. Callista and I don’t mind at all as we’ll be able to spend time window shopping and enjoying the holiday season in the city knowing we aren’t the ones getting drilled this time. We’ll see if Bill likes all the teasing when it’s HIS turn in the chair. While dentist Claudia worked on Callista we discussed her two teeth that are getting loose and joked about the tooth fairy finding us in Costa Rica. Much to our surprise we learned there isn’t ... read more
Bill in the hot seat
Our Dentists & Assistant
New Restaurant

We had bought a two bus-one boat combo ticket in the capital to take us into the depths of Costa Rica’s Caribbean jungle: A the end of our first bus ride we arrived at the tour company office to discover that our second bus to the river had already left? So the manager squeezed us and our luggage into the back of a typical white van on top of a huge fridge freezer to make the bumpy journey through the banana plantations to the river. On route a car traveling in the opposite direction stopped to advise our driver of potential muggers hiding out on route. Luckily our driver had a gun which he got ready on his lap and the other local lady passenger in the front seat got out her pepper spray - fortunately ... read more
The Jungle
Running on the Lillies

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Cartago November 22nd 2006

Not finished with such exciting excursions, we next get on a tour for whitewater rafting. I was naturally a bit nervous before this little jaunt, being of a naturally nervous disposition with all such life-threatening things. So much so that I first had to take a crap behind a tree, with only large leaves as toilet paper, upon arrival at the river (and despite Sofie having warned her, a Dutch woman suddenly turned up - blindsided me so she did! She wasnt embarrassed though I was....mind you, Holland is a place that has 'shelf-loos' as I called them whilst living there, so they can examine their stools on a daily basis. So I think they're desensitized to such scatalogical things). The whole escapade turned out to be roaring fun and we were bored when there were ... read more

The wicked winds have arrived in our part of the country! We've heard these winds referred to as the Christmas winds, they're early this year. Perhaps we summoned the winds by decorating the giant cypress tree in our front yard Sunday and Monday. The howling winds began here on Monday night. Bill insists the gusts are no less than 40 mph. The Christmas tree is shaking but so far all the balls have stayed on. We had business to attend to in Palmares sometime in the week so we decided to get out of the wind and take care of business this morning. Palmares is in somewhat of a valley protected by the surrounding mountains. It was a warm, lightly breezy day in Palmares. We finished our business quickly, ate lunch and decided to hang out ... read more
Beautiful Iguana
Kay's Store

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica November 20th 2006

Hello everyone. We have arrived in Tortuguero. This place is pretty amazing, packed with wildlife and water all around. We had to take a one hour boat ride along a canel and a river just to get to a village that only has about 30 house and is only about 1km long. The boat ride in was funny. we went the cheap way, the way the locals go and we were the only tourists on the boat, very funny. Today we went on a canoe tour at 6 in the morning and saw a crocodile, two different kinds of monkeys, birds, turtles, and a toucan. Yesterday after we arrived we went for a walk on the beach and saw two baby leather back turtles. You have to go everywhere by boat and there is lots of ... read more
Downtown Orosi
Baby Turtle
The caribbean ocean view

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Alajuela » San Ramon November 20th 2006

Summer is in the air in Central America Spring is in full swing here meaning its raining less and summer is just around the corner. After a full onslaught of guests in recent weeks, things have quieted down a little in the last two weeks and that has enabled us to do some spring cleaning and to spruce up the B&B. It didn’t need much work, but change isn’t bad in this case. Terry, our new manager, has painted many of the rooms in uniquely tropical colors and reorganized the living area. His re-do definitely opened up the living space a bit and it is now more conducive to meeting other guests, having conversations, reading, or just relaxing. Since the last time we did some work on the rooms and common areas it was during the ... read more
Gringo bill
Bob (l) and Jake (r)

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José November 19th 2006

Let me introduce myself, my name is Bex and i am currently traveling around South and Central America with my very best friend Liz. We have so far been here in Costa Rica for the past 4ish weeks, and have travelled mostly to the south pacific coast, including Playa Jaco, Dominical, Quepos and the stunning Manuel Antonio. like i said, we are back in San Jose, we are having a travel break here, recovering from a very humid bumpy ride and so are resting, before we are off again to our next destination, which is La Fortuna.Visited Countries Map So here we are sitting down doing nothing, because it seems that's all we do in San Jose. So let me tell you about our trip so far. I did not enjoy my time in Jaco, in ... read more

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