Blogs from La Fortuna, Alajuela, Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 13


Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Alajuela » La Fortuna September 30th 2007

If you’re ever thinking of visiting Costa Rica I suggest that you bring with you lots of bug spray, a waterproof jacket, clothes that you don’t mind getting completely wet and muddy and definitely a sense of adventure. It was even an adventure for me just to get to Costa Rica. I was taking a short flight from Panama which was scheduled to take one hour. Everything seemed fine, we were coming into land after about 50 minutes in heavy rain and all of a sudden the plane started ascending again. Then came the announcement in Spanish 10 minutes later which brought about a few concerned looks from the passengers. All the other announcements had been in English too but not this one. So I didn’t really know what was going on until we came in ... read more
The beach in Puerto Viejo
The beach in Puerto Viejo
The beautiful scenery along the river

This morning we set off in the morning for a jeep boat jeep ride to the next door town of La Fortuna. I say next door, we went the quick way which took about 3.5 hours and is the favoured tourist route. If we had taken the local bus it would have been 8 hours because instead of going over the lake you have to go round it. While we were in La Fortuna we went to Volcan Arenal where we saw lava spilling out of it, as it was dark it was a spectacular sight, like fireworks on a mountain side. We were very lucky to see it because when we arrived there was a cloud covering the volcano but after about half hour it had been blown away so we were able to get ... read more
Volcan Arenal
Volcan Arenal
Aiden and Me in front of the Volcano

It was absolutely refreshing to get out of San Jose. It was just such a run down, culture lacking dangerous city. We woke up in the morning after sleeping with glasses on, flashlights in hand, and bags blocking our doors, basically ready to fight til the death if the need was to arise. We checked out of our hostel and made our way to the bus station, where a fight broke out between two crazy women, luckily it was broken up by bus station police (guys in wifebeaters with batons). We ended up waiting for our bus for quite a while, but we were finally on our way to La Fortuna. The bus ride took about 5 hours, which included a nice little stop thanks to a rock slide. As soon as we got off the ... read more
Gun shows that way...

we´re glad you all loved the pics!!...unfortunately, we won´t be posting anymore after today. camera broke yesterday...**sobs**. not quite sure what we´re going to do about it yet, but we´ll try to figure something out. BUT we managed to have a good day anyways. we spent the morning hiking the Fortuna waterfall, which was sooo pretty but too packed with turists. in the evening we took a tour through the rainforest, went to a lookout to watch the lava flow from Volcan Arenal, and then went do the Baldi hotsprings to relax. sigh, now that was nice! today we´re heading to Monteverde to do the ziplines and hike through the cloud forest (the same thing as a rain forest, but it´s elevation is so high that it´s in the clouds, so we´ve been told). we´ll ... read more

Today we took a shuttle from Samara to La Fortuna, home of Volcan Arenal (Arenal Volcano). It is sooo cool, we are staying in a ¨five star hostel¨in La Fortuna, a town right at the base. It is an active volcano and at night you can watch the lava flow. Tomorrow we are taking a tour at night so that we can get some good pics, and then are going to some hot springs!! ALSO, we just spent hours (literally) uploading photos to the old entries, so if you have time, show us some love and check them out. Make sure you click on ¨view full entry¨because some of them have lots of pics and they don´t all show up on the main page. XOXO... read more

url='/Videos/3731.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/3731.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'Flying ¡Hola, Amigos! Thank you for all of your comments in my last entry. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Let me know if you have any questions on anything I didn't cover and I'll definitely respond. Although I am having a great time in Costa Rica, the first week here felt more like two weeks. Not that I was bored or had a lot of free time(just the opposite, actually) but the week seemed to include two or more weeks along with it. I think most of the Spanish Immersion group felt the same way. I couldn't wait to pack my stuff up and ske'daddle for the weekend. San Jose was beginning to make me itch (literally). So, for the weekend, Lydia and I gathered our friends into a group of 6 (Samantha ... read more
Modeling the beautiful harness
Sam and me on a bridge on the way to the next line
A Peruvian lady from our tour learning a Maleku dance

Catarata de Rio La Fortuna I A 70m sparkling ribbon of pure water, cascades down from on high.Yesterday Jenny and I were determined to make it to the La Fortuna waterfall, and that we did. After paying a moderate entry fee (3,500 colones each) we walked down the trail to the falls. The LP guide book claims it´s rather challenging, ´think stairmaster with a view´but it´s really not difficult at all. There´s concrete steps! The whole way! On the way back up, Jenny was able to easily keep ahead of some reasonably fit-looking local guys, food poisoning and all. Part way down the trail there is a view point with what would be a great view, if not for one tree sticking right in the line of fire for basically any good photo. Isn´t there some ... read more
Catarata de Rio La Fortuna II
Catarata de Rio La Fortuna III
Catarata de Rio La Fortuna IV

Food Poisoning and Rivers Running Brown Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » La Fortuna By TicoTime May 26th 2007 Immaculate Scenery Caño Negro, in all its glory.Recall how we gushed about the best meal we´d had in the Teatro Nacional, in San José? Well we´ve been gushing for days, and paying for it aplenty. The entire time in the Caribbean side and our journey back to La Fortuna was fraught with headaches (of the loco local type and other of the melon kind) and stomach pains and let´s not forget, diarreha. Jenny got the worst of it. That´s because it was in her avocado chicken salad, full of sprouts and broccoli, and I just cleaned up her leftovers. So the first morning we were here (after suffering with it three nights in Cahuita, one more ... read more
Chicken of the Tree
Snake Fisher
Great White Heron

Okay... may be you're expecting Jenn again... tough, you're stuck with me again... I successfully hijacked her blog again! Psst... don't tell Jenn. So we made it to La Fortuna, just outside the wonderful Cloud Forest... in half an hour we're gonna go on the zip lines and fly among the trees like monkeys... Yesterday's travels were quite extraordinary... a long 6 hour bus ride stewing in the intense body heat of a packed unairconditioned bus in the humid heat of tropical paradise... however I had my companion, Jenn to keep me company by playing slugbug the whole way there... needless to say, slugbug failed miserably here in Costa Rica... I did read a book that astonisehed me with its inventiveness... nothing less than a grand comic fugue in the tradition of illogical absurdity that Don ... read more

Bussed it with the locals to La Fortuna for five hours and what a was like 35 degrees, no aircon, a hundred people packed in to the bus, David´s knees were round his neck, sweat blinding us and the bus broke down about six times....never again....arrived and booked into a really nice hostel with a swimming pool and stayed in a dorm to save a few squids....the bad thing about dorms is that if the toilet doesnt work that well and you were the last to use it when it broke...its pretty embarrassing...the blame lies with you and you have to sort the problem out...everytime you flushed the toilet, in our heads, the Jaws theme tune would come on, as small droplets of sweat form on our brows whilst panicking whether the toilet will work ... read more
Jenni On Lava Rock
Hot Springs...
Hot Springs...

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